Twitter can release a premium version of the service

The company Twitter , perhaps developing a premium version of its service. In this in today's business conference in New York hinted Twitter CEO Dick Costolo ( Dick Costolo).
One member of the audience asked whether Twitter is going to eventually run a pro-version of the service for "personal use". Costolo endorsed this idea and pointed out that it is worthy of attention. However, no evidence that Twitter is working on this project has not followed him.
Costolo said that he personally sees a product "lite" and easy to manage:
"Our designers and developers will decide how it will work. I do not know what you get. "
No details were forthcoming.
And how do you imagine the premium version of Twitter?

CyanogenMod 9 new lockscreen for incoming

The lockscreen ring you unlock directly to specific phone functions are nothing new, there are several ROMs and mods that allow it, to say nothing of interfaces such as the Sense of that HTC has made it his boast some time, but Android for the purists as the team CyanogenMod it is still a novelty.
The lockscreen you see above is indeed in the works and will soon be included in the official release of CyanogenMod 9 , to make it even more convenient and quick access to common functions of our smartphone, or at least to those who prefer.
Apparently the news was greeted very positively by the community, at least judging by the number of Google +1 +  and although it is certainly not a revolutionary feature, it is a small step for a firmware that is always greater. And you were what you would like included in your next Cyano? Source: Visit

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