Showing posts with label Android jelly beans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android jelly beans. Show all posts

Android Jelly Bean will have automatic functions?

Just yesterday, we learned that  Microsoft has released its new application exclusively for Android , Microsoft on {x} , through which you can automate the functions of  Android depending on the location and the particular context in which you are located.  This is still, however, to a third party application, thus not native Android . Instead, what we learn today is Google has thought about how to implement these functions in automatic Android natively, as can be seen from the patent filed by the Big G ​​.
Automatic features patented by Google are based on GPS location and information network , through which Android will automatically locate the place where you are located and start own functions or applications for the user to that particular context. Here is a picture depicting the figurative content of the patent.
For example, if we go to work in the office, Android  perhaps will make the application of the agenda through which we monitor all of our to do, or maybe start in the background to the application of e-mails related to our personal account of work , will launch specific applications about what we are doing and much more. Another example might be to activate the stereo Bluetooth headset when you drive, just to name a few fields of application.
Undoubtedly this will be the future of technology will increasingly shift toward mobility and the satisfaction of all (or almost) the needs of users. Ultimately, that this patent can be a signal that these new features may be introduced already in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean  that will be presented at the end of the year? Among the other times we are all now and patents.

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