Showing posts with label Apple News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple News. Show all posts

According to Forrester: iPhone is still the favorite smartphone to use applications

A new study by Forrester Research sheds light on differences in the way people use smartphones, Android as opposed to focusing on the ecosystem that Apple with its iPhone by models.

According to the study, iPhone owners are still those who operate a more appropriate use of your device, in relation to the potential . In practice it appears that is done on the iPhone by a more intensive use of applications, but are also carried out operations more suitable for use on smartphones, primarily web browsing.

The most popular type of application on both platforms? The weather, with over 70% of use with iOS, based on the sample interviewed.

The research concerns the U.S. territory.

iPhone 5 and iPad Mini, Apple Presentation on September 12 (Updated)

Apple has not yet officially revealed the date of presentation of the new sixth-generation iPhone, but rumor is from authoritative sources, begin to circulate in the network. X The date should be Wednesday September 12 , and between the new products should make their appearance the long-awaited iPhone 5 and the brand new iPad Mini . After the first rumors of this date spread by iMore , the blog AllThingsD  of the WSJ, the site  TheVerge and Jim Dalrymple of TheLoop confirmed the choice of Apple to hold an event date for this autumn. According to sources, Apple is preparing to launch a "big cycle of new products", confirmed by increased investment in industrial production observed in recent months. The reliability of sources is now a fact and the date indicated only awaits the official announcement from Apple .
This great event may collect different types of products: 5 iPhone iPad Mini, but does not exclude the appearance of the new iPod Touch and iPod Nano. The launch of the new iPhone should already be set for September 21 , probably only a small number of countries and may also coincide with the start of sales of other products shown. At the launch of the new iPad earlier this year, Tim Cook had announced a 2012 full of news and "innovation": after the MacBook Pro Retina, the bulk is expected by year end!

Regarding the ' iPhone 5 (entirely unofficial name yet), we already know many details and technical specifications: the rumors  and the first images suggest an aesthetic slightly renewed, a 4-inch screen and 16:9 aspect ratio, a dock connector smaller and perhaps compatible with the Mini-USB, and the probable presence of new nano-SIM . For the ' iPad Mini we can rely only on speculation: would be an easy iPad from the smaller screen , between 7 and 8 inches (maybe 7.85 "), from about $ 250-300 price in direct competition with the Nexus 7 Google and Amazon's Kindle Fire. After a poor year for novelty, the range of cool new iPod will enjoy with the renewal of the ' iPod Touch and iPod Nano : according to Oriental sources, the first screen will adopt a plus and a new design, while the second will know a totally renovated !


Even the famous British news agency Reuters hasconfirmed September 12 as the date chosen by Apple for the presentation of his new "redesigned iPhone" means the product will find accommodation from store shelves in time for the winter buying season, and will present a Small screen and a dock connector smaller.

Release of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion will be held today

During the announcement of the results of the third quarter of fiscal year 2012 , Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed the release date for the new operating system OS X 8.10 Mountain Lion .

During a conference call with investors, Tim Cook said:

"In addition, we have completely updated line of MacBook, tomorrow will start selling Mountain Lion, and the fall release iOS 6".

According to the head of Apple, the company will launch Mountain Lion on July 25. That is, in our time today. Given the time difference, the start of sales and downloads may arrive on the evening of that day. The previous version of the operating system OS X - Lion - appeared at the store Mac App Store around 16:30.

Recall hotly anticipated "Mountain Lion" will bring many new features and "cloud" capabilities. The new platform will be released in the online store Mac App Store for $ 19.99.

Upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion will be available free to all users who purchased a new Mac since June 11, 2012 or later.

Objective-C Programming Language is the third most popular in the world!

