Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Can't Outsmart Meta AI on Facebook and Instagram Turn it Off? How to

Can't Outsmart Meta AI on Facebook and Instagram Turn it Off? How to

Ever feel like Meta AI, the supposed helpful AI assistant lurking in Facebook and Instagram, is more of a nuisance than a benefit? You're not alone. While the idea of an AI assistant can be appealing, many users find Meta AI's suggestions intrusive and its presence overwhelming technology. The problem? There's currently no way to completely disable it.

Can't Outsmart Meta AI on Facebook and Instagram Turn it Off? How to

But fear not, fellow social media scrollers! Here are some strategies to minimize Meta AI's influence on your Facebook and Instagram experience:

Silence the Search Bar Chatter:

Both Facebook and Instagram offer the option to mute the ever-present search bar. This keeps Meta AI from bombarding you with unsolicited suggestions and prompts whenever you try to find something. On Facebook, mute the search bar by tapping the microphone icon and selecting "Mute voice search." On Instagram, tap the search bar and select "Manage Search History," then toggle "Search suggestions" off.

Take Control of Your Feed:

While you can't silence Meta AI entirely, you can influence what you see in your feed. Utilize the "See Less Of" or "Snooze for 30 Minutes" options on posts that are heavily influenced by AI algorithms. This sends a signal to Meta AI about your preferences and helps curate a more personalized feed.

Escape the Algorithm Trap:

If you're tired of Meta AI dictating what you see, take back control by actively seeking out content you enjoy. Follow your favorite creators directly, join relevant groups, and explore content using hashtags instead of relying solely on the curated feed.

Consider Alternatives:

In the ever-evolving social media landscape, there are alternative platforms that offer more user control and potentially less AI influence. Explore these options and see if they better suit your needs.


While these workarounds won't completely eliminate Meta AI, they empower you to manage your social media experience more effectively. By taking control of your search, feed curation, and content exploration, you can minimize the influence of AI and create a more enjoyable social media experience.

Android ahead of iOS on the number of mobile users Facebook

Android passes to extend the operating system iOS users of social networks, if the number of active members of Facebook can talk about anything. Today, the number of people using a Facebook application for Symbian platform Google, more than those who came out to the biggest social network with a client for the iPhone.

Figures which published research company Enders Analysis, said that in November last year monthly Facebook-app for Android open 192,800,000 users. In this case, a similar indicator for iPhone was 147,200,000 people. A year ago, when Facebook released the official statistics, the situation was the opposite - a monthly mobile client for Android enjoyed 66 million people, and the official program of the social network for iOS launched 91 million monthly users.

Understanding the decided advantage of mobile platforms over personal computers, Facebook  released in the middle of last year,  a completely new version of the corporate client for iOS. Previous application built on HTML5, not a high speed, the program was characterized by regular crashes and constant loading of data. The new version of the company to correct the situation.

We also know that Facebook encourages its developers to ensure that improved formal application for Android. To this end, the administration of Facebook encourages them to abandon the iPhone in favor of smartphones in the mobile platform Google. Posters of such calls are hung around the office Internet Corporation.

The reason lies not in the inadequacy iPhone, but the desire to improve the management of social network official applications for the mobile platform Google. As it turned out, creating applications for Android are people who actually do not use this OS. However, employees do not give up Facebook iPhone, just buy more smartphones based on Android.

Facebook is planning to sell pictures of Instagram

The world's largest social network Facebook has spent the absorption Instagram about a billion dollars and now intends to recapture its costs. The administration announced a change in the rules, including - data about users between social services to deal with spam and technical errors. New details were revealed today updated user agreement.

Starting from 16 January, 2013 Facebook will be able to sell photos uploaded to Instagram without notifying their owners. On deductions from sold pictures, of course, too, should not count.

Service participants who do not wish to have their pictures made available to partners Instagram, to delete your account before the date specified above. If you do it later, then, under the new rules, Facebook reserves the right to manage user-generated content, even after deleting the account.

According to Facebook, Instagram-photos can buy any organization for marketing purposes. So, the hotel can get published at some images of terrain and post them on your website, brochures, and promotional video. Even if the images are imprinted people, they were not notified of the purchase of the photo.

