Showing posts with label Apple Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple Tips. Show all posts

How to fix API Error in Installous

If you have an iPhone or an iPad unlocked Jailbreak is very likely that you have discovered in Installous problems at least once.

The errors of Installous

  • API Error API unavailable
  • API Error API Permission Denied

Arise when using the application Installous at any point while you are performing a file download, or just when browsing categories.
In this post we will guide you to solve the error Installous!

First, we begin to explain what caused this problem. In fact there are two possible reasons

  • Server overload
  • AppSync
In the first case, there is little to do. This series is especially true when you release a new Jailbreak for iPhone and in the following days there is a spike in the use of the application.

In the second case, you must follow the following guide:

Step 1:
Make sure you are connected to a Wi-Fi network with an active internet connection.

Step 2:
Uninstall AppSync. Open Cydia> Manage> Packages, then AppSync open, edit> Remove> Done.

Step 3:
Restart the device

Step 4:
Install AppSync. Open Cydia> Sources Hackulous> then install AppSync.

Step 5:
Install Installous. Open Cydia> Sources Hackulous> then install installous

Step 6:
Open official AppStore and install any free application.

Step 7:
Open Installous and start installing apps without API error.

How to install Siri on iOS 6 for iPhone 4, 3GS and iPod touch jailbroken [Manual Instruction]

Want to install Siri on iOS 6? The developers of the project SiriPort released an important update to its package, which allows you to transfer voice assistant for Apple iPhone 4 and iPod touch functioning on the new OS.

In connection with the release of the new operating system was released update SiriPort (Original) 6, with which you can install Siri on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G and iPod touch 3G jailbroken. This tweak is not only installs the  GUI Siri , but also allows you to connect to servers and Apple to work with a voice assistant on the devices of previous generations. This package is available for free download from Cydia.

The list of supported devices:

  • iPhone 4 (GSM / CDMA)
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPod touch 4G
  • iPod touch 3G
The following instructions describe how to install a personal assistant Siri to iOS 6 for iPhone 4, 3GS and iPod touch:

Step 1 : Jailbreak your iDevice. To get the firmware iOS 6, you can use the latest version of Redsn0w. This tethered jailbreak, and is compatible with devices on a chip A4.

Step 2 : Launch Cydia and add the following repository to the program on siriport site.

Step 3 : Install SiriPort (Original) 6.

Step 4 : Go to the Settings menu and press Original «Install Certificate».

Step 5 : You will install the certificate page, click «Install Certificate» and confirm.

Step 6 : Restart your iOS-device.

Step 7 : Go to Settings -> General -> Siri voice assistant and run. Siri call and say «Hi Siri». If the program is said, everything is fine - you can use voice assistant Apple! Otherwise close Siri, wait 1-4 minutes and then run Siri.

Step 8 : Repeat the seventh step until at least until the activation of Siri.

Broke down the Home button on the iPhone and iPad? 4 ways to work out the problem

From time to time, the main button on the iOS mobile device becomes less responsive - starts to work with some delay or cease fire at all. In most cases, this is due to software failure and repair the problem is not too difficult. It happens that after a few years of active use of the mechanism of wear and Home buttons here need more serious intervention.
Be that as it may, revive iOS-devices can be without resorting to those skilled in the service center. There are four ways to solve a problem with a broken Home button on the iPhone and iPad.

Method 1 : Calibration programmatically

Sometimes the home button the iPhone and iPad becomes less responsive - starts to work with some delay. If this is due to software failure, you need to make the calibration procedure .

To do this, open any staffing application, such as weather or stock. Then, press and hold the power button for iOS-device until the strip off. Now you need to keep the Home as long as the bar is gone, and the running application is unloaded from memory. After that Home button will work as expected.

Method 2 : Adjust the position of the dock connector

In situations where the Home button on the iPhone and iPad does not respond to clicks, will help a little trick for which you will need a standard 30-pin cable. First you need to put the plug into the iPhone, and then put his finger under the plug and gently press it upward. After this will press the Home. You can now remove the power cord and test the device.

Method 3 : Use a spray WD-40.

Restore the worn-out machinery Home button on the iPhone and iPad can with known among motorists spray WD-40. This tool is used in weapons and aerospace, aviation, electromechanical industry.

Spray use in the home, eliminates squeaking doors, it can lubricate bicycle parts, locks, etc. WD-40 will approach the case with the iPhone - enough to splash the product on a dead button Home, then to 10.5 quick clicks. Usually it comes to life and starts to respond to pressing.

