They keep the news about the new Samsung Galaxy S3. According to the latest rumor from Digitime, always close to Asian suppliers, the new top range Samsung will have a display of 4.6 inches AMOLED Super Plus HD with a pixel density of 319ppi . This technology is currently used only on the Galaxy Tab 7.7, the top range of Samsung Tablet that integrates exactly a display associated with the Plus HD resolution. The Galaxy Plus S2 has no display but with resolution 800 × 480 pixels.
Being the successor S2, the new model could have a more defined and suffix Plus display technology Samsung is already available at home and, if everything is confirmed, it would be the most resolute AMOLED display ever created. In fact, unlike the HD display mounted on the Galaxy Nexus, the Plus version is non-pentyl, or allows to have a greater definition thanks to the greater number of subpixels with go to make up a single pixel.
This turns into a display of the contours of images or written than the pentyl version maintaining the undoubted quality of Super AMOLED technology. A news which is quite plausible and that might be realistic.
Note: Picture for illustration purposes only, it is not the Galaxy S3.