Showing posts with label iPhone Secrets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone Secrets. Show all posts

How to install games for MAME emulator for iPhone and iPad without jailbreaking

At the end of last week in App Store came emulator MAME- under the guise of the classic game Gridlee. Gridlee - this is a simple arcade game in which the gamer has to manage green being run on the field and put away from the red figures.

For users of iOS-devices are interested not so much the Gridlee, how the built-in emulator that turns iPhone and iPad into the control system for the arcade games in the shell program of modern computing devices. MAME supports over 3000 projects for a variety of slot machines. The emulator is compatible with many toys, starting with the first slot machine in 1979 to the latest masterpieces for CPS 1,2 and NeoGeo.

Gridlee use to run custom arcade possible on iOS-devices without jailbreaking. To do this, put the ROM files in a folder other developments under MAME.

How to install MAME-game on the iPhone and iPad without jailbreaking:

Step 1 : Download a file manager to browse the folder structure Gridlee, eg iFunBox.

Step 2 : In the menu, go to iFunBox iFunBox Classic -> Connected Devices -> Your Device -> User Applications -> Gridlee -> Documents -> roms. In this folder you will see a file This game Gridlee, which is installed in the simulator by default.

Step 3 : Copy the collection MAME-files in that folder. According to the concept of cause, we do not publish links to download these projects.

Step 4 : After you download the folder zip-files of games for MAME, open Gridlee. Instead of running the arcade you will see the standard boot MAME4iOS. Select and run one of the installed games.

Gridlee an emulator MAME 0.139ul, so it is compatible with many 2D-games. How long this development will stay in App Store, is unknown. Quite possibly, it is the fault of censors Apple, which placed in the official app store Apple. We recommend that you download the program as soon as possible.

10 Secrets of Google Maps application for the iPhone

Two months after the release of iOS 6, which first appeared card Apple, Google released a mapping application for the iPhone, designed to compete original design manufacturer of the iPhone and iPad. The cards were written from the ground up to maximize their ability to combine the convenience and high level of detail with the iOS interface and do a search for a point on "apple" phone as quickly as possible and easy.
Support page Google has published 10 hidden features of the new applications that allow us to work with Google Maps even more efficient.

1. Labels on the map

On the new Google application for iPhone you can put labels. To do this, press and hold a few seconds, any place on the map.

2. "Street View"

To include "Street View" in Google Maps, press and hold anywhere on the map. After that, please click on the panel with the information at the bottom of the screen. If the access point mode Street View, you can bring it here.

3. Report an error

If you notice a bug on the map - a mistake or incorrect information - shake the device. A pop-up window "Leave."

4. Quick view "swipe"

When meeting with the accompanying information when searching for "points of interest" gesture swipe the area with descriptions, you can either scan all the objects found by Google.

5. Additional modes

Jam mode, public transportation and satellite available in the application by simply clicking on the little button in the lower right corner or swipe two fingers from the right edge of the screen.

6. View the route

In navigation mode, you can see the next steps of your itinerary simple scrolling banner indicating the direction and street name.

7. Fast zoom

Zoom in and zoom out on the map in Google Maps by using single and double-tap one or two fingers. To zoom in, you need to double tap with one finger, and to delay the card - single tap with two fingers.

8. Home and work addresses

To set the application home and mailing address, go to your profile by clicking on the appropriate icon next to the search bar.

9. Compass mode

More convenient to work with the card, if it is in the same direction as you are. Double-tap on the compass to map indicates your current direction in real time.

10. Add to Favorites

To add a place on the map as a favorite, press this point. At the bottom of the screen will open with more information. Make click on it and click "Save." Marked so places will be synced between all devices under your Google Account.

How to solve the problem of connecting the iPhone 5 to the Wi-Fi network

iPhone 5 leaves a mixed impression. On one side is an innovative ultra-thin smartphone form factor with a stunning performance and luxurious screen, and on the other - the gadget affected by a number of birth injuries, including a problem with scratches on the edges of the housing. Another complaint about the new Apple phone was error connecting to the wireless network.
Some owners of iPhone 5 are experiencing problems with the Internet through Wi-Fi. Apple Support website full of reports that the new Apple smartphone connected to the access points, but the download from the web can not do anything. Members noted that the LED connection to the router is displayed as usual, but the data transfer - download sites, download applications, access to social networks, etc. - Is impossible. In addition, some owners of iPhone 5 device generally can not connect to Wi-Fi.