Thanks to Apple and the iPhone OS developer community continues to expand, Objective-C programming language applications for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch , is now the third most popular language in the world! As revealed in the last study, Objective-C has surpassed C + +, with its galloping growth of 4.15% per year. Still far the first two positions are occupied by C and Java, which respectively account for 18.33% and 16% of the global fleet applications.
Just last year Objective-C occupied the 46 th position in the ranking of TIOBE, has now reached the podium, surpassing C + +! Both Objective-C and C + + languages ​​were born in 1983 as the successors of the object-oriented programming language C. If you are served some years in C + + for declaring his victory, Objective-C took only months to pass the "rival". But as he explains Nola Wright of Appcelerator , success is not so much the language itself, and the Apple ecosystem that has managed to create and continually enhance an ecosystem that now enjoys all the benefits of sales of iDevices and their use by millions of users.
After being used for the compilation of the operating system NeXTSTEP , developed by Steve Jobs' NeXT in the mid-80s, Objective-C has become synonymous with Apple when this language was chosen as the basis of Mac OS X, as well as of IOS in recent years. It was created in the early '80s by two developers of a company called StepStone - Brad Cox and Tom Love - but it took decades before he could make his appearance in the rankings TIOBE known. Then came the App Store and the story changed. The sales of iPad and iPhone have opened a new world for developers, creating one of the largest ecosystem development. As confirmation of ArcTouch Eric Shapiro, now "anyone can pick up a book and learn the basics of Objective-C" and start to develop something! From the graph in the opening article of powerful good to note that, starting in 2008, it opened the App Store, the spread of Objective-C has undergone a substantial growth, unparalleled!

This month last document written by TIOBE Objective-C is the programming language used for developing applications now existing 9.335%, an increase of over 4 percentage points compared to last year, while C + + stops at 9.118 %. Below is a summary of the classifications occupied most popular languages ​​in recent years:

Apple prepares an injunction against the Samsung Galaxy S3 could create big problems for Samsung

Apple has returned to the attack against Samsung and, after an apparent truce of some months, has filed several injunctions against the latest products released by the Korean Nexus as the Galaxy, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and the Galaxy S3. Just this terminal is the next goal that Apple intends to strike in its uphill battle against Android and the alleged infringement of patents.
The recent victories in court have been met with Apple to continue its legal battle against the main rival in the market, Samsung, targeting the Korean company's latest creation, the Samsung S3 Galaxy. Initially, Apple has tried to block sales of the terminal with an injunction presented before its U.S. launch last month, without success.

In any case, however, the Samsung S3 Galaxy remains a prime target for a lawsuit with Apple, and an eventual victory that block sales of the device could create big problems with Samsung reportedly Topeka Capital analyst Brian White Markets in a note to investors.

The recent success of Apple in court is based primarily on the basis of four patents :

  • The patent number 5,946,647 for a "system to perform actions on a computer-generated data structure";
  • The patent number 8,074,172 for "Method, system and user interface to provide suggestions predictive text, or text";
  • The patent number 8,046,721 which describes a system for "the release of a device with the use of gesture or with an image of unlock";
  • The patent number 8,086,604 for a "universal interface for the acquisition of information in a computer system" (although the latter has not been used by Judge Lucy Koh who decided in favor of Apple).
In short, a new chapter in the battle between the two giants was opened and this time, seems to be the decisive one for the future of both companies and the global ICT market. by

New York Times: wages are too low to staff working at the Apple Store?

It 's an article which will surely argue, one published by the New York Times yesterday, in which it is made ​​known to all readers of the newspaper as employees of the U.S. Apple Store, even the best, receive a salary, and sometimes human very unworthy of the standards that the company's Apple is able to offer in other areas.
An example? The New York newspaper interview the employee Jordan Golson, who in just 3 months has sold more than $ 750,000 (about 600,000 €) of computers and devices at the Apple Store in Salem, New Hampshire, in return, " instead of a bottle of champagne and compliments the company for a job well done ", only 11 U.S. dollars and 25 cents per hour (about 9 €).

