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Latest Important tips for choosing a best career for you

Latest Top 10 Summer Health Tips Easy to Apply Now

Latest Top 10 Summer Health Tips Easy to Apply Now

Drink Water – Water helps prevent illness, keeps your bones and muscles healthy, helps maintain your weight and best of all, water fuels your activates throughout the day!
 Eat Fresh – Reserve a palace on your plate every meal for fresh produce and you’re sure to reap the tasty rewards.
Transform Activities Into Exercise – Activities like going to zoo or visiting a park can become exercise, if you use the stairs, take the long route.
Lifestyle Modification – The summer is a great time to try a new exercise routine, kick-start a new healthy eating plan and quit smoking.
See You’re Doctor – Schedule an appointment for a check-up to make sure pain or injury doesn’t sideline you this summer.
Stay Shady – Try to your time in direct sunshine between 10am and 4pm, and always wear sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.
Plan a Personal Vacation – A vacation to get away from it all is a must this summer. Take some ‘you’ time this summer to relax and rejuvenate.
Disconnect – Disconnect from the internet, put down those smart phones and see a world without selfies, hashtags and videos.
Sleep Well – Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental and physical health, safety and quality of life.
Stay Cool – When it’s hot, do what you can to stay cool! Go swimming at your neighborhood pool and visit local air-conditioned attractions.


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