To guard against possible claims, the new user agreement Instagram several times prescribed, the company is not responsible for any sort was the use or distribution of user data.

[Help] How to use Facebook and Twitter without Internet!

Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast of the United States and, in addition to property damage, has created several service problems. Many users, in fact, have lost access to the Internet via Wi-Fi and via mobile networks. Hence, the desire to remember a few methods to post messages on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to allow friends and family to know that it's okay to ask for help or when there is a data connection.

Assuming that, in the absence of data connection, you can use the now old text messages, just remember that for Twitter you need to activate your mobile phone number on

Just log-in to the Twitter home page, then go to 'Settings' and enter in the 'Mobile'. Once you enter the mobile phone number in the 'Enable Twitter via SMS', you must click on 'Activate Phone'.

Once this is done, you should receive a text message indicating that your phone has been activated. You should also see the new settings on the web page allowing you to enable or disable text notifications.

Now, to use Twitter, just type a text and send to 40404.

If you are more fans of Facebook , do not worry. You can update your status via SMS and more. You can subscribe to updates from friends and even use Facebook chat. Again, to access these features, you must connect your phone to your Facebook account.

Once logged on, you will need to enter in 'Account Settings'. Then in the 'To Mobile' you would enter your number after clicking on 'Add a phone number' (you will be asked to re-enter your password for security reasons). Then you have to select the country and operator. Once this is done, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the operation.

In the end, you will receive a confirmation number on your mobile phone. Enter the number on the same page mentioned above. You should then receive a text message confirming that the phone has been activated.

Now, update your status, simply write a text and send it to 32665.

Useful tools to stay in touch with several people simultaneously when there is no available access to the Internet. A text message to many recipients.

In Facebook for iPhone now has a pending read

The world's largest social networking site Facebook has got a feature that allows friends to mark posts for later reading. The button "Save» («Save») has already appeared some users social network application for the iPhone and iPod touch, notes iMore.
According to the blog, Facebook mobile client for iOS appears warning that users can hold down your finger on any part of the post and thus save it for later reading. In the application menu, you can add the item «Saved» («Saved"), leading to a folder with the selected records. The content of the folder will be available only to the account holder.

Later it became known that Facebook plans to launch a similar function on the social networking site. As evidence has been published a screenshot, which displays the contents of the folder «Saved» section «Favourites». When exactly this feature will be available for users of the web service, not reported.
The menu "Favorites" can be customized at will. In particular, it points available to "News", "Messages" and "Activities", as well as any other of the side menu.

Designer user interface Apple took a job at Facebook

According to the website The Next Web, a former developer of user interfaces to Apple Vildreyer Chris joined the Facebook social network four months after he left the Cupertino company.
The Apple Vildreyer led the development of application interfaces iWeb and Numbers. His name is also mentioned in a number of patents Apple.

According to the profile in LinkedIn, Vildreyer has the skills in industrial design, interaction design and development of user interfaces. In Facebook, he was appointed manager of product design. Division of Personnel social networks some time ago posted a vacancy.

It is assumed that Vildreyer will work on creating a corporate Facebook smartphone social networking site, which can be submitted later this year. In May, according to The New York Times, the company hired to work a few former employees of Apple, who participated in the development of software technology and stuffing for the iPhone, as well as an engineer, working on the iPad.
This is the third attempt to release its own smartphone Facebook. For the first time the company started work in this direction in 2010, but then the project was not implemented. In 2011, the social network in collaboration with HTC tried to make the device under the name of Buffy. Now the company has decided to once again step up their activities in this direction.

Facebook brings online application store App Center

Facebook launches online application store App Center for the dissemination of programs designed to work in social networks. Members of the largest in the world of social networking will find the software through the activity of their friends, view them by category and get personalized recommendations. When a user installs the application, his approval rating in the search results for his friends increased.
«App Center will help to increase software quality by promoting the most popular. It will include all kinds of social programs, including a site created for, mobile platforms iOS and Android, as well as web-based applications, "- says the representative of Facebook, Bruce Rogers.

