Apple has developed an adaptive keyboard for iOS-devices

Apple has received a new patent, which describes a number of ways to improve the precision and accuracy of text entry on mobile devices iPhone and iPad with iOS's built-in virtual keyboard.
The illustration in the application, which was announced on Friday Patent and Trademark USA, described "intelligent" keyboard, which looks like the standard keypad in iOS. Its peculiarity lies in the adaptive form of buttons. The key size of the panel changes as you type, adjusting to a set of individual characteristics of each user.

According to the description of technology, the keyboard can change the shape of the buttons, depending on the type of input data, for example to increase the size of some of the letters or symbols, to change the distance between the rows of keys, etc.

The more a person works with a "smart" keyboard Apple, the better it is adapted for convenient and faster typing. So if a user rarely uses the letter "Z", its size will decrease, and the most frequently typed characters on the contrary - to increase in size.

The figures in Apple patent illustrations show some examples of adjusting the keyboard.
On the date of the practical implementation of the technology in the document are not reported.

ActiveDock: new dock for iPhone-style OS X

ActiveDock - this exciting new development for jailbroken iPhone, which is preparing to be released in Cydia. Thanks to Jeff of iDB, we have the opportunity to get acquainted with this tweak today.

Many people know about Doc - toolbar, which is a key part of the graphical user interface of the operating system Mac OS X. It allows you to run programs on the implementation and switch between running tasks. Also, as in the mobile platform iOS, Doc plays the launcher (on Utilities applications) and contains icons most frequently used programs.

Two programmers Filippo Bigarella Surenix and decided to move some of the features of the OS X Dock for iPhone, realizing its development as a jailbreak-tweaks. The task was to make the bottom panel in iOS more alive and functional. So there ActiveDock.

The first thing that ActiveDock for iOS, - adds display of running applications from OS X. Any program in the dock, which is in the active mode, illuminated small icon at the bottom of the panel. The second feature of the new dock - behavior icons admission notices. Whenever an application is notified, the icon starts bouncing in the dock, indicating that the user has unread messages. Even if the iPhone has been blocked after the application icon, the screen will remind the owner to answer the missing "text message" or tweet.

The developers ActiveDock extensive experience in the creation of tweaks: Surenix is ​​the author of such well-known jailbreak-ons like Springtomize 2, Evasi0n and Ayecon, and Filippo Bigarella released LivelyIcons, CleverPin and PasswordPilot. Therefore, as an elaboration of the new tweaks and there is no doubt.

ActiveDock appear in Cydia soon. Download the novelty will be $ 1.99.

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