The solution, as reported by Gizmodo, is very simple. To phone began to seamlessly connect to the Internet; you must set the Wi-Fi mode WPA/WPA2 to WEP. WPA and WPA2 are the updated certification program for wireless devices, which replaced the security technology WEP. Plus the first is a strengthening data security and strict control of access to wireless networks.

According to reports online support Apple, users who switched routers and access point mode WEP, could get rid of the problems with iPhone 5 to Wi-Fi. The solution, of course, not universal, but has helped many users.

In order to switch the mode of a wireless network, you need to set up a remote connection to a router, go to Settings Wi-Fi security, and change the authentication setting to WPA to WEP.

Internal device connector Lightning in iPhone 5

As with most of the functions of the iPhone 5, the new smaller connector Lightning was known even before the official presentation of the smartphone. True, the blurry picture was hard to understand the new interface - it's not just a compact version of the traditional 30-pin port Apple. The new cable-sided, and a new feature that will add a company that will pay users.
Connector Lightning - an 8-pin standard, but each cable - 16 pin. Thus, as if you did not connect it to the iPhone 5, you get the first time. How is it, told in detail in the publication PCWeek, and it appears that everything is much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

On each side of the Lightning - contacts, numbered from 1 to 8. By checking the experts found that the first top port provides power via USB, and the connectors are symmetrical, that is, the eighth performs the same function. So, if you turn the plug, the contact for the supply will still be in place.

Contact data, however, are quite different, they are asymmetric. That is, if you turn the connector, then they would not be in those places where it is necessary. For example, if you look at the second bottom "pin" for the data, it is electrically connected to the second from the top. So, when you turn the plug, cable ends connect with the wrong contacts smartphone.
Experts attribute this strange circumstance as follows: iPhone 5 dynamically assigns the function "pins" with a special chip inside the phone. Apple said that the connector Lightning uses only the contacts that are needed for specific applications, and accessories. iPhone 5, apparently checks the type of transmitted data and change settings on the fly.

As a result of all this, you can connect the Lightning as you want, and this connector has room for growth in the future. But the complexity of the interface can be explained by the authentication chip inside the cable. It is located on a wire V +, so that without it the cable will not work.

If you think you can easily get a cable from Apple, you need, then you are wrong. Companies do not have enough cable Lightning, and most likely due to the fact that produced them are scarce. Not only because of the difficulties in manufacturing, but also because the cost is much higher than the old 30-pin version. Analysts estimate the cost of Lightning in 3.5 dollars, which is 775% more than the traditional 30-pin cable.

Jailbreak iOS 6 and iPhone 5: Release outlook

How to jailbreak iPhone 5? This is the first question asked by users, getting your hands on a brand new iPhone. Apple introduced the device at an official press conference on September 12. I believe that now is the time to explain the situation to the jailbreak iPhone OS 5 and iOS 6 for anyone who is going to open root access to your mobile gadget.

How to jailbreak iOS 6 and iPhone 5?
To answer this question, we need to know that all iOS-devices can be divided into two groups, depending on the type of processor in them. The first group of iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and iPad 3, based on the dual-core chips A5/A6. In the second list - the other i-Soup, including iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G, compatible with the latest OS.

The devices of the second group, who are working on the operating system iOS 6, can be broken using a software tool Redsn0w. The program performs a tethered jailbreak, that is, when you reboot, such devices must be connected to your computer and bring it jailbreak. In addition, you need to manually install unofficial applications store Cydia.

In the first category of devices is more complex. Right now there is no bootrom-vulnerability, which would subject the iPhone 5 and other iDevices jailbreak procedure.

When will jailbreak iOS 6 and iPhone 5?
This is one of the most common questions asked by users. Answer it clearly right now nobody can. None of the masters did not declare the imminent release of the exploit to jailbreak iOS 6. Last year, the developers took nearly three months to crack iOS 5.
For the second category of device owners prospects brighter - jailbreak already. It remains to wait until the masters find a vulnerability and implement the automatic installation Cydia.

