iPhone 4S vs. Samsung Galaxy S III: a test of strength [video]

Users like to look at the crash tests and the "opening" of mobile devices. Internet portal Android authority decided to test the strength of the latest smartphone Samsung Galaxy S3, Simultaneously comparing it to this end with the flagship phone Apple iPhone 4S.
Video recorded edition, quite interesting and, oddly enough, it includes practical benefits. All of us, mobile users, we try to keep our gadgets, subjecting them to minimal stress. Of course, the phone may just happen to slip out of our hands and fall to the floor or pavement, but it happens very rarely. These crash tests allow us to know what will happen to the device, if it intends to do.

Each unit - Samsung Galaxy S III and the Apple iPhone 4S - was thrown three times, hit in the rear cover, front side and the lateral edge. After each drop estimated damage. Especially strong was the desire to test check Robust Glass Gorilla Glass, closes the screen. It is, incidentally, according to the manufacturer "is 30 times stronger than any plastic." After a fierce commit acts of vandalism on smartphones revealed that the glass in modern gadgets and are not so strong.

According to the Nokia Care Lumia 900 will be upgradeable to Windows Phone 8

Microsoft has not announced Windows Phone Apollo 8, the less said what, if any smartphone currently on the market can be updated. Meanwhile, although it could be an announcement very reliable, the Nokia Care team during a chat support said that the Lumia 900 will be upgradeable to Windows Phone 8.
So, as soon as possible, hoping to learn something more, we remind you that Microsoft would be introducing Apollo to the public on June 20.

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