Google patents launching specific applications via unlock pattern

A patent approved only recently, but deposited by Google last year, could lead to future versions of Android to introduce a method of release similar to that commonly use for our lockscreen, based on the execution of a screen unlock pattern, however applied to specific applications .

An example would be home banking applications, but also the call log, messages or whatever else needs to be managed with greater security and privacy, away from prying eyes. A simple concept that, for the moment, has not been applied in practice with the current distribution Android 4.3 . It is not impossible that Bigg may decide to do it with the next release of the operating system Android.

According to Forrester: iPhone is still the favorite smartphone to use applications

A new study by Forrester Research sheds light on differences in the way people use smartphones, Android as opposed to focusing on the ecosystem that Apple with its iPhone by models.

According to the study, iPhone owners are still those who operate a more appropriate use of your device, in relation to the potential . In practice it appears that is done on the iPhone by a more intensive use of applications, but are also carried out operations more suitable for use on smartphones, primarily web browsing.

The most popular type of application on both platforms? The weather, with over 70% of use with iOS, based on the sample interviewed.

The research concerns the U.S. territory.

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