According to Forrester: iPhone is still the favorite smartphone to use applications

A new study by Forrester Research sheds light on differences in the way people use smartphones, Android as opposed to focusing on the ecosystem that Apple with its iPhone by models.

According to the study, iPhone owners are still those who operate a more appropriate use of your device, in relation to the potential . In practice it appears that is done on the iPhone by a more intensive use of applications, but are also carried out operations more suitable for use on smartphones, primarily web browsing.

The most popular type of application on both platforms? The weather, with over 70% of use with iOS, based on the sample interviewed.

The research concerns the U.S. territory.

Twitter updates on the Windows 8 introduces support for lists and multiple accounts

Important news from Twitter, which in recent hours have updated their official client for Windows 8. The previous release dated back to last spring and now in many users were waiting for an update. The update brings a number of bug fixes , but also adds some new features , first of all the ability to make the login to multiple accounts .


Also present was the support to the lists so now, when you view the profile of a user (or your own), you can view the associated lists. Finally, you can create lists of pin and / or the individual profiles directly to the Start screen.

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