Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

LG Cloud beta in the U.S. and Korea: 50 GB free, but only for the first 6 months

Tell me and I'll tell that cloud you who you are : now lacks only the gardener in the house to have its say in the increasingly tangled world of services, Cloud Storage , where the last company LG, which will be tomorrow as many as 50 GB free for all its customers and Korean Americans.
The service reminds that the recently launched by Sony , especially since it will be voted to ' connect all devices to LG brand , rather than whether Android smartphone smart TV, so that the videos uploaded on the cloud will be trans-coded on the fly to optimize the bandwidth usage and also allow streaming of 3D content.
There are already applications for Android and Windows , although it still lacks a dedicated web portal, but not long in coming. The "scam" if anything, lies in the space provided: for the first 6 months, LG users will receive 50 GB simply by installing the free app for Android, but this is made ​​possible by well-known collaboration with LG Box ,  after this period, however, the space will drop dramatically to 5 GB , and fall to 2 GB for users of devices that are not LG.
What will happen any excess data is not clear but, although the policy of " try it for free for a while 'and then pay "can adapt well to satellite TV, for example, there seems to be a very good formula for a storage service. In any case the service is (currently) reserved for the U.S. and Korea, so basically we have little to complain about. Or perhaps why should we?

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