How do I unlock the iPhone 4 on iOS 5.0.1 using Gevey SIM? Released late last year, updated iOS 5.0.1 is aimed at improving performance and fixing bugs. Many owners of the iPhone 4 using turbosim card Gevey SIM, are interested in migrating to this version of the operating system to Apple, but confuse the issue unlock the device. Today we want to offer you a statement with which you can update your iPhone 4 on iOS 5.0.1 and unlock using make Gevey SIM.
Gevey SIM can unlock iPhone with firmware version 4 modem (baseband) to 04/10/01. We'll show you how you can upgrade to iPhone 4 iOS 5.0.1 version while preserving baseband. For this we use Redsn0w 0.9.10b3, although there
PwnageTool for Mac , with the help of which you can also create custom firmware iOS 5.0.1.
If you update your iPhone to official firmware iOS 5.0.1, then lift the baseband to version 4.11.08. At present it can not be unlock any software or hardware solutions.
Download Redsn0w 0.9.10b3 for Mac or Windows
Download iOS 5.0.1 for iPhone 4 (official firmware)
Download iTunes 10.5.2 for Windows and Mac
Buy Gevey SIM on eBay or Amazon
How do I unlock the iPhone 4 on iOS 5.0.1 using Gevey SIM
Step 1 : Connect iGadgetto your computer and open Redsn0w.
Step 2 : Run Redsn0w and go to the section " Extras " -> " Custom IPSW " . Enter the official firmware iOS 5.0.1, downloaded from the link above.
Redsn0w start making custom file iOS 5.0.1.
Step 3 : Click on «Pwned DFU».
Step 4 : Make sure your iPhone is connected to the computer and turn off the smartphone.
Following the instructions on the screen move the iPhone in the mode DFU. To do this, hold the power button briefly, and then, without releasing it, press the Home button. After the screen goes blank, release the power button but continue holding Home for another 15 seconds.
Step 5 : Open iTunes, select iPhone in the left pane and then click Restore while holding the keyboard SHIFT (on Windows) or ALT (on Mac). Enter in box custom firmware file created using Redsn0w (name begins with NO_BB).
Congratulations! Now you can unlock your iPhone 4 on iOS 5.0.1 using Gevey SIM. The demonstration in the video below.