A few weeks ago appeared in the Apple rumor rumors about a different world Retina screen for Macs. On the internet revealed several screenshots of Mac's passing with a retinal screen where you saw all that much sharper. But unfortunately we can rumor had arisen because the higher HiDPI fashion is just set on your Mac if you use the Xcode developer tools. HiDPI the display mode to turn your Mac will automatically switch to high resolution display.
To switch to Xcode HiDPI you need. This can free download Mac app store. Once it is installed go to the Finder, and use the combination Shift + CMD ⌘ ⇧ + G In the following the new path:
/ Developer / Applications / Performance Tools /
Now you'll end up in a folder with two applications. Select the Quartz Debug tool and run it. Go to 'Window' and choose UI Resolution ⌘ 2.
Activate the option "Enable HiDPI display modes" and log your Mac.
Log back in and go to ▸ ▸ Displays System Preferences ..., select a display mode HiDPI. Your screen will now switch to the high resolution display.
Whether you play nice and fine HiDPI find operation is questionable, it does give a nice effect of how a Mac Retina could look see. Do not you? Then you can simply deactivate the function.