Murtazin called Ubuntu for smartphones "useless thing"

This week Canonical, a developer of one of the most popular flavors of Linux - Ubuntu, announced its intention to release a mobile operating system for smartphones. New rival iOS and Android according to the company, will bring users all the things that were on the desktop, so the user is the difference between the mobile and the desktop version will be minimal, and the transition - "seamless."

If the users of mobile news outlet Ubuntu perceived positively, some analysts see the new platform for any prospects. In particular, the leading Mobile Research Group analyst Eldar Murtazin called it in his Twitter "worthless thing."
"Do not ask me about the phone ubuntu. It is useless thing that might only creators "- said Murtazin.
Western journalists who have already tested the platform in general positive about the new system. We must recognize that Canonical did slyly uses OS driver and the kernel of the Android, making it easy to install Ubuntu on any device running an operating system Google. It also means that producers do not have to change the hardware of mobile devices to run the OS.

Recall that the release of mobile Ubuntu will not immediately, but towards the end of 2013 or early 2014. In this regard, some doubts remain about the timeliness of the OS release. A year later, when the first smartphone based on the Linux operating system, iOS, and Android finally will be shared by the entire market.

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