Showing posts with label Indie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indie. Show all posts

"Because We May", an initiative that will put some games at a discount from 24 May

Because We May "is the name of ' initiative promoted by a group of indie game developers (or independent) to celebrate the online store , or better to celebrate their existence and the opportunities they provide to the developers themselves to publish their work with ease .
And what better way to celebrate the online store if not serving some indie games on pay-Store Play ? The fact is that many developers (even those who have contributed to the birth of the initiative) have registered to participate in the initiative (have until May 22) and, from May 24 until June 1st , we will find on the store dedicated to Android some of the best indie titles released in recent months.

It is unclear what will be the effective discount (probably depend on the developer to developer) but there is already an online list of some of the titles that will receive the reduced price. Among these are the protagonists of the last two titles Humble Bundle (there are small masterpieces such as World of Goo, Anomaly Warzone Earth HD , Canabalt ) and also such famous titles Shadowgun and Fieldrunners . In the meantime we leave you with the list incomplete at the time of those titles that will see over the next few days their reduced price with the promise of future updates when new games that will join the initiative.
  • World of Goo
  • Osmos
  • Snuggle Truck
  • Smuggle Truck
  • Smiles
  • Smiles HD
  • The Chicken Bandit
  • Cogs
  • Holiday Bonus
  • Holiday Bonus HD
  • Edge
  • Extended Edge
  • Canabalt HD
  • Zen Bound 2
  • Swords and Soldiers
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress
  • Skullpogo
  • Pro Zombie Soccer
  • Bean's Quest
  • Rebuild
  • Shadowgun
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth HD
  • Great Little War Game
  • These Robotic Hearts of Mine
  • Fieldrunners HD
  • Mobile Montessori
  • Pancakes!
  • Babylonian Twins Premium
  • Gunman Clive
  • Kraut Attack
  • Star Sloth

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