Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts

Victory for Repair Rights: iPhone Users Rejoice as Apple Reverses Course on Third-Party Repairs

Victory for Repair Rights: iPhone Users Rejoice as Apple Reverses Course on Third-Party Repairs

For years, iPhone users faced a dilemma when their beloved devices required repairs. Choosing a third-party repair shop, often offering faster and more affordable options, meant potentially sacrificing key features like True Tone and accurate battery health metrics technology. However, a recent white paper titled "Longevity, by Design" by Apple signals a significant shift in their stance. The company has announced that later this year, software updates will allow users to retain True Tone and battery health information even after repairs done by non-authorized service providers. This decision marks a win for repair rights advocates and a positive step towards a more sustainable future for iPhones.

Victory for Repair Rights: iPhone Users Rejoice as Apple Reverses Course on Third-Party Repairs

Understanding the Controversy: Why Did Third-Party Repairs Disable Features?

Previously, iPhone repairs conducted outside of Apple's network often resulted in the deactivation of features like True Tone. True Tone adjusts the display's white balance to match the ambient light, providing a more natural and comfortable viewing experience. The loss of this functionality due to third-party repairs stemmed from Apple's pairing system. Traditionally, each iPhone display was paired with a specific device, and repairs using non-genuine parts disrupted this pairing, causing features like True Tone to malfunction.

A Turning Point: What Changed Apple's Mind?

Several factors likely contributed to Apple's change of heart. Here are some key points to consider:

  • The Right to Repair Movement: The global right-to-repair movement has gained significant momentum in recent years, advocating for consumers' right to choose their repair shops. This movement has pressured manufacturers like Apple to make repairs more accessible and affordable.
  • Environmental Concerns: With increasing focus on sustainability, extending the lifespan of electronic devices is crucial. Allowing third-party repairs can help reduce e-waste by keeping iPhones functional for longer.
  • Competitive Landscape: The repair market is evolving, with third-party shops offering high-quality services and spare parts. By opening up the repair ecosystem, Apple might be acknowledging this shift.

What Does This Change Mean for iPhone Users?

The reversal of Apple's policy on third-party repairs has several positive implications for iPhone users:

  • More Repair Options: Users can now choose from a wider range of repair shops, potentially finding faster and more affordable services.
  • Preserved Features: True Tone and battery health information will remain functional even after third-party repairs, providing a more consistent user experience.
  • Freedom of Choice: This decision empowers iPhone users to choose the repair option that best suits their needs and budget.

Is This a Complete Victory? Potential Concerns and Considerations

While this move is a step in the right direction, there are still some potential concerns to consider:

  • Quality of Repairs: The quality of repairs can vary greatly between different service providers. Users will need to research reputable shops that use high-quality parts and employ skilled technicians.
  • Performance Limitations: While True Tone might be retained, there's a possibility it might not perform at the optimal level after third-party repairs due to potential variations in calibration processes.
  • Apple's Reservations: Apple acknowledges that the accuracy of battery health metrics might be compromised after non-authorized repairs, as their calibration processes differ for genuine parts.

Looking to the Future: A More Sustainable and User-Centric Repair Ecosystem

Apple's decision to allow third-party repairs with minimal feature loss paves the way for a more sustainable and user-centric repair ecosystem. This move has implications beyond iPhones:

  • Pressure on Other Manufacturers: It might encourage other electronics manufacturers to adopt a more open approach to repairs.
  • Rise of Independent Repair Shops: This could lead to the flourishing of independent repair shops, offering consumers a wider range of repair options and potentially lowering overall repair costs.
  • Emphasis on Repair Education: Consumers might need to educate themselves on identifying reputable repair shops and understanding the potential risks and limitations of third-party repairs.

Taking Control of Your Device: Tips for iPhone Users After This Shift

With the possibility of more third-party repairs, here are some helpful tips for iPhone users:

  • Research Thoroughly: Before selecting a repair shop, research their reputation, experience, and use of genuine or high-quality parts.
  • Ask Questions: Don't hesitate to ask questions about the repair process, warranty offered, and potential risks involved.
  • Back Up Your Data: Always back up your iPhone data before any repair, regardless of the service provider.
  • Understand Limitations: Be aware that while True Tone and battery health information might be retained, their performance might not be optimal after third-party repairs.
  • Consider Authorized Repairs: If you prioritize guaranteed performance and accuracy of features like True Tone and battery health, consider Apple-authorized repairs.