Although for the latest iDevice not lost. A few weeks ago at the contest Pwn2Own in Amsterdam break using the Safari browser  smartphone iPhone 4S. According to him, the vulnerability is present in the application on all devices running iOS 6. In other words, at least one "hole" in the new operating system there.

As always, we will follow the development of jailbreak iOS 6, iPhone 5 and other devices Apple. Stay with us.

How to fix API Error in Installous

If you have an iPhone or an iPad unlocked Jailbreak is very likely that you have discovered in Installous problems at least once.

The errors of Installous

  • API Error API unavailable
  • API Error API Permission Denied

Arise when using the application Installous at any point while you are performing a file download, or just when browsing categories.
In this post we will guide you to solve the error Installous!

First, we begin to explain what caused this problem. In fact there are two possible reasons

  • Server overload
  • AppSync
In the first case, there is little to do. This series is especially true when you release a new Jailbreak for iPhone and in the following days there is a spike in the use of the application.

In the second case, you must follow the following guide:

Step 1:
Make sure you are connected to a Wi-Fi network with an active internet connection.

Step 2:
Uninstall AppSync. Open Cydia> Manage> Packages, then AppSync open, edit> Remove> Done.

Step 3:
Restart the device

Step 4:
Install AppSync. Open Cydia> Sources Hackulous> then install AppSync.

Step 5:
Install Installous. Open Cydia> Sources Hackulous> then install installous

Step 6:
Open official AppStore and install any free application.

Step 7:
Open Installous and start installing apps without API error.

How to install Siri on iOS 6 for iPhone 4, 3GS and iPod touch jailbroken [Manual Instruction]

Want to install Siri on iOS 6? The developers of the project SiriPort released an important update to its package, which allows you to transfer voice assistant for Apple iPhone 4 and iPod touch functioning on the new OS.

In connection with the release of the new operating system was released update SiriPort (Original) 6, with which you can install Siri on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G and iPod touch 3G jailbroken. This tweak is not only installs the  GUI Siri , but also allows you to connect to servers and Apple to work with a voice assistant on the devices of previous generations. This package is available for free download from Cydia.

The list of supported devices:

  • iPhone 4 (GSM / CDMA)
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPod touch 4G
  • iPod touch 3G
The following instructions describe how to install a personal assistant Siri to iOS 6 for iPhone 4, 3GS and iPod touch:

Step 1 : Jailbreak your iDevice. To get the firmware iOS 6, you can use the latest version of Redsn0w. This tethered jailbreak, and is compatible with devices on a chip A4.

Step 2 : Launch Cydia and add the following repository to the program on siriport site.

Step 3 : Install SiriPort (Original) 6.

Step 4 : Go to the Settings menu and press Original «Install Certificate».

Step 5 : You will install the certificate page, click «Install Certificate» and confirm.

Step 6 : Restart your iOS-device.

Step 7 : Go to Settings -> General -> Siri voice assistant and run. Siri call and say «Hi Siri». If the program is said, everything is fine - you can use voice assistant Apple! Otherwise close Siri, wait 1-4 minutes and then run Siri.

Step 8 : Repeat the seventh step until at least until the activation of Siri.

Broke down the Home button on the iPhone and iPad? 4 ways to work out the problem

From time to time, the main button on the iOS mobile device becomes less responsive - starts to work with some delay or cease fire at all. In most cases, this is due to software failure and repair the problem is not too difficult. It happens that after a few years of active use of the mechanism of wear and Home buttons here need more serious intervention.
Be that as it may, revive iOS-devices can be without resorting to those skilled in the service center. There are four ways to solve a problem with a broken Home button on the iPhone and iPad.

Method 1 : Calibration programmatically

Sometimes the home button the iPhone and iPad becomes less responsive - starts to work with some delay. If this is due to software failure, you need to make the calibration procedure .

To do this, open any staffing application, such as weather or stock. Then, press and hold the power button for iOS-device until the strip off. Now you need to keep the Home as long as the bar is gone, and the running application is unloaded from memory. After that Home button will work as expected.

