Showing posts with label App Store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label App Store. Show all posts

The number of applications in the App Store surpassed 775,000, downloads - more than 40 billion

According to an official Apple, the number of downloads of applications from the online store App Store, opened in 2008, has exceeded 40 billion, and accounted for half of the downloads in 2012. Clarifies that it is 40 billion unique downloads without re racing and software updates.

Community of developers created more than 775,000 applications for the owners of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch from 155 countries around the world, including more than 300,000 programs written specifically for the iPad. According to Apple, last December was a record for the store.

"It was a great year for the community iOS-developers" - said vice-president of Apple's Internet services Eddy Cue. According to a top manager from the opening App Store developers company donated more than $ 7 billion.

App Store users have access to applications submitted in 23 different categories, including newspapers and magazines available in the Kiosk, games, business, news, sports, health and fitness, and travel. Also in Apple reported that the number of active user accounts in the system App Store has exceeded 500 million.

The results fell short of forecasts for a California company analysts Gartner, who expected the App Store will record up to 2012 about 21 billion downloads, and will remain the leader in this segment. Only on the results in December 2012, mobile device users have downloaded from the Apple App Store for about two billion copies of applications.

Note that the directory main rival App Store - store software for Android-devices Google Play - as of November 2012, an estimated 700 000 development.

Apple employees will be free to download applications from the App Store

By New Year's holidays, Apple decided to make a special gift to their employees. During a recent meeting, the company announced the launch of a new program for employees Apple Store retail stores under the name App Discovery.

According to MacRumors, citing informed sources inside Apple, access the program App Discovery, employees will be free to download for themselves many popular paid applications from the App Store.

Apple leadership program designed not only to a better understanding of workers in the software for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, but also as an additional incentive bonus for employees.
Note that a Californian company employee also receives a substantial discount on the purchase of any computer running Mac OS X in the amount of $ 500. The discount does not apply only to the tiny Mac mini, the price of which starts from $ 599. In addition, employees can get a discount of $ 250 for the purchase of any model of the tablet iPad.
Starting a new program App Discovery is scheduled for this week.

Speedometer apk v1.0 Download Free for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

Speedometer is a new application for iPhone available in App Store at a cost of $0.99, which has all the features necessary to monitor the current speed, maximum speed and distance traveled with a graphic and a very well maintained smooth and realistic animation. Speedometer can be used virtually anywhere there is moving: when jogging, in your car, public transport, in a plane, walk, etc..
Speed ​​is displayed in MPH or KPH and anytime you can monitor the speed and distance traveled. You can reset the odometer and the maximum speed in real time and it's all just a click away. Thanks to the HUD (Head-Up Display) we will be able to project the values ​​to the right of the speedometer on the windshield of our car, the transition to the projection mode by simply double-tap on the screen.
You can also adjust the brightness, to avoid being distracted while driving, and to do so just scroll your finger up or down, adjusting the brightness is also useful to save energy, make your speedometer more readable in full light or when driving at night so that the speedometer does not distract from driving.
Speedometer apk v1.0 Download from App Store.

A minor update to Facebook iPad

Not to rave about either ... unfortunately! developers Mark Zuckerberg we gratify a pretty average update whose only real novelty is the support for the Retina display for the iPad 3. I finally cut this update at this point alone would be in bad faith ... Explanations.
Among the novelties of this minor update, there are bug fixes (ok I stop the evil spirit), we thus find:
  • The opportunity to put on when you are offline chat.
  • Your friends list includes all your friends.
  • Pictures of people who like a facebook page load correctly (it was about time)
  • Your Friend Request icon turns on only when you really have a friendship request (haha!)
  • etc..
Anyway ...! As I told you ...

Apple gains increases to 70% of developers who adhere to IAD

How many of you already know, is the iAd mobile advertising program set up by Apple to introduce advertising and engaging in interactive mobile application on its App Store. And 'news today that the weekend just past, Apple has informed all developers have increased the gains you get from the platform , taking them from 60% to 70%.
Apple, therefore, proves once again to encourage developers to use its mobile advertising platform into their applications by increasing the gains that the developers themselves can get hosting these campaigns.