Conclusion: A Step Forward, But the Journey Continues

Apple's decision to allow for continued functionality of True Tone and battery health information after third-party repairs is a significant step towards a more user-centric and sustainable future for electronics. It empowers users with greater choice, potentially lowers repair costs, and encourages responsible e-waste management. However, the journey towards a truly open repair ecosystem is far from over. Here's what the future might hold:

  • Standardization of Parts and Procedures: Increased collaboration between manufacturers and independent repair shops could lead to standardized parts and repair procedures, ensuring consistent quality across different service providers.
  • Regulation and Right to Repair Laws: Governments might enact stronger right-to-repair legislation, further pressuring manufacturers to make repair information and parts more readily available.
  • Independent Repair Certifications: Certification programs for independent repair shops could emerge, giving consumers greater confidence in the quality of services offered.

The onus also falls on consumers to stay informed. By educating themselves on reputable repair options, potential risks, and limitations, users can make informed decisions about their iPhone repairs. Ultimately, Apple's change of policy marks a turning point, but it's just the beginning of a larger conversation about user empowerment, responsible device lifespans, and a future where repair is accessible, sustainable, and user-driven.

Apple's Big AI Rollout Loses Its Luster Limited Availability and Regulatory Hurdles

Apple's Big AI Rollout Loses Its Luster Limited Availability and Regulatory Hurdles

Apple's recent unveiling of "Apple Intelligence," its grand entry into the world of consumer AI, was met with fanfare. Promises of enhanced writing experiences, streamlined workflows, and a seamless user experience seemed to usher in a new era for Apple products. However, a closer look reveals a rollout riddled with limitations, potentially dampening the initial excitement.
Apple's AI Rollout is being Limited & Lusterless

The Exclusivity Hiccup: Not for Everyone, Not Yet

A significant limitation lies in device compatibility. Apple Intelligence is currently slated only for the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPads and Macs with the M1 chip or later technology. This excludes a vast majority of Apple users, especially those with older iPhones or non-pro models. The rationale behind this limited rollout remains unclear, leaving many loyal Apple customers feeling left out.

The China Conundrum: Regulatory Hurdles Block the Way

Apple Intelligence's rollout faces another significant hurdle in China, a crucial market for the company. Apple reportedly utilizes ChatGPT, an OpenAI product, which faces a ban in China due to the government's preference for domestic AI solutions. Negotiations with local companies are underway, but the timeline for a Chinese launch remains uncertain. This raises concerns about Apple's ability to offer a truly global AI experience.

The Privacy Tightrope: Balancing Functionality with User Security

The European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA) has also thrown a wrench into Apple's plans. Apple claims the DMA regulations could compromise user privacy and security, leading to a delay in the rollout of key features like iPhone Mirroring and SharePlay Screen Sharing in the EU. This highlights the delicate balance Apple must navigate – offering innovative features while maintaining the high privacy standards users expect.

Is Apple Intelligence All Hype, or is There Hope?

While the current limitations are undeniable, it's important not to write off Apple Intelligence entirely. Here's what offers a glimmer of hope:

  • Apple's Track Record: Apple is known for its meticulous product development and focus on user experience. The limited rollout could be a strategic move to ensure a polished user experience before wider adoption.
  • Potential for Expansion: Device compatibility and regional restrictions might be temporary measures, paving the way for a more inclusive rollout in the future.
  • Focus on Privacy: Apple's stance on user privacy, even if it causes delays, could be a positive differentiator in a market increasingly concerned about data security.
  • Slowdown in AI Adoption: Apple is a major player in the tech industry. A limited AI rollout from them could discourage wider consumer adoption of AI technology, at least in the short term.
Apple's AI Rollout is being Limited & Lusterless


