Showing posts with label pc android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pc android. Show all posts

APC, the first Android desktop PC. It will cost $49!

VIA , the renowned producer of components for PCs and other devices, has developed the first desktop PC in the world on board with Android called APC (Android PC). The device will cost $ 49 , and will include a case in which the motherboard is equipped with various inputs, which include both the classic PC is what you would normally expect from a device Android , such as the slot for the microSD .
The technical specifications of the device are as follows:
  • ARM 11 800 MHz processor
  • 2 GB internal NAND memory with microSD expansion slot (memory can be expanded thanks to the USB ports via mass storage devices)
  • 512 MB of RAM
  • VGA port
  • HDMI port
  • 4 USB ports
  • LAN port
  • audio / mic
  • Android OS 2.3 Gingerbread
As for the hardware side, the ' APC is not anything special, but its usefulness can be really huge when you consider future developments that the project may suffer. Probably, in no time at all, we could buy a Desktop PC with the latest version of Android and equipped with hardware that is much stronger than that.
Are opened, and then, other scenarios for Android that is confirmed to be the operating system more "malleable" on the market and which can be easily implemented in most of the devices.
Launch dates and regions have not yet been established by VIA , but as soon as you can learn about them, we'll update you. Do not know about you, but we definitely want to have one!
We leave you, finally, is the introductory video in which a first hands-on device. Enjoy the show!

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