"We made the following changes to the Developer Agreement for Advertising Services iAd network, which will take effect immediately.
- The share of income for developers about the network iAd is now 70%. "

This move had already been anticipated in February by Adage , which already included an increase of share of profit for developers who adopt iAd within their app.
The increase in earnings, therefore, represents an incentive to try to entice developers to join the network of advertising for Apple thus increasing the spread of iAd banner applications, a factor that can not be excluded and undervalued, could lead to lower pricing application and dissemination of a growing number of free ones.

WhatsApp Messenger said bye bye to the App Store

WhatsApp Messenger , the application that allows you to receive instant messages to your friends, colleagues and family members, but also sounds and images (free MMS) has been removed from the App Store . Blame it on a big security problem that the publisher has posted on his Twitter account.
With this flaw, it is possible to change the status of a user without having to identify themselves. Nevertheless, the time that this security hole is filled (a new version already been sent to Apple by the publisher), Apple wanted to be cautious and therefore withdrew its application shop online.

Once the new version available on the App Store, we can only advise you to make the leap of SMS (or IMessage) at WhatsApp, not least that in order to easily send sounds to a friend or colleague but also to enjoy the great usability of the application.

The Xbox Live could arrive quickly on iPhone OS

Judging from a job ad posted by Microsoft a few days ago, the U.S. based company may be about to bring the experience of Xbox Live iPhone OS and other mobile platforms, creating a new "refreshing" all ' App Store .
The job description is as follows:

The team of Xbox Live Mobile is seeking a passionate and experienced developer to join us and Xbox LIVE for entertainment experiences on various mobile platforms.  While the team within IEB (Interactive Entertainment Business), dedicated to the mobile experience, working closely with the software team of the console , the Xbox LIVE team works to bring gaming and entertainment experience on mobile platforms, including Windows Phone, iPhone OS and others.

Although the wording is vague, the particularly interesting is that what the job ad specifically mentions IOS and other mobile platforms, suggesting that Microsoft is not interested in maintaining the contents of Xbox Live exclusively on Windows Phone.

Facebook has acquired Digital Staircase, an application developer for iOS

Of Facebook, a leader in social networking without much marketing noise start-up company acquired Digital Staircase, which earned a name for himself creating photo-(StereoCam, SmartSplice) and video-(MovieCam, MovieCam Go) applications for the mobile platform Apple iOS.

Financial terms were not disclosed, but Digital Staircase mentions that the absorption will bring its innovation to a wider audience. Probably, this is a multimillion audience of social network Facebook.

As for iOS-programs in the portfolio company Digital Staircase, they will remain in the App Store Apple App Store until 5 December. All those who acquire them before that time or had already acquired, will continue to use them, if they wish.

Video calls on Facebook? It is now possible with video chat for Facebook Vichat Pro

Facebook has recently decided to add video to your social network, and thanks to  Vichat for Facebook Video Chat Pro , we take advantage of this functionality on our iPhone and iPad. 4, which runs on both iPhone models of the previous generation, the same situation with iPad. 

We see the features:

  • Chat to Facebook
  • Voice calls to our friends at Facebook
  • Video calls to our friends at Facebook
  • Emoticons
 Vichat for Facebook Video Chat Pro
Developer: Timeslark Inc
Rating: 4 +
Price: 0.79 EUR DOWNLOAD from AppStore

The FBI released its first iPhone application

Federal Bureau of Investigation released its first application for smartphone iPhone, which was named Child ID . The program works as a kind of digital passport, which stores information about your child. You can download an application in the photo of the child, as well as introduce its physical characteristics such as height and weight.

The application has several functions, and the first one is that if your child suddenly lost in a park or airport, you can quickly bring the program to local security officers or police . In addition, the application can call 911 at the touch of a button, as well as contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Another function of the application allows you to quickly send an email about the missing child to the appropriate authorities.

For those who are concerned about the integrity of their personal lives, the FBI said on its website that the application does not collect or store any images or data to be loaded into the phone. All information contained locally on your iPhone as long as you choose to send the data to the bodies. Perhaps the only drawback, seen by observers in the Child ID, is that you can set the application password. After all, if your phone falls into the hands of a malicious user who wants to harm you and your family, information about children can be very useful for him.

Child ID application is available for free download from the App Store now. In addition, the FBI announced that soon there will be versions of this program and for devices to other mobile platforms.