Apple Intelligence's potential is undeniable, but its current limitations raise concerns about its immediate impact. For now, a wait-and-see approach seems prudent. Whether Apple can overcome these hurdles and deliver a truly transformative AI experience for its users remains to be seen. Only time will tell if Apple Intelligence lives up to the initial hype or fades into obscurity.

iPhone's SOS Satellite: Lifesaver or Moneymaker? Apple's Enigmatic Plans

iPhone's SOS Satellite: Lifesaver or Moneymaker? Apple's Enigmatic Plans

The iPhone 14's emergency SOS satellite feature has sparked a wave of intrigue. While the ability to send messages from remote locations without cellular service is undoubtedly a lifesaver, rumors about Apple's future plans for this technology raise questions. Could our iPhones become expensive satellite communicators, or will Apple prioritize public safety? Let's delve into the enigmatic world of iPhone satellite connectivity.

iPhone's SOS Satellite: Lifesaver or Moneymaker? Apple's Enigmatic Plans

A Beacon of Hope in Emergencies

Imagine being stranded in the wilderness with a broken leg. With the SOS satellite feature, a simple SOS message can be relayed via satellite, potentially summoning help even in the most remote locations. This life-saving potential makes satellite connectivity a game-changer, offering peace of mind to adventurers, hikers, and anyone venturing off the beaten path.

The Looming Shadow of Paid Services

While the current emergency service is a welcome addition, whispers suggest Apple might introduce paid tiers for functionalities beyond emergencies. This could include non-emergency texting or data usage over satellite networks. A subscription model might unlock extended data or prioritize your messages for faster delivery.

The Price of Connectivity: A Cause for Concern

The potential for a paywall surrounding satellite features raises ethical concerns:

  • Profit Over Public Good?: Apple is known for its premium pricing strategy. Would the cost of satellite connectivity be accessible to everyone, or will this become an exclusive privilege for those who can afford it?
  • Limited Access in Rural Areas: For those in regions with unreliable cellular service, satellite connectivity could be a lifeline. A subscription model could restrict access for the very communities that might benefit most from this technology.

Unveiling the Future: Wait and Watch

The true nature of Apple's satellite ambitions remains shrouded in secrecy. It's unclear whether Apple envisions satellite connectivity as a premium service or a universally accessible safety feature. Here's what we can do:

  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on tech news and announcements for updates on Apple's satellite plans.
  • Consider Alternatives: Existing satellite communication solutions, though often expensive, might offer options for those who need them.
  • Await the Official Reveal: Apple's next iPhone launch might shed light on their approach to satellite connectivity. Their strategy will determine whether this technology becomes a beacon of hope for everyone in need or a service reserved for a select few.

Only time will tell how Apple's enigmatic plans for satellite connectivity unfold. However, one thing is certain: this innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize communication, sparking a debate between profit and public service that will undoubtedly continue.

AI with a Human Touch: How Apple is Approaching Artificial Intelligence

AI with a Human Touch: How Apple is Approaching Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, and tech giants are at the forefront of this development. But with this progress comes a critical question: how can AI be integrated into our lives in a way that feels helpful and intuitive, rather than intrusive or overwhelming?

AI with a Human Touch: How Apple is Approaching Artificial Intelligence

Apple appears to be taking a unique approach to AI, prioritizing user experience and privacy while developing features that enhance specific tasks within their ecosystem.

Focusing on User Experience:

Unlike some AI implementations that bombard users with suggestions and prompts, Apple's AI feels more like a helpful assistant in the background. Here are a few examples:

  • Siri's Evolution: Siri, Apple's virtual assistant, has become more adept at understanding natural language and completing complex tasks like booking appointments or sending personalized messages.
  • Image Playground: The new Image Playground app in iOS 18 lets users create unique images with just a few taps. AI takes their starting point and generates entirely new artistic styles, perfect for adding a creative touch to social media posts.
  • Clean Up Photos with AI: The "Clean Up" tool in Photos uses AI to identify and remove unwanted objects or photobombers, saving users time and frustration.

Privacy at the Forefront:

Apple is known for its focus on user privacy, and this extends to AI development. They prioritize on-device processing and limit data collection whenever possible. This stands in contrast to some AI models that rely on vast amounts of user data, raising privacy concerns.