The article goes on to explain how the " love affair of Americans with smartphones has created tens of thousands of jobs in department stores ", allowing one to Apple to be a major, if not the main sellers of the United States , money earned for each square meter of its stores .

Yet, there is a significant disparity between the treatment received by 30,000 workers in the Apple Store, which pays about $ 25,000 a year (a little 'less than € 20,000) compared with more than 473,000 each employee each year, usually , that more than double the 206,000 generated on average by other electronics companies and telephone.

To give a hand, so far, the Cupertino company, the presence of a strong corporate culture lovers and fans of employees of the company they work for products that allowed, according to The New York Times, to " do something unique in the annals Trade: pay a modest hourly wage and no fees for employees who usually have a degree and that, at the highest levels, can move well for value close to 3 million dollars a year '.

It seems that something is still moving, and Apple has announced that it intends to proceed with substantial increases to their employees , in the coming months.

The article is very long, detailed and full of very interesting content. It can be found at the following

A reading Sunday, in fact.  source

Apple's fall already written?

Life is a roller-coaster, it goes up and down! Such could be the conclusion of the analyst who predicted (not without justification) that the company Apple is going to experience a significant decline from a certain point.
This analyst is George Colony, CEO of the agency Forrester Research analyst, who after studying the evolution of Apple in recent years predicted a fall ... which should be very important! But tell me this is normal after climbing as high in the phone industry by revolutionizing our phones, then in the computer world by revolutionizing the use of notebooks with the arrival of the iPad in 2010 .

But that's not all! Main cause of this decline, the death of the charismatic Steve Jobs replaced since August 2011 by Tim Cook.

It stated:

"In organizations charismatic, magical leader must make way for another leader magical - the emotional connection between employees, the public and the mark required. "

George Colony provides that the company will switch to Apple's decline in two years the image of brands like Sony and Disney ...

So does the iPhone 6S will be the last vintage of Apple is that the Apple brand to be able to find in the depths of his bowels innovations capable of surprising us and conquer us? The future will tell ...

And you think that you have thoughts of the analyst? You join them? Or are you inclined to oppose the idea of ​​seeing Apple go quietly to hell?

WWDC 2012 officially on June 11 in San Francisco

As we announced several weeks ago, WWDC 2012 , the most eagerly awaited by the public concerned by the products of the house in Cupertino, will take place from 11th to June 15th at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco . The event dedicated to iPhone OS and OS X has always been the ideal for the presentation of new products this year and is accompanied by a logo that once again the symbol of the house in Cupertino, revised and corrected for the occasion.
The symbol of the WWDC, several times, suggested that the news will be presented during the event, we entrust the interpretation of the 2012 logo for our readers. Among the products that could be announced during the WWDC 2012 include primarily the new Mac, which is expected a renewal of short-and, perhaps, the new iPhone model. All same date, Apple has started the usual advance ticket to take part in the event, which previously showed the sold-out immediately after the start of marketing. For more details on WWDC 2012 is sufficient to connect to this address . source

Good News iPhone 5 goes on sale in October this year

iPhone 5 sales will begin in October this year: reported by the publication of Kotaku, citing an anonymous source in the environment of staff Foxconn, directly related to the production iOS-communicators. "It will be released in October," - says the insider.
Apple traditionally introduces new mobile devices in June, with the exception of last year: the latest version of the smartphone was released in October. However, according to unnamed sources, the company Foxconn “just” got out of Cupertino order for a trial production of small batch of iPhone 5, and then only at the end of the summer will begin a large-scale production.

According to some reports, the next generation Apple phone will receive a larger screen and an unusual case; sources did not disclose the technical details. In late January blog 9to5Mac reported that the diagonal of its screen can be more than 4 inches. In March, the Reuters news agency has received information that a new iPhone model will get a 4.6-inch display Retina.

It is assumed that the smartphone will come with quad-core processor and an updated version of the A6 voice assistant Siri. And also probably be able to support the technology Near Field Communication (NFC), which allows the exchange of data and wireless connections, if two devices are in close proximity to each other. Other sources noted that the iPhone 5, followed by the new iPad, will support the fourth-generation network based on 4G technology LTE.

