Valentine's Day approaching Microsoft's Win7 theme of "Rose"

2 weeks before Valentine's Day is, except for Valentine's, Valentine's Day roses, another hero comes. Rose is a symbol of love, the lover in the eyes of the most enchanting flowers.

In order to meet the upcoming Valentine's Day, Microsoft introduced the Windows 7 official theme of "Rose." This topic contains 10 Zhang Gaoqing wallpaper, resolution of 1920X1200, show a number of varieties of roses grace.
Official download link here:

Officially arrives on Google + Android Developers

From a few hours was officially opened GoogleProfile + Android Developers  the basis of the official community of users dedicated to the development of Android applications and the Android ecosystem in general.

So now you can add to their circles a new source of official information dedicated to the green robot. Of course you can alsofollow Google + .

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