BattleFriends at Sea apk v1.0.0 Free Download for Android

He arrives on Play Store BattleFriends at Sea , probably the best available for the mobile platform battle and captures the player through a graphics really cared, 3D and very pleasant. A style of game that faithfully reproduces the classic rules of battle, but that adds to the experience with animations, settings and colors really beautiful.

There is the connection with Facebook to manage friends, standings and information through the social network. A game that is worth a try and that you should install.
Name: BattleFriends at Sea Developer: Tequila Mobile
Price: Free Install Apps from PC Download Now.

Microsoft: Windows 8 stop working in 2018?

In last week's news of a more jokes and commented on the web is certainly that relating to the sales of Windows 8 , sales "hampered" in some way from the old brother Windows XP. Users loyal to XP still form a large part of the market estimated in 45%, a "block" consists granite are not only the classic home users but also by companies and organizations scattered around the world.
Flying over the methods that Microsoft is planning to implement in order to facilitate this transition, primarily the retirement of XP defined in 2014, today's news tells us how the software giant is determined to repeat the same mistakes of the past, if error you can always talk to.

The latest news is this time the retirement date of Windows 8, we speak of course of that platform Mainstream. The company announced a date of "maturity" that supports the 2018, ie 6 years compared with 9 provided at the time of Windows XP. As shown in the table below, the Extended Support comes however to 2013 and covers almost 11 years, considering that Windows 8 was presented 25, October 2012.

As regards the version RT for Tablet is rumored instead of mainstream support will end in 2017. So a month after the debut is already talk of retirement, it will be a move to Microsoft due to criticism especially in a desktop environment?

The company meanwhile continues its promotion policy for Windows 8 even if it seems that works on Windows 9 are already in place.

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