Comparing iPhone Lite and iPhone 5

Japanese resource yesterday published a series of photographs, which compares the housing budget phone, all of which dramatically came to be called iPhone Lite, and beloved iPhone 5. Unlike previous shots, this series has a distinctive quality, which shows everything, even the smallest details. Anyway, the resource reports that iPhone Lite yellow body is made of a fairly high quality plastic, so do not seem cheap. This is the case or whether the copy is not clear.

iPhone Lite vs iPhone-5 Yellow
iPhone Lite vs iPhone 5

Photos in high resolution you can find here .

The withdrawal of Windows XP could revive PC sales

In good or bad Windows XP continues to be talked about. Despite the important market share in employment (37%), which places him in second place after Windows 7, the dinosaur of Operating Systems is now cornered by Microsoft mom who would like to see it drop below 10% by April 2014, the date of retirement decided some time.
Windows XP near to End

According to a new study by Gartner, the withdrawal of Windows XP (or at least the end of support from Microsoft) could affect in a decisive way on the resumption of sales of PC , especially in a market like the U.S.. In particular, continues to Gartner, the professional segment will be the one that will bring the best results, this view of the important market share achieved in recent years and witnessed by industry giants such as HP, Dell and Lenovo.

In consumer, however, things will be different since the user will not be forced to use XP upgrade that much, and while not receiving support will continue, with due attention paid, to exploit his old PC.

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