Apple fights fakes new claim

After the Chinese surprised the entire world the scale of their skills, "cloning", creating some fake retail Apple, kupertinovtsy decided to defend its trademark in court. Apple filed suit against 50 "imagined defendants" - an unnamed company to charges of illegally using the trademark with the requirement to close the "fake" stores and to prohibit such activities in future. The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York City, parts of it are not disclosed.

But some of the names of participants in the case yet known - is a kind of company «Apple Story Inc.», Which opened a store of the same name - a copy of the original "apple" store, leading a successful retail their products. Such fake «Apple Story» opened in the vicinity of Flushing in Queens, New York, a lawsuit against Apple filed it in Brooklyn.

In the photo depicting »Apple Story», published BirdAbroad, visible products Apple, located in the windows, similar to the large copy of the Apple iPhone and iPad. The rest of the creators of the New York magazine went so far do not like the Chinese, who made a very complex fraud. Some of them shop in Kunming looks absolutely copies of the original apple store, even the staff are dressed in blue shirts are the same.

This Thursday, trying to contact Samuel Joseph Chiang (Samuel Joseph Chuang) - lawyer representing Apple Story Inc., Fun Zone Inc., And Dzheynikom by Chiang (Janic Po Chiang), to clarify the exact nature of the lawsuit filed by Apple . But at the time of this publication is a response from them has not yet received.

Since the nature of action is unknown, it is not clear yet, whether it is just Apple Story Inc. New York, or the accused is also foreign companies. Perhaps, Apple still does not know exactly who it belongs to these fake shops, and decided the accused (without counsel) to indicate the imaginary 50 defendants, tentatively called " John Doe ".

Another name which appears in the lawsuit, is the general term "the Company XYZ», without specifying the total. And finally, the name of a named Jimmy Quoc (Jimmy Kwok), also without a lawyer.

Interests Apple Introduces a New York attorney Mark Matterperl (Mark N. Mutterperl) and Todd Ryan Hembridzh (Todd Ryan Hambridge) of the Company Fulbright & Jawardi LLP.

In the accompanying documents, it stated that Apple lawyers in this Tuesday, contacted a lawyer Chiang (Chuang), and both sides confirmed the court agreed to an autopsy of the claim. But access to them as long as they have only lawyers and the judiciary, for the rest of the details of action remain unknown.
After the fake the Apple Store attracted worldwide attention, the city of Kunming began their investigation. Outraged customers who have time to shop in these stores, began to return goods purchased, requiring proof that they are genuine, not cheap Chinese fakes. Two fake, it was decided to close shop due to lack of documentation required for trading. But copyright infringement on Chinese law authorities Kunming still silent.

Developers update their range of applications App Store for iOS 5

Developers have started to update the software range App Store, to ensure application compatibility with future operating systems Apple iOS 5 for iPhone and iPad, but so far none of the applications do not explicitly call «iOS 5" as compatible with their operating system.

One of the earliest approved applications that are compatible with iOS 5 is " Camera + "from the developer Tap tap tap. As the Cult of Mac, in the description of program features version 2.2.3 Camera + application stated that it is compatible with future operating system, whose name is still impossible to call. Was more outspoken Mashable, which this week updated its software application for iPhone to version 1.5.4 and reported that the update is fully compatible with iOS 5.

The software update can explain how a nice allusion to the fact that the yield of 5 can take place iOS earlier than many had expected, based on the statement about Apple Fall release.

However, despite the fact that some software products are now "compatible" with iOS 5, most of the latest range of App Store are still based on the use of API iOS 4.3, provided by Apple. Developers can test applications for compatibility with iOS 5, using the latest beta - version of the new OS.

While there is no clear indication that Apple started to formally approve the application created on the basis iOS 5 API. Last year, for example, Apple has officially started taking applications on the basis of iOS 4.0 API only 10 days before the software update came out and presented its new features, including multi-tasking. This could mean that any application for iOS 5, already on the App Store, can not fully take into account all the benefits of the upcoming update. It is known that in iOS 5 developers can take advantage of new features - it's Notification Center (a new way to conveniently view and manage notifications), Newsstand (virtual newsstand), system integration with Twitter, and more.

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