Method 4 : The software duplication

If the three previous methods did not work, apparently, the button really broken and it requires the intervention of specialists. As long as you do not return to the shop for repair, you can use the built-in OS function of the iOS software duplication.

To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility and turn on Assistive Touch , flick of a switch on top of the screen. Now press the circle, which will appear on the screen and in the window that appears, click on "Home." When you close the settings, you can at any time cause this button to return to the main screen.

In this case, it is a temporary solution that will use the iPhone and iPad, even with a broken button Home.

Mac OS X: A 'forgotten' password in Single User mode

When Mac OS X automatic login is disabled you will only have access to your Mac using your username and password types. If for whatever reason this password "lost" his hit than it is through the Single User mode possible to change the password without knowing the old password.
Naturally you can also perform this procedure on a different user than your own. This is useful if you have purchased a used Mac and password (no longer) know.

Take the following steps to change a user password.

1. Connect your Mac and turn it on again with the cmd + S keys until a black screen with white text appears.

2. Use the following command to mount OS X:

mount  -uw  /
4. Start the daemon open directory:

launchctl load / System / Library / LaunchDaemons /
5. Use the command below for a list of users who use your Mac:

ls  / Users
6. Then use the dscl command to change the password, replace "user" by the name of the user in step 5 and change 'password' in the password for this user what you want to use.

dscl. passwd  / Users / user password
After changing the command it is possible that an error occurs, this can be ignored.

7. Leaves below the single user mode with reboot command:

After leaving the Single User mode, the graphical interface of Mac OS X will appear and you can login with the username and password you obtained in step 6 is entered.

A reset of password gives you access to your Mac again, however, remains the keychain access is closed, this can only be unlocked using the original password set.

iPhoto with Dropbox or Google Drive

The online storage services like Dropbox and Google drive are becoming increasingly popular, this is mainly due to the fact that the files you place on such a service anywhere in the world are approachable and can be automatically synchronized between all your different devices.
It is also possible to use the iPhoto library in combination with DropBox or Google drive. When you use this picture library you will always have the same content as the changes are automatically synchronized.

If you want to move the iPhoto library to an online storage service then you move the library. By default, iPhoto photo library stored in the folder:

home Images iPhoto library.

The 'iPhoto Library' you can use the Finder to easily move or copy Dropbox or Google drive. After it is copied, double click on the 'iPhoto Library' and iPhoto will automatically open the library from the Google Drive or Dropbox folder.

When the library opens, you can correct any of the original 'iPhoto Library' removal from the home. If iPhoto when you start the wrong 'iPhoto Library' to open the library or not able to find then close iPhoto and start it again with the option key. This gives you the ability to manually select the photo library.

To synchronization errors with the photo library to avoid it is recommended that the iPhoto application only open on a Mac simultaneously.

Mac OS X: how to free space on your hard disk erasing

When you delete a file on the hard disk of your Mac, then the file via Finder not found. The file is still present just on the hard disk. When deleting a file is a flag placed in the file so this is no longer visible, the data is still present on the hard disk until it is overwritten by other data. With the help of a recovery application there is the possibility of the deleted files retrieved by wismar barrier in the file system to remove.
A file so what you have deleted is not immediately disappear from your hard drive but will really be lost if the available disk space is overwritten with new data.

If you work with sensitive information than it is with the Mac OS X disk utility possible to become available disk space to overwrite with zeros. This makes the recovery of applications not possible to retrieve deleted files from the hard disk.

You can do this as follows:

1. Open Disk Utility and select your hard disk.

2. Click on the tab 'Clear'

3. Click the "Erase Free Space ..."

4. You can now set how often the freed disk space must be overwritten with zeros. You have to override the choice of 1, 3 or 7 times. In most cases, 3 times overwriting the best solution that meets the safety of the U.S. Department of Energy.

5. Click the button "Erase free space" to start the process.

While executing your Mac will react slower because much disk activity will occur. The duration of the process depends upon the number of times data is overwritten and the current free disk space.

Top Five tips for iOS Mail app

Mail remove access screen
Since iOS 5.0 is the message center by default on every iPhone , iPhone or iPod Touch. This keeps all messages stored in a handy list that is easily accessed by a swipe motion from the top of the screen down.
If you have many e-mail one day it may happen that the mail notification in the access screen of your iDevice the upper hand. Turn on Notification Settings >>>In Mail screen access the option. This option prevents mail notification not access the screen is visible, but still in the message center.

