Microsoft has released a codec package for working with RAW files in Windows 7 and Vista . The package can be downloaded for free from Microsoft. After you install the codecs on your computer in "Windows Explorer" Windows will display "preview" pictures in RAW format.
Microsoft has released a codec package for working with RAW files in Windows 7 and Vista , according to the website The Windows Blog. codecs package called Microsoft Camera Codec Pack is a free download from Microsoft. After you install the codecs on your computer in Windows Explorer will show preview images in RAW. In addition, support for RAW will appear in the program Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011. edit pictures in RAW using Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011 will be impossible. If the user wants to make to the picture, the program will copy photos in JPEG. This package contains information about the codec files RAW, cameras, created more than 120 models, including digital SLRs Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Sony and Olympus . Full list of models is by Microsoft. Under the RAW format means raw (ie not subjected to processing) image from the CCD camera. Cameras from different manufacturers recorded RAW files in various formats: Canon - in CRW and CR2, Nikon - NEF and in NRW, Pentax - PTX and in PEF and so on. Function shooting in RAW is more common in the mirror, not in compact cameras. In-owned Apple Mac OS X, support for RAW appeared in version 10.4 Tiger, which was released in 2005. Windows users to work with RAW files have to install third party software.