Targeted Approach to AI:

Instead of striving for a single, all-encompassing AI solution, Apple seems to be taking a more targeted approach. They identify specific tasks within their ecosystem and leverage AI to enhance those functionalities. This focus on specific use cases allows for a more refined and impactful user experience.

Apple's approach to AI isn't without its limitations. Some might argue that their focus on user experience comes at the expense of groundbreaking research in core AI fields. However, Apple's emphasis on user-centric design and privacy is a refreshing take in the world of AI development.

The competition is fierce, and other tech giants excel in different aspects of AI:

  • Google AI: Leads in fundamental AI research, pushing boundaries in areas like natural language processing and self-driving car technology.
  • Microsoft AI: Offers robust enterprise-focused AI solutions for automation, data analysis, and cloud computing.
  • Amazon AI: Leverages AI extensively in its core business, personalizing product recommendations and optimizing logistics and warehouse automation.

Ultimately, who's "getting AI right" depends on which aspects you prioritize. Apple might be leading in terms of user experience and privacy, but other giants are pushing boundaries in research and enterprise applications.

AI on Opposite Sides of the Fence: Why Apple Wouldn't Use Google's Data Centers

 AI on Opposite Sides of the Fence: Why Apple Wouldn't Use Google's Data Centers

Apple Intelligence: Fact or Fiction? Debunking the Rumors Around Apple's AI

Apple recently unveiled "Apple Intelligence," a suite of AI features integrated into their devices. This has sparked a flurry of discussions and a surprising rumor: is Apple's AI made in Google data centers?

AI on Opposite Sides of the Fence: Why Apple Wouldn't Use Google's Data Centers

Let's delve into the facts and separate speculation from reality.

Apple's Growing Focus on AI

There's no doubt that Apple is playing catch-up in the AI race. While Google and Microsoft have been aggressively developing AI technologies, Apple has taken a more cautious approach. However, with "Apple Intelligence," they're signaling a significant shift.

This suite offers various AI-powered features, from image and video processing to enhanced Siri functionalities. It's a clear indication of Apple's commitment to integrating AI into the core user experience.

The Google Data Center Myth

One rumor gaining traction is that Apple relies on Google's data centers to train its AI models. This seems highly unlikely. Here's why:

  • Competitive Advantage: AI development is a fiercely competitive landscape. Companies fiercely guard their AI advancements to maintain a competitive edge. Sharing such sensitive data with a direct competitor like Google wouldn't make strategic sense.
  • Apple's Data Center Expansion: Recent reports suggest Apple is actively developing its own AI chips (Project ACDC) specifically designed for their data centers. This indicates they're building their own infrastructure for AI development.
  • Privacy Concerns: Apple is known for its focus on user privacy. Entrusting a core aspect of their AI development to another company would raise significant privacy concerns.

The Road Ahead for Apple AI

While Apple might not be using Google's data centers, it's still early days for "Apple Intelligence." Here are some key questions for the future:

  • Performance: How will Apple's AI features compare to established players in the field?
  • Integration: How seamlessly will these features integrate with the existing user experience?
  • Innovation: Will Apple bring unique AI functionalities to the table, or will they primarily focus on catching up?

Only time will tell how Apple's AI journey unfolds. But one thing is clear: Apple Intelligence marks a turning point for the company, and the future of AI on our devices promises to be exciting.

Yes, the New Power Button in iOS 18 Control Center Screams Accessibility!

Yes, the New Power Button in iOS 18 Control Center Screams Accessibility!

This is a great point! The addition of a dedicated power button in the iOS 18 Control Center is a subtle yet significant change that highlights Apple's commitment to accessibility. Here's why:

iOS 18 has a button in Control Center for turning off one's iPhone. RYAN CHRISTOFFEL/9TO5 MAC

  • Universal Benefit: This new button isn't just for users with specific needs. It benefits everyone by offering a quicker and more intuitive way to power down the iPhone.
  • Accessibility for All: For users with motor skills limitations, reaching the power button on the side of the iPhone can be difficult. The Control Center's central location makes powering down effortless.
  • Beyond Official Features: It emphasizes that true accessibility goes beyond a checklist of features. It's about incorporating thoughtful design choices throughout the user experience.
  • Good Design is Accessible Design: This new button exemplifies the philosophy that good design is inherently accessible. By making the power down function easier for everyone, Apple demonstrates this principle in action.