Add events from Mail
When you receive an email with a suggestion in there for an appointment, you can add from the Mail application on your agenda without needing to open the calendar application. Open the email and tap on the blue underlined date or time that is indicated. Select the option "Create activity. Enter any additional information and select the option 'ready'. Be automatically added to your appointment calendar and synchronized with icloud.

Add image to current call
You can send a picture via the photo application on your iDevice to select the desired image and then using the "more" button to send via email. When you are in an existing call to add a photo and using the above way forward you automatically start a new conversation. However you can also add an image to a message.
Reply to the message from the sender, make any desired text. To add an image to the current message, open the image in the camera application, tap on the image for a few moments until the message "Copy" appears. Tap "copy" and return to your e-mail message, double-tap on the spot where the image should be placed, then tap on 'paste' the image to place in the message.

Text Resize
It is possible to change the text size of your messages to adjust so they are easier to read in certain rebellious today or if you have a visual disability. The text size can be adjusted via: Settings > E-mail, contacts, calendars > Min. text size . Select small, medium, large, extra large or huge as text size. By default, the text size 'Normal'.

Sound notification adjust
If you have a new e-mail notification sound you hear as the standard "ping" sound, this may in some cases disturbing and very dominating. However, you can select a different sound for a new e-mail.
This option is not it back in the Mail Setup. To select a different sound notification to set go to: Settings >> Sounds New e-mail . Select the desired tone, this new tone is immediately active.

How to HiDPI resolution display mode activation in Mac OS X Lion

A few weeks ago appeared in the Apple rumor rumors about a different world Retina screen for Macs. On the internet revealed several screenshots of Mac's passing with a retinal screen where you saw all that much sharper. But unfortunately we can rumor had arisen because the higher HiDPI fashion is just set on your Mac if you use the Xcode developer tools. HiDPI the display mode to turn your Mac will automatically switch to high resolution display.

To switch to Xcode HiDPI you need. This can free download Mac app store. Once it is installed go to the Finder, and use the combination Shift + CMD ⌘ + G In the following the new path:
/ Developer / Applications / Performance Tools /
Now you'll end up in a folder with two applications. Select the Quartz Debug tool and run it. Go to 'Window' and choose UI Resolution ⌘ 2.

Activate the option "Enable HiDPI display modes" and log your Mac.
Log back in and go to  Displays System Preferences ..., select a display mode HiDPI. Your screen will now switch to the high resolution display.

Whether you play nice and fine HiDPI find operation is questionable, it does give a nice effect of how a Mac Retina could look see. Do not you? Then you can simply deactivate the function.

Latest Top 25 Awesome iPhone 4 Tips and Tricks 2012

I have written to you here are a few tips and tricks. One or the other can sometimes even the experienced iPhone users to be new. Further down there are instructions that I recommend only the experienced users. These are not needed under normal circumstances. . At the bottom are some useful links from Apple when I was still catching the eye I complete the list - you are allowed but also like your tips and tricks on the port! SizloCore