The gadget will be the sixth in a line of smartphones Apple, which has already introduced iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S.

Apple gains increases to 70% of developers who adhere to IAD

How many of you already know, is the iAd mobile advertising program set up by Apple to introduce advertising and engaging in interactive mobile application on its App Store. And 'news today that the weekend just past, Apple has informed all developers have increased the gains you get from the platform , taking them from 60% to 70%.
Apple, therefore, proves once again to encourage developers to use its mobile advertising platform into their applications by increasing the gains that the developers themselves can get hosting these campaigns.

"We made the following changes to the Developer Agreement for Advertising Services iAd network, which will take effect immediately.
- The share of income for developers about the network iAd is now 70%. "

This move had already been anticipated in February by Adage , which already included an increase of share of profit for developers who adopt iAd within their app.
The increase in earnings, therefore, represents an incentive to try to entice developers to join the network of advertising for Apple thus increasing the spread of iAd banner applications, a factor that can not be excluded and undervalued, could lead to lower pricing application and dissemination of a growing number of free ones.

Apple Education Event: all you want to know, in one article! [16:15 pm]

Started by a few minutes, the last Apple event dedicated to the world of education will likely be packed with information, news and previews which will be discussed in this article constantly updated. It is thought (striamo writing before the event, for more detailed information, read the entire article) to a new store devoted primarily to educational books in electronic format, the result of a partnership with leading publishers in the industry.
Hoping not to spoil the surprise too, reported here is an interesting excerpt from the 37 chapter of the biography of Steve Jobs made out of aWalter Isaacson:

In fact, Jobs had his eye on textbooks as the next target of a digital transformation. He was convinced that that sector of 8 billion dollars a year was ready for the digital destruction. He was also struck by the fact that many schools, for safety reasons, no longer put at the disposal of lockers for students and that, therefore, they had to go to school every day with heavy backpacks. "The iPad can solve the problem," he said. His idea was engaging the main authors of manuals and textbooks to allow them to produce digital versions of their works, making them available on the iPad. In addition, he was organizing meetings with the major publishers of school, such as Pearson Education, assuming the partnership with Apple. "The process by which the school authorities certify the state school textbooks is corrupt," he said. "But we can make free textbooks, and integrated iPad, so that should not be certified. This crappy economic system at the state level will continue for ten years, and we can offer the opportunity to bypass the entire process and save money. "

Update 16:03
To go on stage is Phil Schiller, that definitely will start to talk about numbers and then introduce the main topics of the day.
Update 16:15: 2 iBooks
 There is talk of 20,000 applications, which are present in the App Store, for educational purposes and 1.5 million used in the field of educational iPad. And here is introduced iBooks 2. The new application, signed by Apple, offers numerous advantages over traditional school books, as books in it are portable, durable, interactive, offering the possibility to use the contextual search and add to the text various media.

The market for used iPhone helps users, operators and Apple itself

AllThingsD reported an interesting research by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), which analyzed the impact of the secondary market of the iPhone , or that part of the iPhone that are used re-sold or given away when users switch to a newer model .
The survey has tracked the new consumers who bought iPhones since the launch of the iPhone 4S in October, found that 53% of these users has "revitalized" its old smartphone (no iPhone only) to the secondary market .

Of these old smartphones returned, the survey showed that well 49% of these are iPhone (models) , while 21% is represented by 15% from BlackBerry and Android devices. About two-thirds of these devices are given away, the rest re-sold.
And Apple? From all this there seems to gain nothing, in fact lose potential users. And it is not so. The sale of devices used to help the Cupertino company Apple ecosystem introduce new users , users who, in all probability, will buy an Apple product in the short-medium term.

So the secondary market represents a gain for virtually all : for users who are saving for operators that enable new users and for Apple, which is gaining new potential users.