This small change technology is a big win for user experience and inclusivity. It serves as a reminder that accessibility is an ongoing process, and Apple is making strides in the right direction.

How AirPods Pro Detects Silent Siri Interactions: The Technology Explained

How AirPods Pro Detects Silent Siri Interactions: The Technology Explained

Apple's AirPods Pro are about to get even smarter with a new feature that enhances user interaction with Siri. The upcoming update will enable AirPods Pro to detect when you're trying to silently interact with Siri, making hands-free communication more intuitive and seamless. Here's how this innovative technology works and what it means for users.

How AirPods Pro Detects Silent Siri Interactions: The Technology Explained

Advanced Sensor Integration

The AirPods Pro will utilize a combination of advanced sensors and algorithms to detect silent interactions.

  • Proximity Sensors: These sensors can detect the position of the AirPods in your ears and monitor subtle head movements.
  • Motion Accelerometers: By tracking the motion of your head and jaw, the accelerometers can distinguish between normal movements and those indicative of an attempt to interact with Siri.
  • Microphones: Enhanced microphones will pick up even the faintest sounds, including whispers and subtle vocal cues.

Whisper Detection Technology

A key component of this feature is Apple's whisper detection technology. This allows AirPods Pro to recognize when you're speaking softly or whispering.

  • Voice Recognition: The built-in microphones, along with AI-driven voice recognition, can detect and interpret whispers directed at Siri.
  • Noise Reduction: Advanced noise-cancellation technology helps isolate your voice from background noise, ensuring accurate detection even in noisy environments.

Contextual Awareness

The new feature will leverage contextual awareness to determine when you intend to interact with Siri silently.

  • Usage Patterns: By learning your typical usage patterns and preferences, AirPods Pro can better anticipate when you might want to interact with Siri.
  • Environmental Cues: Sensors can assess your environment to understand when silent interaction is necessary, such as in quiet settings like libraries or meetings.

Seamless Activation

Activating Siri silently with AirPods Pro will be effortless, enhancing user convenience.

  • Natural Gestures: Simple head gestures, such as nodding or tilting your head, combined with whispering, will trigger Siri without the need for audible commands.
  • Continuous Listening: The AirPods Pro will continuously listen for your voice, ensuring immediate response to your whispered commands.

Benefits for Users

The ability to silently interact with Siri using AirPods Pro offers several advantages:

  1. Discreet Interaction: Users can communicate with Siri without disturbing others or drawing attention, ideal for public or quiet environments.
  2. Enhanced Privacy: Whispering commands ensures privacy, making it harder for others to overhear your interactions.
  3. Improved Accessibility: This feature can greatly benefit users with disabilities, allowing for more accessible and comfortable interactions.
  4. Convenience and Efficiency: Quick and easy access to Siri without needing to use your hands or speak loudly improves overall user convenience and efficiency.


The new silent interaction feature for Siri on AirPods Pro showcases Apple's commitment to enhancing user experience through innovative technology. By integrating advanced sensors, whisper detection, and contextual awareness, Apple ensures that users can interact with Siri discreetly and effortlessly. This update not only makes using Siri more intuitive but also sets a new standard for hands-free communication. As this feature rolls out, AirPods Pro users can look forward to a more seamless and private way to engage with their digital assistant.

Everything Apple Revealed at WWDC 2024: Full Summary

Everything Apple Revealed at WWDC 2024: Full Summary

It’s that time of year once again! It’s time for Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference — also known as WWDC. WWDC is home to some of Apple’s most important announcements of the year, typically revolving around new software updates for its devices.

Everything Apple Revealed at WWDC 2024: Full Summary

WWDC 2024 is no different. This year’s show is arguably one of the biggest and most important for Apple in years. With iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and more updates, there’s a lot to take in. Lucky for you, we’re rounding up all the announcements here.

