Showing posts with label Ubuntu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ubuntu. Show all posts

Murtazin called Ubuntu for smartphones "useless thing"

This week Canonical, a developer of one of the most popular flavors of Linux - Ubuntu, announced its intention to release a mobile operating system for smartphones. New rival iOS and Android according to the company, will bring users all the things that were on the desktop, so the user is the difference between the mobile and the desktop version will be minimal, and the transition - "seamless."

If the users of mobile news outlet Ubuntu perceived positively, some analysts see the new platform for any prospects. In particular, the leading Mobile Research Group analyst Eldar Murtazin called it in his Twitter "worthless thing."
"Do not ask me about the phone ubuntu. It is useless thing that might only creators "- said Murtazin.
Western journalists who have already tested the platform in general positive about the new system. We must recognize that Canonical did slyly uses OS driver and the kernel of the Android, making it easy to install Ubuntu on any device running an operating system Google. It also means that producers do not have to change the hardware of mobile devices to run the OS.

Recall that the release of mobile Ubuntu will not immediately, but towards the end of 2013 or early 2014. In this regard, some doubts remain about the timeliness of the OS release. A year later, when the first smartphone based on the Linux operating system, iOS, and Android finally will be shared by the entire market.

Ubuntu comes to smartphones: the new rival iOS and Android

One of the most popular distributions of Linux desktop operating system adapted for smartphones. Soon, the mobile market will be a new strong player in the person of the software platform Ubuntu Mobile on the corporation Canonical, that "would work well even on recent smartphones."

Architecturally similar to the OS operating system Android. The heart of Ubuntu Mobile supports kernel Linux, but not using a virtual machine. In addition, the smartphone manufacturers Canonical assure that the system will work fine with the existing kernel and drivers for popular systems-on-chip, used in smartphones to Android. This is to avoid long work on the special adaptation OS specific processors.

The interface of Ubuntu Mobile is actively used swipe gesture from the four edges of the screen navigation system is basically similar gestures. The developers admit that the platform will be a weak point ecosystem. At the start of the OS will ship with 5 customary applications, with Google Maps, Facebook, Gmail and Spotify. The biggest problem at the initial stage will be to convince users prefer Ubuntu more mature OS like iOS, Android or Windows Phone.

Canonical has made a bet on HTML5-programs, which are very easy to move to other operating systems. And a special application API can interact with system services unit. But Ubuntu is not limited to HTML5. For advanced applications and games, actively using resources smartphone, Ubuntu offers the opportunity to develop C / C + +, and full use of OpenGL. The company stresses that Ubuntu on a PC and on your phone is essentially the same, so that one application written in native code, can run on both operating systems with different interfaces.

Minimum system requirements for the mobile version of Ubuntu - the single-core Cortex A9 processor with 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 8.4 GB of internal memory. When you connect your smartphone to monitor the mobile device will turn into a desktop system. Requirements for such devices is much higher: a quad-core Cortex A9 or Intel Atom, more than 1 GB of RAM, 32 GB of flash memory and support for memory cards SD.

Release of the first device running Ubuntu is expected by 2014. According to the official website, the system will be ready for launch at the end of this year. Learn more about Ubuntu for mobile devices, you can link to / Devices / phone .

New video shows Android on Ubuntu for Penguin in action

Would you like to use the same applications you use on your desktop or laptop using your smartphone? As long as you use Ubuntu or derivatives (Linux Mint, BackBox, Gnoppix ...), this is possible thanks to Ubuntu for Android , developed by Canonical for this. The project aims to provide a complete Linux environment and is integrated with the device through technical solutions prepared by Canonical and through the cooperation of producers who want to install this option on their devices. Among the solutions we find a special Canonical: Ubuntu will use the same kernel and Android Android / Linux to work, so you have very high levels of performance and do not have to modify the kernel GNU / Linux Ubuntu kernel to fit the Android / Linux.
There is a video online in which they demonstrated the potential of the project, although it is still under development, already shows the muscles. In the video, it uses a Motorola Atrix LibreOffice 2 to open and prove that you can use your smartphone as a PC. The performances are not to scream, but considering that the project will evolve yet we can expect great things. This is a big step towards bringing different worlds: the world of desktop and smartphone world, along with the worlds Linux and Android. Worlds far away, but slowly converge. We look forward to know the official Canonical partners.

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