Apple releases Software 4.4.4 for Apple TV version and a 'modified' to iPhone OS 5.0.1 iPhone 4S (Direct Link)

Two small updates have been released by Apple during the day: the updating of the software ' Apple TV to version 4.4.4 and a version of 'change' of IOS 5.0.1 iPhone 4S with build different from the original. The changelog includes small bug fixes and new minor.
After about a month after the release of version 4.4.3 , the Apple TV software is updated again, activating the Build 9A406a. The changelog will be published shortly on this page .Here's the direct link for download:

An unusual event is the release of a modified version of iPhone OS 5.0.1 iPhone exclusive 4S, with Build 9A406 different from the original released last month. As MacRumors information, the update is not notified for current users who have already installed the latest version on your iPhone 4S, although you can still change the installation of the new build. This perhaps means that the minimum changelog changes or concerns that the release of iPhone OS 5.0.2 is increasingly imminent. For those interested, here's the link for download:

Apple releases iPhone OS 5.1 Beta 2 for developers via OTA (News)

Apple has released the second beta of iPhone OS 5.1 to developers, allowing you to test the new firmware on your iDevice awaiting public release. The update is available via OTA on devices already upgraded to iPhone OS 5.1 Beta 1. After the failure to resolve problems related to the autonomy of the battery with the first beta, expect new in this version. Apple has also released the new Apple TV software Beta and Xcode 4.3 Developer Preview 2 .
Here is the news constantly updated:

  • Apple waiting to be found in new iPhone OS 5.1: you can delete the Photo Stream , directly from the device, the photos automatically uploaded to icloud! The possibility of cancellation will be retroactive, that is also valid for the photos previously taken and loaded on Photo Stream.

  • The problem is resolved during the first reboot of the device setup. Always appear as the final screen of the procedure or the Wifi settings.
  • It solved the problem of failure to appear in the Lock Screen Camera button after pressing the Home key double.
Is corrected
These are the new features introduced in previous beta versions of iPhone OS 5.1

Photographic History of Apple products through 35 years

Apple has a very rich history and intense behind. It is fascinating to be able to look like in 35 years under the brand name of Apple products  are often changed and have changed in our lives. If you want to make a nice  "walk through time" ,  CBS News has made ​​available a beautiful photo gallery  of Apple products since 1976, with no less than 45 files. The gallery also shows, for each of these images, the date of issue of the product and includes a brief description about the object and the meaning this had for the evolution of technology.

Opening the camera is placed the photo history of the now famous Apple I [cover photo] launched by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in April 1976:. The product consisted simply of an assembled motherboard, which required for its operation of an external display, keyboard and display. Picking up the whole could be any houses, like the one depicted in the photograph of wood. The importance of the product it was in the "revolution" of which he was leading this user microcomputers, from offices of large corporations, these new technologies passed into the hands of hobbyists and enthusiasts, who no longer had to deal with complex kit installation of internal components. One of the few examples in circulation was bought by entrepreneur Italian Marco Boglione at a price of € 157,245 , and took a new "life" in May thanks to the Polytechnic of Turin.

The gallery is closed with the latest products in the industry "mobile" put on the market, like the iPad iPhone 2 and 4, and the new super-powerful MacBook Air ultrabook line.

Samsung vs. Apple, the real legal battle has begun!

They challenged a few hours ago and already did not send her to say. Who are we talking? Of the two giants of mobile phones (and others) that continue to cane, but this time they do it in court and there are twists.

Like a good movie, even in this case, the characters show looming and convinced of their beliefs, their own philosophy. It is no coincidence that they are the masters of the market and smartphones on the market if we contending and divided to the tune of billions. Challenge for the future and not for the present.

The theater of battle is the Netherlands where the hearing was held on charges of Samsung against Apple, guilty, according to the Korean society of "violating some patents in wireless design of the iPhone and iPad" .