Here’s everything Apple has announced (so far) at WWDC 2024.

visionOS 2

visionOS 2 features.

For Vision Pro, Apple is introducing visionOS 2. The new update offers improvements to Photos. With machine learning, it makes your old photos spatial photos. There’s also SharePlay coming. There are also new ways coming to control your Vision Pro.

VisionOS 2 now allows you to do something incredible with the photos in your library with just the tap of a button. Using advanced machine learning, VisionOS 2 creates a spatial photo with natural depth by deriving a left and right-eye view from your 2D image. This feature looks stunning on Vision Pro, allowing you to reach into the past and bring your most cherished photos into the future.

Additionally, spatial videos will soon be editable in Final Cut Pro and the new Vimeo app.

New frameworks and APIs are coming soon also.

iOS 18

iOS 18 features.

Your iPhone Home Screen is getting a nice update in iOS 18. You can now place app icons anywhere on your display. The dark mode also changes the icon’s color and shade. Better still, you can tint apps with different colors to suit your mood.

The Control Center has been redesigned to include new groups of controls, which can be accessed with a single swipe down on the Home Screen. It also features a new Controls gallery for customizable and accessible content. Additionally, there’s a new Control Center API available for developers.

iOS 18 will include privacy updates. Apps are now lockable by Face ID. It’s called “Lock an App.” It also works with Passcode and Touch ID. This makes it harder for others to see sensitive information.

The Messages app is getting several new features. These include enhanced Tapbacks, which allow you to use any emoji or stickers. You can now also schedule your messages to be sent at a later time. Additionally, the app will now support Underline and Bold formatting in text messages, and you can further customize your messages with Text Effects.

Messages via satellite are also coming, so you are never out of touch with your most influential people. These are end-to-end encrypted.

Mail is now offering the ability to group messages by category. These categories sort mail and create a digest for each one. For example, all your flight information can be in the same area. You can recharacterize messages on the fly.

The Maps app will now include new topographic maps and hiking and walking routes you can download to your device for offline use. In addition, Wallet will introduce Tap to Cash, a private method for sending and receiving money. Event tickets will also have new features, and the Journal app will receive enhancements and more advanced search capabilities.

Also, Photos will see a nice update that improves how your favorite images and videos are organized. It’s called the “biggest redesign ever.”

Collections automatically organize your library by topics like Recent Days, Trips, and People & Pets. And Pinned Collections gives you lightning-fast access to the collections or albums most important to you.

Meanwhile, a new Carousel is launching to showcase your best content in a beautiful, poster-like view. It displays a fresh set of photos each day for a fun surprise.

Audio & Home

Apple next discussed updates to its audio and Home features. Each elevates your entertainment features.

AirPods can now communicate with Siri without your voice! You can shake your head now about communication. Voice isolation is also improving call quality when AirPods are used. The addition of a game setting is also being made available for personalized spatial audio.

On Apple TV+, we see new features, including knowing who’s on the screen and what music is playing. This information will also show up on the iPhone. Voice dialog is also being tweaked in tvOS 18.

Apple TV is also adding support for the 21:9 format for projectors. Screen savers are also easier to find and include a new portrait galley. There’s a Snoppy screen saver too.

watchOS 11

watchOS 11 features.

The watchOS 11 update for Apple Watch adds new ways to work out with Training Load, which helps you see how the intensity of your workouts may impact your body over time. So you can make informed decisions about how and when to adjust your workouts — especially when you’re training for a big event. You can also see your overnight vitals for additional insights. Review your training load in the Activity app.

You can make changes to your Activity rings now. For example, on days you would rather not workout, you can adjust a setting and still not lose your rings!

There’s also a new Vitals app coming. It will show the critical health metrics on your wrist at a glance. Specifically, when things change, you’ll know.

Apple Watch intensity tracker.

Pregnancy enhancements are also being introduced to Health on Apple Watch. When you input a pregnancy in the Health app on your iPhone or iPad, Cycle Tracking will show your gestational age and monitor your pregnancy across all your health charts.

Interactions are improving with watchOS 11, making it easier to perform tasks without your phone.

