As we learned from posts on Twitter, Apple held a series of manipulations with their servers for activation of smartphones iPhone, resulting in the method of SAM-unlock completely stopped working .
Members iPhone, which does not have time to activate their devices for this technology, no longer able to do so. The good news is that by making a backup copy of the records of activation (User backup using Redsn0w is available here ), you can always restore the unlock. How do we explain below.
Note : assumes that you saved a backup copy of the folder Lockdown to your account at Dropbox. Implement a backup can be any other way, but Dropbox offers one of the easiest and fastest option.
How to restore the SAM-unlocked iPhone from a backup:
Step 1 : Plug in the iPhone unofficial SIM-card for which you have kept records of activation.
Step 2 : Start iFile and go to the folder / var / root / Library. Click Edit in the upper right corner and select the folder Lockdown, and then click to create a ZIP backup. Scroll down the screen to make sure that the archive is in place. Click Finish. Now delete the original folder Lockdown.
Step 3 : Open the Dropbox and locate the saved file on the second step of activation records Lockdown. Unzip the zip-file using iFile. By default, files will be in the folder Documents.
Step 4 : Click Edit in the upper right corner, select and copy the folder LockDown to the clipboard. Click Finish.
Step 5 : Go into the folder / var / root / Library, click Edit in the upper right corner and make a paste from the clipboard.
Step 6 : If you have a tweak SAMPrefs, go to the folder / User / Library / Preferences and locate the SAM. Delete the file com.bingner.sam.plist, if any. So you can avoid possible conflicts in the system.
Step 7 : Turn off your iPhone.
Step 8 : Turn on the phone and wait a minute after loading the home screen. The top row shows the name of your service - congratulations, you did unlock your iPhone!
How to restore the SAM-unlocked iPhone from backup [video]