Apple is represented by the Advocate and Rutger Kleemans Freshfields team, Samsung Bas Berghuis of Simmons & Simmons . In this case the lawyers to speak and just manage to turn the "challenge" with statements like:

Samsung takes 2.4% of the cost of a chip for each of its patent . Apple considers these requests simply excessive. The two companies are still negotiating an agreement for the granting of licenses.

The real problem lies in the concept of patent license and evidently out of place by one of two parts. The so-called "licenses" may be exclusive or not, this means that the various company like Intel and Infineon , from which Apple buys chip, in turn, could have bought the licenses or patents whose value may or may not be "resold ". So where lies the problem? From the fact that those licenses or patents are those of Samsung ! So far, so ok. So what caused this dispute to be fierce?

The Korean company claims that Apple has more than "ten suppliers whose names are hidden on purpose." Why? To avoid paying these patents or licenses ones that really belong to Samsung. The latest proposal to Apple was rejected because it considered excessive. One wonders then if the trick has worked serious about Cupertino or if the lawyers are considering a counter to avoid the huge costs required by the fierce competitor.Who will win the day?

Apple has become the largest company in the world. Only at the moment

During yesterday's trading on the New York Stock Exchange, Apple has for some time been able to circumvent the cap on the volume of oil giant Exxon Mobil and become the largest company in the world . Analysts called it a landmark event is because it signals that the old market system has come to an end. According to experts, yesterday held a victory for the new economy, based on computer technology over the traditional business, whose representatives are energy companies and banks.

Although before closing again Apple has moved into second place, market observers noted that the return to the top position of the company that transformed the smartphone market and created a market from scratch plates, is only a matter of time.

Last Tuesday, the volume of the market capitalization of California-based company rose to 341.5 billion dollars after an extremely stressful midday trading, leaving Exxon with its 341.4 billion U.S. dollars. And despite the fact that the annual revenues of the energy giant is four times greater than the same period Apple. Due to the persistence of volatility in shares of companies (due to the instability of the economic situation and the lowering of the credit rating of the United States) over time quotes Apple dropped and Exxon has won back his losses. As a result of the close of trading on the capitalization of Exxon was 348.3 billion as against $ 346.7 billion from Apple.

The prospect of change, "the king of mountains", according to many analysts, is highly symbolic, reflecting the fact that the technology industry in recent years has increasingly strong influence on the American economy.

"Technology - is that today people have started to understand - said a senior market analyst at Banyan Partners Robert Pavlik (Robert Pavlik). - At some point, it was radio, and even earlier - the train. And I think it's indicative of our society "

Yesterday's Apple ascent to Olympus, from which she managed for a time to push the company Exxon Mobil, for more than five years, holding leadership is even more impressive when you consider that fourteen years ago Apple was on the brink. That's when she came back, Steve Jobs, to breathe new life into the company and set the vector of development, which proved most successful in all of corporate America's history. But thirteen years ago, some skeptical analysts determine the value of Apple, based only on the price of land, which are company-owned building.

Apple has (albeit briefly) to join the group of nine companies that hold leading positions in the ranking of S & P 500. These include such large corporations as General Electric Co, General Motors, IBM Corp, Microsoft Corp and AT & T Inc, DuPont, Philip Morris Cos, and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. These data tell analysts that follow the index Standard & Poor's. If at the close of trading Apple managed to get around in terms of market capitalization of Exxon Mobil, it officially became the tenth member to the group. This was stated by Howard Silverblatt (Howard Silverblatt), principal analyst at S & P Indices. He also recalled that a decade ago, the company from Silicon Valley for the first time included in the S & P 500 in 1982, ranked only 287 in the ranking of the place. In this context, the success of the company is still stunning.
As for Exxon Mobil, the company that headed the list of largest U.S. corporations in 2006, when prices for oil and gas prices have jumped up. And when the lion's share of the U.S. economy accounted for the heavy equipment, energy, military contracts and the financial sector, on top of the rankings was a corporation General Electric. Auto giant General Motors, went bankrupt in 2009, returned to the stock exchange, having re-IPO. And earlier, when the production cars was the main Industrial proud U.S., this company was the largest in the country and the world.