Under the Smart Stack, widgets will change automatically based on time, location, and more.

The Photos watch face is also changing. You can customize it to find the “perfect” photo using machine learning. It can search thousands of photos in your library, intelligently analyze them, and select the best compositions, framing, and image quality for your watch. This enables you to give special treatment to the people, places, or things you love.

iPadOS 18

iPadOS 18 features.

The new software update for iPad brings features shown in iOS 18, plus other goodies. First, there’s a new floating tab bar that you can customize. It’s supposed to make you able to stay more focused on apps.

An updated Document Browser is also coming to the iPad for Pages, Numbers, Keynote, and Swift Playgrounds, making it quicker for you to return to your most recent documents.

Animations throughout are improving.

SharePlay now includes drawing capabilities to demonstrate tasks and allows you to control someone else’s iPad from your own. Freeform also introduces scenes.

Calculator app on iPad in iPadOS 18.

As rumored, an official Calculator is coming to the iPad. When paired with an Apple Pencil, it unlocks special powers. It’s called Math Notes. This should make it easier for people to make calculations.

Finally, Smart Scripts is coming to Notes. This will make handwriting your notes more accessible and transparent—improving your handwriting.

macOS 15 Sequoia

macOS 15 features.

The features of iPadOS 18 and iOS 18 are coming to the new macOS version. Other features include a massive update to Continuity called iPhone Mirroring. With it, you can see what is on your iPhone without lifting a finger! This looks incredible.

iPhone notifications are also coming to Mac. You can even interact with them — from your computer to your iPhone. While you’re doing this, your iPhone display is locked or showing StandBy, depending on your settings.

Continuity changes in macOS 15.

The macOS update is bringing changes to how you organize your windows. You can drag windows to the edge of your screen to effortlessly arrange them into side-by-side tiles on your desktop or place them in corners to keep even more apps in view.

The video conferencing experience on Mac is getting better with the addition of a presenter preview tool. This feature allows you to preview what you’re going to share during a video call before making it visible to everyone. Additionally, you can personalize your background using pre-installed options or your photos.

Long-rumored, Apple is also making Keychain its very own app. Yes, there’s finally a native password app that you can edit and access across all your Apple devices.

In the upcoming macOS update, Safari will introduce new and improved features. These include discovery tools called Highlights, which provide relevant information as you browse. For example, if you’re looking at a hotel, it might show you a link to an artist’s music or information on that hotel. Additionally, article summaries will also be displayed.

Game changes in macOS include the Game Porting Toolkit 2, which features improved capabilities and debugging tools. This update will make it easier to bring games to all Mac platforms. It was announced that Assassin’s Creed: Shadows is coming to the Mac.


Apple Intelligence features.

As expected, Apple has introduced new AI features across all its products, emphasizing the importance of robust, intuitive, and integrated AI experiences while prioritizing privacy. The latest AI features, “Apple Intelligence,” are deeply integrated into Apple’s software, focusing on capabilities, architecture, and user experiences.

In addition to deep, natural language understanding, new writing tools for proofing and image capabilities for visual expression are on the way. These capabilities allow users to create images that match their moods or express emotions.

Apple is also working on AI-based actions that aim to make tasks more efficient, with a strong focus on personal context and privacy. The company emphasizes that its AI architecture is built into its devices and not on servers, ensuring data privacy and security. Apple Intelligence will leverage data across devices to provide context while prioritizing user privacy. Private Cloud Compute allows Apple Intelligence to utilize external information when necessary without storing user data.

Apple illustrated how Apple Intelligence will enhance user interaction with Siri and other devices, showcasing improvements in Siri’s natural language understanding and personalization. The demonstrations also highlighted AI’s role in assisting with writing tasks, such as providing smart replies in the Mail app and utilizing notifications to present summarized and prioritized alerts.

Furthermore, Apple showcased new ways for users to express themselves, including the introduction of Genmoji, a tool to create personalized emoji, and an image playground feature for creating unique images with AI. Apple also mentioned integrating ChatGPT and other models to enhance user experience, indicating a robust future for Apple Intelligence.

New betas will be released later today for developers.


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