Latest Top 25 Awesome iPhone 4 Tips and Tricks 2012

  • Redial : To save some time can be repeated, a manually typed phone number by pressing the keypad (up empty), the telephone handset. The last dialed number appears. So you can avoid the thinning of the call list.
  • In a list at the top or side quickly scrolling: simply click on the top taskbar (where as operators, are Clock, etc.) again.
  • Screenshots : Press the Power button and immediately after (or simultaneously), the Home key. Very pleasant to information without copy and paste to save quickly. The screenshot can be found then in the photos.
  • Save PDF documents on the iPhone : Invites you iBooks (free) from Apple AppStore. Now you have the opportunity to open PDF documents and save them there. These are also considered for synchronization.
  • Programs terminate properly (save battery!): The pressure is on the home button for iOS4 nothing really ended, but only frozen and minimized. Now presses the Home button twice and you will see a list of these programs. Press and hold on an icon enables you now to stop these programs really (print icon on the top left of each).
  • Rotation (Landscape) Block : He who does not, the landscape in its applications, or in some situations desires can wipe by double pressing the home button to the left, and sees NEBS iPod controls and a button to lock the horizontal format. An icon in the taskbar at the top right you know then points to the active lock.
  • Mail designs for quick restoration: Suppresses simply hold on the icon for "New Mail" (pencil on squared). This saves you look at the way in the mail folder to see the designs.
  • Music control, while being banned (lockscreen): Just press the home button twice.
  • Quickly save contacts : In order not to go into the contacts menu, simply typing the phone number on the keypad. Links Below you will find the + symbol. Here you can now create a new contact, etc.
  • Entered or to the clipboard down phone numbers on the keypad of the window can also be copied and pasted.
  • Voice control (especially practical uses when the headphones and the iPhone in a trouser pocket. Long press the control button d. headphones (or pressing the Home button) activates the voice control where you can operate the iPod using voice, but also for example. "reputation first name last name" ( at several numbers you can also say "Call first name last name mobile, otherwise ask the iPhone to ) say, to call that contact.
  • Apps on homescreen alphabetically Sort: Settings- General- Reset- Home Screen
  • Properly manage contacts : Less is definitely not! I made ​​myself long ago the trouble my contacts neatly with first and last name, address, where relevant, work, mail, etc. provide photo. Apple understands very well to have harmony among the programs. So one can immediately make contact addresses in Google Maps, email does not address, but only the Name of person to be entered, etc.
  • % Indicator for battery settings- general- use
  • Hidden characters on the keyboard: Many keys (not just a, o and u) for longer keystroke can pop up on the keypad overlay. including, for example. when ". com" button, which then provides various domain extensions available
  • Web sites store on your home screen as an icon : In Safari, press the plus icon, then click "Add to Home Screen"
  • Precise Scrolling in iPod (music and film): Typing on the circle in the scrollbar. Instead of staying at the same height and just move left and right, "pulls" the control circuit (imaginary) down. This allows much finer back and be gone.
  • Make camera focus : Not always is the foremost object of that which wants to be photographed. Can bypass the auto-focus camera to make the self-focus. To do this press your finger on the sharp object to alternate until the rectangle appears. Then you can make her the photograph.
  • Delete emails quickly : you must not click on "Edit" or open the mail to delete it, but can strike in the mail appears just about to delete the mail, so a delete button appears. The same thing applies in a variety of applications ...
  • Pictures from the Internet secure : Either screenshot as described above (though even then you have the taskbar and controls on it), or press and hold on the image until the popup menu pops up.
  • Soft reset / restart of the iPhone: Press and hold times when it gets stuck, then just at the same time the Home button and Power button until the phone restarts. Then release both simultaneously.
  • Immediately terminate a hung-up program : More than 6 seconds, press the Home key.
  • Quickly followed by a point blank in the sentence or insert at end: double-click the space bar (can be disabled in the settings). 

Pressures on just the microphone, then this button is pressed! Functions: During a call rings: Press once to answer the call twice to pass the call to voicemail during a call: Press once to hang up during a telephone conversation when signaling a second call: press once to hold the first call and answer the call for two seconds and release to ignore the second call : Without ongoing conversation Press once to activate iPod Press once to pause the current track , press twice to skip to the next track at any time press long to call for the voice control. Restore Mode ( for advanced players ): The "Restore Mode" is a state of repair and shows the iPhone is the symbol of USB connection and iTunes . On iTunes can be made ​​a backup. A downgrade to an earlier firmware version is not possible. first The current iPhone to connect cable to your Mac or PC, iTunes start second At the same power button (above) and home button (below) hold the third Hold (red slider appears), the iPhone turns off 4th After the appearance of the apple release the power button (above), press the Home button on fifth The iPhone shows then a iTunes plug icon with DFU Mode ( for advanced users! ): In the "DFU Mode" (download firmware update) the firmware downgrade is possible, but no backup. The iPhone has a black screen. first as described above perform steps 1-3 second release at a black screen after 4 seconds, the top button while still holding home Button (the iPhone screen remains black, no Apple logo visible!) 4th iTunes reports after 5-10 seconds, it had recognized the iPhone in the state of repair while now one "old" (Mac) or "Ctrl" (Windows) expresses, in iTunes, click on "Restore". In iTunes, opens a dialog box with the firmware (you can buy for download on the Internet) can be selected. ! Caution This operation will erase all data on the iPhone and put it back to factory default. Restore Mode force ( for advanced players ): The iPhone may be forced into restore mode, if nothing else helps. Apple describes this process here in the support documents. First Make sure that at least iTunes 7.5 or later installed. Apple recommends the most recent iTunes version. Start iTunes . 2nd Pull the USB cable from the iPhone from third Turn iPhone off 4th Connect the USB cable to the iPhone, while the home button is held down. The iPhone should now turn on again. iTunes now reports that an iPhone has been detected in the state of maintenance. Left: iPhone user manuals, product description, product information etc. Visual voicemail settings from Apple Tip: When operator demand any problems are solved very quickly! Recommendable blog of one of our Visitors.