According to analysts, Apple's success lies in the fact that she was able to successfully ride the "mobile" wave that has swept in recent years, consumer markets worldwide. After the return of Steve Jobs' company has released several products that have become classics and set new standards in the industry. These include computer iMac, player iPod, smartphone iPhone, as well as tablet iPad, which could single-handedly and almost from scratch to create a market for tablet PCs.

Currently, Apple's stock just have to be in the long-term portfolio of every self-respecting investor, since it is obvious that as the rapid spread of popularity of the company products around the world will necessarily strengthen the position of its securities on the stock market.

From 1 July this year, Apple's market capitalization grew by more than 20 billion dollars due to expectations that the new model of the cult of the iPhone will provide a stunning volume of sales in the second half of 2011. At the same time, the total value of shares of Exxon Mobil in the same period fell by about 50 billion dollars due to price volatility in the oil market.

The only thing that worries analysts and investors on Wall Street, it is uncertainty about the health of the unchallenged leader of Apple Steve Jobs. Many fear that if for some reason, he will be forced to leave office without him the company would have an entirely different and perhaps not so successful. Others express concern about the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets based on the developed mobile platform from Google Android.

It is worth noting that two of today's leading rating totally relate differently to their investors. While Exxon pays a dividend on a quarterly basis, the shareholders of Apple last dividend received in November 1995. Thus, during this time Apple was able to gain "fat" in the form of more than $ 70 billion of free cash flow. Many analysts expect that this money is going to put Steve Jobs in a loud and regular large-scale project. Only shareholders of the minimum feed the hope that at least a small portion of these funds perepadet to them as dividends.

Apple opened the sale of "training» iMac with Core i3 CPU priced at $ 999

Apple today introduced a new model of 21.5-inch iMac specifically for schools - new Processor 3.1GHz Intel Core i3 is $ 999. A new computer designed specifically for sale to educational institutions, $ 150 cheaper model with 2.5GHz Intel Core i5, which for students is $ 1149 for all other clients (no student discount) - $ 1199.

According to MacRumors, the new iMac for $ 999 today appeared in the special section online - Shop Apple Higher Educational store. Specifications can be viewed at
Apple, among them:

  • Processor 3.1GHz Intel Core i3 Dual-Core;
  • LCD monitor with a diagonal of 21.5 inches;
  • GPU AMD Radeon HD 6750 with 256MB;
  • 2GB RAM;
  • Hard Drive 250GB;
  • drive SuperDrive; OS X Lion.
In addition to the slower CPU Core i3, a new "junior» iMac is inferior in volume RAM - only 2GB, hard drive capacity in - 250GB, and the characteristics of the graphics card - 256MB. Model "for students" for $ 1149 more powerful - CPU Core i5 iMac, 4GB RAM, 500GB hard drive and graphics 512MB.

It is unclear (the specification is not specified), equipped with a junior 'school »iMac speed port Thunderbolt and camera FaceTime HD, which Apple in May, added its line of iMac.
The new $ 999 iMac - not the first model of Apple, designed specifically for sales of educational institutions. In 2009 kupertinovtsy kept selling 17-inch "training» iMac for $ 899 even after the total sales of this model is a desktop "all-in-one" was removed in favor of the new 20 - and 24-inch models.

Last month, Apple stopped production of its "historic" White MacBook, officially replacing his "younger" model MacBook Air, which also costs $ 999. And while the white MacBook, model No. MC516, is available for purchase educational institutions.

Apple fights fakes new claim

After the Chinese surprised the entire world the scale of their skills, "cloning", creating some fake retail Apple, kupertinovtsy decided to defend its trademark in court. Apple filed suit against 50 "imagined defendants" - an unnamed company to charges of illegally using the trademark with the requirement to close the "fake" stores and to prohibit such activities in future. The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York City, parts of it are not disclosed.