Method 2 : Adjust the position of the dock connector

In situations where the Home button on the iPhone and iPad does not respond to clicks, will help a little trick for which you will need a standard 30-pin cable. First you need to put the plug into the iPhone, and then put his finger under the plug and gently press it upward. After this will press the Home. You can now remove the power cord and test the device.

Method 3 : Use a spray WD-40.

Restore the worn-out machinery Home button on the iPhone and iPad can with known among motorists spray WD-40. This tool is used in weapons and aerospace, aviation, electromechanical industry.

Spray use in the home, eliminates squeaking doors, it can lubricate bicycle parts, locks, etc. WD-40 will approach the case with the iPhone - enough to splash the product on a dead button Home, then to 10.5 quick clicks. Usually it comes to life and starts to respond to pressing.

Method 4 : The software duplication

If the three previous methods did not work, apparently, the button really broken and it requires the intervention of specialists. As long as you do not return to the shop for repair, you can use the built-in OS function of the iOS software duplication.

To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility and turn on Assistive Touch , flick of a switch on top of the screen. Now press the circle, which will appear on the screen and in the window that appears, click on "Home." When you close the settings, you can at any time cause this button to return to the main screen.

In this case, it is a temporary solution that will use the iPhone and iPad, even with a broken button Home.

How do I turn in iOS 6 Passbook [video]

In iOS 6 Apple introduced a new application Passbook, which was created to combine the necessary documents to the extent that how they are created in different applications or Internet services. The program can store electronic tickets to the movies or on a plane, discount coupons, or other digital data. Users can link documents within the meaning of, localization, and other parameters.
Unfortunately, in a test version of iOS 6 new application Apple is not running - waits for the functional Passbook final polishing and testing. However, the way to revive the program in the "six" does exist, it takes quite a bit: build iOS 6 beta 1 and iOS 6 beta 2 .

How do I turn in iOS 6 Passbook

Step 1 : On your device running iOS 6 launch Safari and open the site . This resource allows you to create coupons, tickets and coupons for the Passbook.
Step 2 : Select the card of any type - you'll get a few fields to enter your personal information. Leave everything as is and click Create.
Step 3 : After you click on Create a window view ticket. Click the Add button in the upper right corner, then open Passbook.
Of course, at present all these documents are not working, although given the opportunity to evaluate a cool animation to a new application Apple.

Compatible with iOS 6 iPhone, iPad and iPod touch in one table

At the Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC 2012 during the presentation of six iOS Apple representatives expressed support for all mobile devices, however, as we found out , things were not quite so.
For example, view maps in 3D-mode and auto-negotiation - one of the main innovations of the platform - will be available only to owners and iPad iPhone 4S second and third generation. Voice assistant Siri after iOS 6 can be used not only for iPhone 4S, but also on the tablet Apple, but only the latest version, released in March this year. Take advantage of FaceTime video chat through cellular connection, and not on a network Wi-Fi, and will only owners of the latest generations of today iPhone and iPad.

While Apple continues to support the model of the 2009 iPhone 3GS, this smart phone owners will not be able to enjoy many new features iOS 6. Among them was the feature to store items in the browser for reading offline, virtual folders in your mail client for a mailing, and the important function of sharing pictures with friends.

Owners of first generation iPad, which was released in 2010, set iOS 6 will not.
At present, a test version of iOS 6 applies only to registered developers. Output the final version of the platform is expected to fall, presumably, it will be timed to coincide with the emergence of the new generation iPhone.

Wireless transmission of pictures between iOS-devices using iPhoto

During the presentation  of the third generation iPad Apple introduced a mobile photo editor  iPhoto for the iPhone and tablet iPad. Software, Ported from the desktop version for Mac OS X, designed for viewing and cataloging of photos and has advanced editing features.

iPhoto for iOS supports brushes, offers a set of qualitative effects, multisensory editing and many other features. The application can choose from a library of similar photos, capable of processing images at resolutions up to 19 megapixels, producing their automatic correction to align the horizon, and publish images to popular social networks.