iPhone 4S can be unlocked without the hardware and software intervention

This unlocking allegedly allows AT & T version of the iPhone 4S in the networks of T-Mobile, and for its implementation will require a properly trimmed in size SIM card of the operator as well as a number of simple steps, including: insert the original SIM card AT & T

  • Dial number 611 support subscriber AT & T and reset the call
  • Insert mode on the plane
  • Remove the SIM card from AT & T and insert it into an analogue of T-Mobile
  • Make sure that the Wi-Fi is disabled (in network settings, you can click on the item "Forget this network" so that your smartphone is not connected to it automatically)
  • Disable operation in the plane, then iPhone will look for the network.
  • You will see a notification "is required to activate"
  • Then automatically activates EDGE - in the upper left corner of the screen the letter E
  • Wait about 20-30 seconds and turn off the smartphone
  • Turn the iPhone, then re-appear on the screen warning "Requires activation"
  • After the appearance of one bar of signal level, click on the item 'Use the connection to the network "
  • Take out the SIM card, and then again get the message "Requires activation"
  • Finally, insert the SIM card from T-Mobile's back and use at your pleasure unlocked device. 
We add that this method is also applicable to iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 , but after a reboot the mobile device you will need to again go through this procedure. Apparently, the trick should work not only at T-Mobile, but it has not yet been confirmed by practical trials. Finally, we note that in this paper, we do not consider the ethical and legal aspects of the procedure unlock, and all experiments in this regard should solely at your own risk of and conscience.

How to automatically add color labels to emails in Mac OS X

When you receive a daily dose of email messages is difficult to clutter your inbox. OS X Mail allows you to email messages you receive on entry to provide a color label. Personally, I think a lot more convenient than the direct transfer of email messages to a specific folder, the probability that it helps them go unnoticed is quite large.

The color labels with the email you can e-mail messages that meet certain criteria with a color. I receive many comments on daily articles, these emails always start with the subject: "[Apple tips] comment. Here use filtering and a color label to grant these types of emails very quickly reflected in my inbox.

How do you automatically assign color labels?

1. Go in to the OS X Mail preferences menu.
2. Click on the "Rules" icon
3. Add a new line with the 'Add rule'
4. Give the rule a name
5. Specify the criteria that an email must satisfy.
6. Select the task "Set color" and select a text or background color.
7. Click "OK"

Then you get another window where you can choose to see the newly created rule to implement the existing emails in your inbox. After adding the line is automatically performed on all incoming email messages.

[Mac OS X] How to Troubleshooting Trash

Sometimes users OS X face the challenge of cleaning baskets of it contains the deleted files and directories.

That's our chief Mikhail today called on Twitter:

How to clean the trash? Removed backups in a basket and now these files are not removed

Most often these problems are related precisely to the fact that usually in such cases, said she OS X - something like "The file you want to remove is used by another program" . And this is indeed the case. Most users do not consider the fact that closing the window and its completion in OS X is not the same thing (as opposed to Windows). Typically, in such cases, the problem of cleaning baskets solve simple enough.

Just need to figure out what program can open the file, which can not be removed from the Recycle Bin , complete this program ( Cmd + Q ) and try again to clean shopping cart . This usually helps.

But in some cases (namely, a similar case and ran into Michael) previous advice does not help and it's usually associated with the violation of system permissions for the deleted file or directory. And in such cases, the problem is solved by a simple command to be executed by running . Here is the command:

sudo rm-r. / .Trash / *

This command will need to enter your password. As a result, you get what you achieved:

PS But Michael was not looking for easy ways! And to do otherwise. He just found a program that actually executes the above command. And thus decided to do my problem. Well, it is also a good option.

How to Fixes bug when updating to iOS 5

The new operating system for Apple devices like the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPhone makes use of the devices more user-friendly. Example by ensuring that you can wirelessly update just now, rather than through iTunes. But unfortunately, does the latest update via iTunes is not flawless. Fortunately the remedy.

