The new film BUFF Screen Protector will protect the iPhone screen from impact hammer [video]

The company BUFF Labs, specializing in the creation of security solutions with a high performance technology, has introduced a new film for mobile iPhone. Innovative accessory limited edition successfully tested in the Chinese market.
The advantage of BUFF Screen Protector film is that it is able to protect the iPhone display not only from scratches and scuffs, but also from physical damage. In addition, it can protect your device with the drops. According to the developer of the product, iPhone screen is backed with a new film, easily sustain a blow hammer.

Secret BUFF Screen Protector lies in the application of four layers, which are necessary elasticity and viscosity parameters. These layers are applied by spraying a special method for polyethylene terephthalate.

The thickness of the protective film BUFF, able to absorb shock, no more than the traditional ones. It does not reduce the sensitivity of the screen, does not slip in your hands and does not have the effect of "orange peel", says the developer. And yet the film is intended for reusable applications. This means that it easily can be removed from the old iPhone and stick a new one.

Purchase an accessory maybe an online store for $ 20 to $ 30 .

To demonstrate the unique features of BUFF Screen Protector Product developers have recorded a promotional video:

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