Showing posts with label Samsung Galaxy S5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samsung Galaxy S5. Show all posts

Galaxy S5: up to 25% energy savings in most thanks to the technologies of Lucid

Samsung with a new Galaxy S5 tried to optimize energy consumption and in addition to the integrated power saving modes that modify radically the user interface making it black and white and facilitated with Ui (Ultra Power Saving Mode) has also introduced other measures in order to make the Galaxy S5 one of the most optimized from the point of view of consumption.

Thanks to the partnership with LucidLogix, three interesting features dedicated to energy savings have been introduced in the new top of the range NavExtend, WebExtend and GamExtend . NavExtend works to improve power during navigation when using GPS, acting on the frequencies of the GPU so that they correspond exactly to the bare minimum required by the navigation software, ensuring that the graphics travel at full load, which causes a fast overheating of the device and a faster consumption of the battery.

Similarly, WebExtend handles combine CPU and GPU in order to allow its use at lower frequencies, always in view to saving energy. Both solutions are able to provide a reduction in fuel consumption of approximately 25% and are currently compatible with most browsers and browsers available on Android. The last solution, GamExtend, it is not just a novelty as it is already being adopted by Galaxy Note 3 and is concerned with optimally manage the device when it is subjected to heavy workloads such as gaming. The combination of technologies provided by Lucid and optimizations Samsung could make record performance 2800 mAh battery of the device beyond what you might expect. Just can not obviously fail to fully test this aspect.

Samsung Galaxy F filed with the Galaxy S5: new smartphone with metal (Rumor)

New Year banner of more than one top of the range smartphones arriving in the coming months and although all the attention is pointed on the next Samsung Galaxy S5 that every year takes us through speculation and leaks, this year Samsung could double choices. According to new data from Korean sources, Samsung Galaxy F could accompany the release of the next S5 and adopt an all metal.

According to the report, the prototype has been developed in Europe and then moved to the production plant in Vietnam, ready to launch a parallel with the Galaxy S5. Yet little is known about this new device, Samsung Galaxy F should belong to the manufacturer's premium line of smartphones, even talking about features in some cases higher than the same S5.

The model number should be MS-G900F, traded in the past weeks with the same first Galaxy S5 and suggested a few days ago as the first hybrid along the lines of the Samsung Series PadFone. Currently it is not clear if the only difference may be in the type of material used, or take the form of a completely new line of smartphones. The only thing certain is that when it comes to rumor and speculation unconfirmed.

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