With the update to iOS iOS 4 5 have quite a few users reported that they get error messages so that the unit refuses to perform the update. We too have experienced the error itself, and indeed, the update immediately separates it from. After trying literally twenty times succeeded yet, but there is also a method that directly works well. You must do this first iOS5 have downloaded firmware (but you probably have, otherwise you even got the error message). Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes. Connect the device to the computer, launch iTunes and right click on the name of the device (eg iPhone ... ) and then click Backup . Then click on transfer purchases in the same menu, to make sure that you also like your apps and not lost (because the iPhone is erased).

Make sure you first back up and transfer purchases.

The trick lies in the fact that we will restore the device, instead of updating. The difference is that the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPhone first completely erased. Make sure the firmware file in the folder C: \ Users \ User \ AppData \ Roaming \ Apple Computer \ iTunes \ iPhone Software Updates where User name is obviously your user account and iPhone also iPod or iPhone can be called, depending on The device you are using. Now click with the Shift key pressed the button Restore and browse to the firmware file. Once you open it, the device is restored using the new firmware you downloaded.

By restoring instead of updating, the update once it succeeds.

When the update is complete, your device on iOS 5, but is completely empty. Click again, right on the device and select Restore From Backup . Once this is done (this may take a while), you synchronize the device with your iTunes library (which you have transferred before the purchase), and you have iOS 5 and your own data.

How to iOS: AE / AF locking in camera app of iPhone

On the iPhone, the camera has an auto focus (AF) and Auto Exposure (AE) function. When the camera moves slightly he will automatically adjust focus and exposure so that you do not overexposed photos or videos get. It is also possible to use the auto focus lock. It can be useful when shooting a person and if you want to create a blurred background which gives a nice effect.

The function AE / AF-locking has been around since iOS 4 are present, but is not yet known to everyone. Using the camera lock will not automatically focus on objects, but only on a selected object and then the exposure is well adapted.

Lock the focus is very simple. Normally when tapped with your finger on the screen with the camera app you see squares appear so that you can focus.

To the AE / AF lock to keep your trigger finger a few seconds on screen. You see a few times the square appearance. After a few seconds remove your finger from the screen and there above the shutter button, AE / AF lock. Now the focus is locked and will not auto focus.

A very useful feature, sometimes it is not nice that the camera will focus when suddenly you do not want. The lock can counter this. The lock works on both the photo and video camera.

How to Windows NTFS read AND write on Mac OS X

By default, Mac OS X volumes (partitions / hard drives) that are formatted with the Windows NTFS file structure just read. The NTFS file system driver for OS X is simply not possible to write, in all likelihood a commercial interest here lies behind.

Now it is of course handy that you can exchange files with a Windows user on a NTFS formatted hard disk. There are several commercial products available such as Paragon NTFS for Mac, but it is also free and even better!

First download the latest version of MacFuse and install it.

MacFuse enables file system drivers to the kernel without the need to be added. It is a user side framework in which you can add exotic file formats.

Second install NTFS-3G This is a file system driver that you add to the MacFuse framework. There are two versions to download. The "stable" is the most secure and stable option and the "ublio" is a speed optimized version. It is wise to opt for the "stable" version, the "ublio" can corrupt your NTFS volume when you put a USB hard drive from your Mac without your neatly unmounting it first.

After you have installed NTFS-3G and your Mac has restarted, you can read and write to NTFS volumes. The tool provides an automount feature so no additional action is required. Convenient as that!

As an additional offer NTFS-3G also possible to format NTFS volumes with Disk Utility. An addition, you will also now choose from "Windows NT File System (NTFS-3G).

NTFS volumes to monitor and restore you can use the va ntfsfix tool. For all options of the tool, type: man ntfsfix

How to Time Machine status check

Worry can make backups of your Mac with OSX 10.5 Leopard Time Machine. If Time Capsule is configured, you always have a backup of your files. When a backup is started, the information about the Time Capsule state is limited to brief descriptions. In the system log files is much more information regarding the status of the backup process can be found. These log files can be found in the "Console" application under the process name "backupd"

Launch Applications / Utilities / Console and select in the left column in the log file "system.log". Now type in the top right of the search window backupd "therefore, all entries relating to Time Machine filtered out of the entire system log files.

The log messages you may choose to find how much data is backed up, current status and whether any problems have occurred.

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