Showing posts with label Windows 8 Metro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows 8 Metro. Show all posts

When Windows 8 the Metro Office15 Metro fill ...

Office15 recently launched is still in technology preview of the testing phase , but we are not boot in Windows8, the interface to see how it is easy operations to improve efficiency, the contrary, once installed, you do Crazy Office15 file prepared? We are not for everyone to see the full functionality of all applications on the list of upcoming configuration. Once installed, Office15 would heap nearly 20 boot interface in your Windows8 .
Others I do not know, my practice is to adjust my boot interface must be re-installed Office15. As the WinSupersite asked Microsoft will these people crazy file to clean out what? We hope they can do.

The public preview version of Office15 will be launched this summer, and in the end of 2012, the Ultimate Edition.

Office 15 Win8 metro is what

Paul Thurrott published today in his blog, Microsoft Office 15 internal beta screenshots, all of these screenshots in Windows 8 Metro environment to complete, covering the installation of various components, start and use the experience Office15 like an evolution a milestone in both Office 2010 Gibbon, the UI, Metro elements together:

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