But some of the names of participants in the case yet known - is a kind of company «Apple Story Inc.», Which opened a store of the same name - a copy of the original "apple" store, leading a successful retail their products. Such fake «Apple Story» opened in the vicinity of Flushing in Queens, New York, a lawsuit against Apple filed it in Brooklyn.

In the photo depicting »Apple Story», published BirdAbroad, visible products Apple, located in the windows, similar to the large copy of the Apple iPhone and iPad. The rest of the creators of the New York magazine went so far do not like the Chinese, who made a very complex fraud. Some of them shop in Kunming looks absolutely copies of the original apple store, even the staff are dressed in blue shirts are the same.

This Thursday, trying to contact Samuel Joseph Chiang (Samuel Joseph Chuang) - lawyer representing Apple Story Inc., Fun Zone Inc., And Dzheynikom by Chiang (Janic Po Chiang), to clarify the exact nature of the lawsuit filed by Apple . But at the time of this publication is a response from them has not yet received.

Since the nature of action is unknown, it is not clear yet, whether it is just Apple Story Inc. New York, or the accused is also foreign companies. Perhaps, Apple still does not know exactly who it belongs to these fake shops, and decided the accused (without counsel) to indicate the imaginary 50 defendants, tentatively called " John Doe ".

Another name which appears in the lawsuit, is the general term "the Company XYZ», without specifying the total. And finally, the name of a named Jimmy Quoc (Jimmy Kwok), also without a lawyer.

Interests Apple Introduces a New York attorney Mark Matterperl (Mark N. Mutterperl) and Todd Ryan Hembridzh (Todd Ryan Hambridge) of the Company Fulbright & Jawardi LLP.

In the accompanying documents, it stated that Apple lawyers in this Tuesday, contacted a lawyer Chiang (Chuang), and both sides confirmed the court agreed to an autopsy of the claim. But access to them as long as they have only lawyers and the judiciary, for the rest of the details of action remain unknown.
After the fake the Apple Store attracted worldwide attention, the city of Kunming began their investigation. Outraged customers who have time to shop in these stores, began to return goods purchased, requiring proof that they are genuine, not cheap Chinese fakes. Two fake, it was decided to close shop due to lack of documentation required for trading. But copyright infringement on Chinese law authorities Kunming still silent.

Developers update their range of applications App Store for iOS 5

Developers have started to update the software range App Store, to ensure application compatibility with future operating systems Apple iOS 5 for iPhone and iPad, but so far none of the applications do not explicitly call «iOS 5" as compatible with their operating system.

One of the earliest approved applications that are compatible with iOS 5 is " Camera + "from the developer Tap tap tap. As the Cult of Mac, in the description of program features version 2.2.3 Camera + application stated that it is compatible with future operating system, whose name is still impossible to call. Was more outspoken Mashable, which this week updated its software application for iPhone to version 1.5.4 and reported that the update is fully compatible with iOS 5.

The software update can explain how a nice allusion to the fact that the yield of 5 can take place iOS earlier than many had expected, based on the statement about Apple Fall release.

However, despite the fact that some software products are now "compatible" with iOS 5, most of the latest range of App Store are still based on the use of API iOS 4.3, provided by Apple. Developers can test applications for compatibility with iOS 5, using the latest beta - version of the new OS.

While there is no clear indication that Apple started to formally approve the application created on the basis iOS 5 API. Last year, for example, Apple has officially started taking applications on the basis of iOS 4.0 API only 10 days before the software update came out and presented its new features, including multi-tasking. This could mean that any application for iOS 5, already on the App Store, can not fully take into account all the benefits of the upcoming update. It is known that in iOS 5 developers can take advantage of new features - it's Notification Center (a new way to conveniently view and manage notifications), Newsstand (virtual newsstand), system integration with Twitter, and more.

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