Showing posts with label absorption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label absorption. Show all posts

Facebook acquired Strobe, HTML5 Application Platform

The world's largest social network continues string of small acquisitions. This time it was acquired by Strobe - Application Platform HTML5. Everyone who follows the development of Facebook, know that recent resource focuses on HTML5, so that this absorption is not surprising, especially since we are talking primarily about talent, not technology.
"We are pleased to announce that this week the team Strobe join Facebook! - said founder Charles Jolley Strobe (Charles Jolley) and creator of the application framework SproutCore JavaScript. - Strobe was established with certainty is that HTML5 can transform the way ordinary people use their mobile phones with applications that are available everywhere, anywhere, on any device. "

Platform Strobe will remain accessible in its current form, but probably will not develop. However, anyone can go to an open application framework SproutCore, developed by another team, and uses JavaScript, AJAX and HTML 5, so that in this respect there was no danger.

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