Few know that the application iPhoto also allows you to wirelessly transmit images from one iOS-device to another via a common Wi-Fi connection or Bluetooth. In other words, if you edit a photo on your iPad, you can instantly send it directly to a full-size copy of the iPhone - or vice versa. However, if you check the check image, edit it or add a signature, all this will also be transferred.

How to share photos between iOS-devices using iPhoto:

Step 1 : Launch iPhoto on both gadgets.

Step 2 : Click the button with the gear in the lower right corner of the program and include «Wireless Beaming».

Step 3 : Take a tap on the photo or album that you want to translate to another iGadget, click the arrow at the top and select the «Beam».

Step 4 : Confirm the wireless transmission of images and click on the second device «Beam Photos».

Step 5 : Click "Yes" to the receiving device to start the broadcasts.

A prerequisite for the successful transfer of photos via iPhoto is the inclusion of geolocation services. If you are forced to shut down the operation of this service for an application Apple, go to Settings -> geolocation, and turn the dial next to iPhoto.

How to restore the SAM-unlocked iPhone from backup [user]

As we learned from posts on Twitter, Apple held a series of manipulations with their servers for activation of smartphones iPhone, resulting in  the method of SAM-unlock completely stopped working .
Members iPhone, which does not have time to activate their devices for this technology, no longer able to do so. The good news is that by making a backup copy of the records of activation (User backup using Redsn0w is available  here ), you can always restore the unlock. How do we explain below.

Note : assumes that you saved a backup copy of the folder Lockdown to your account at Dropbox. Implement a backup can be any other way, but Dropbox offers one of the easiest and fastest option.

How to restore the SAM-unlocked iPhone from a backup:

Step 1 : Plug in the iPhone unofficial SIM-card for which you have kept records of activation.

Step 2 : Start iFile and go to the folder / var / root / Library. Click Edit in the upper right corner and select the folder Lockdown, and then click to create a ZIP backup. Scroll down the screen to make sure that the archive is in place. Click Finish. Now delete the original folder Lockdown.

Step 3 : Open the Dropbox and locate the saved file on the second step of activation records Lockdown. Unzip the zip-file using iFile. By default, files will be in the folder Documents.

Step 4 : Click Edit in the upper right corner, select and copy the folder LockDown to the clipboard. Click Finish.

Step 5 : Go into the folder / var / root / Library, click Edit in the upper right corner and make a paste from the clipboard.

Step 6 : If you have a tweak SAMPrefs, go to the folder / User / Library / Preferences and locate the SAM. Delete the file com.bingner.sam.plist, if any. So you can avoid possible conflicts in the system.

Step 7 : Turn off your iPhone.

Step 8 : Turn on the phone and wait a minute after loading the home screen. The top row shows the name of your service - congratulations, you did unlock your iPhone!

How to restore the SAM-unlocked iPhone from backup [video]

[statement] How to build an official unlock your iPhone via AT & T

On this Sunday operator AT & T began offering the service at the official unlock iPhone. Request a U.S. cellular service provider to unlock your phone subscribers may at any time. This company will do the operation free of charge, provided that no debts and violations of the subscriber's account.
In other words, users now devices, which ended a two-year contract, may make an official unlock your iPhone through AT & T. 

So, how to build an official unlock unlock iPhone via AT & T:

Step 1 : Go to Settings -> General -> About your device, scroll down to IMEI and keep it.

Step 2 : Open the official site of AT & T , enter the account AT & T (Log In) and go to Chat with an AT & T Live Agent.

Step 3 : Tell the representative of the company code of IMEI, stored in the first step.

Step 4 : Within 72 hours you will receive an email to confirm readiness for the official unlock iPhone.

Step 5 : Now you need to follow the instructions in the letter, which includes a series of steps with the synchronization and recovery firmware iPhone.

Step 6 : Congratulations, you have officially unlocked iPhone!

At present, this method unlock - the only one possible for the owners of the iPhone firmware modem 04.11.08. In some cases, have to wait for a response letter to five days. According to official information, AT & T offers up to five check to one account per year.

The following video describes how to iDB official unlock iPhone via AT & T:

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