Teneo HD, Theme for iPhone

In 2010 I introduced the topic Teneo , a very original theme with pastel colors, very complete it changed completely the springboard! I return now two years later with the splendid theme Teneo HD that keeps all the positive points of Teneo while adding key high definition! In addition 100% compatible iOS 5!
Installing the Theme:
Or theme for those not working PRESS "Optimize Themes (v1.0)" in Winterbaord!
Compatible with iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPod Touch 4 and iOS 4 iOS 5.
Download the theme Teneo HD by murdercitydevil

WhatsApp Messenger said bye bye to the App Store

WhatsApp Messenger , the application that allows you to receive instant messages to your friends, colleagues and family members, but also sounds and images (free MMS) has been removed from the App Store . Blame it on a big security problem that the publisher has posted on his Twitter account.
With this flaw, it is possible to change the status of a user without having to identify themselves. Nevertheless, the time that this security hole is filled (a new version already been sent to Apple by the publisher), Apple wanted to be cautious and therefore withdrew its application shop online.

Once the new version available on the App Store, we can only advise you to make the leap of SMS (or IMessage) at WhatsApp, not least that in order to easily send sounds to a friend or colleague but also to enjoy the great usability of the application.

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