Allowed in the App Center will only applications that meet certain requirements, including the absence of excessive amounts of promotional material and significant errors, as well as a high user rating.

In the online shop Facebook will be distributed both free and paid releases. Pay the program is expected to significantly increase opportunities for both third-party developers and Facebook to the most profit.
According to the developers, the store is already available to users in the U.S. on Facebook, as well as in social network applications for the Android platform and iOS. If a user browses the App Center from your computer, it can send the tool to your smartphone or tablet. If the mobile application requires a special boot mode, the store will redirect the user in online shopping App Store or Google Play.

Simultaneously with the launch of the users will be available to more than 600 applications, including, Nike + GPS, Ubisoft Ghost Recon Commander, Stitcher Radio, Draw Something, and Pinterest. In the future, the number of programs in the online store will grow.

Facebook does not specify when the App Center will be available to users in other countries, however, promises to provide this information in the coming weeks.

A luxurious variation on a smartphone from Facebook

As it became known last week, the social network Facebook, probably working on his own phone . Moreover, the project had brought former Apple engineers associated with the development of smartphones and tablets on iOS. The news about the project was greeted with some skepticism: some believe that this product will not be successful, while others believe that Facebook will close the development is not releasing the final product.
But the idea of ​​designer Michael cell phone from Facebook seemed interesting, and he decided to "participate" in the work, depicting their own concept. In its version of Facebook-phone the artist came from the fact that over the "real" work product of employees of Apple, so this unit is different and very nice stylish design and is painted in the signature blue of the social network.
In the illustration, the author listed the main features of this phone. The display is 4.2-inches, and resolution main camera - 8 Megapixels. At the bottom of the device are four touch buttons to control the operating system. Facebook has full access to your address book, a social network from time to time rang the owner phones, Facebook and advertisers always know when you're away is one of the users with extra credits.

Facebook will disappear in 2020, the analysts say!

The value of the shares of Facebook is falling day by day. Since American society is a publicly traded company, its future seems to have been quickly put into question.
From $ 40 (approximately) to an action figure that stands firmly below 30. According to analysts, is the harbinger of what will happen in the near future: a vertical collapse of the platform.

"Within ten years, will disappear in the same way Yahoo" thunders Eric Jackson , the founder of  Ironfire Capital .

Yahoo is still making money, is still active, still has 13,000 employees working for it, but accounts for 10% of the estimated value in 2000. To all intents and purposes, disappeared in the stock.

The analyst says that the reasons that could lead to a collapse of Facebook are due to the speed that moves the system. The continued emergence of the mobile unit of the mobile Web experience are factors which conflict with this social network platform that finds it hard to adapt to this paradigm shift.

The world moves faster, it is becoming increasingly competitive. Facebook could also buy some mobile phone companies, but will always remain a great big web site, something quite different from the mobile app.

In this perspective be seen as recent acquisitions Instagram and development of applications targeted at specific sectors. The problem of the cabinet, however, is not only an issue related to Facebook. Even Google has had, initially, its problems, then focusing on the app and the mobile versions of their sites. A choice dictated by the experience in the field that Facebook can not boast.

How do you think Facebook will be in ten years? It will focus only on mobile or a crash is due to the impossibility of bringing (all) the platform on mobile devices?

iOS 6 get closer integration with Facebook

The emergence of Twitter support in iOS 5 showed impressive results - namely,  a 25-percent increase in  the number of registered users micro-blogging network. Not little, plays a role in the usability of the service. Login to your account, the owner of an iPhone or iPad can post "tweets", links and photos without producing any additional settings.
Currently, Twitter is the only social network, integrated into iOS. However, according to TechCrunch, the next release of the operating system iOS 6 , code-named " Sundance "will close integration with another service - Facebook. Citing anonymous sources, the publication says that, by analogy with the service Twitter, the mobile platform in the settings of a new section for data entry Facebook-Account, which will post messages, pictures in the social network without additional configuration.

In a recent speech at the conference All Things Digital Apple CEO Tim Cook hinted at the possibility of interaction with Facebook, noting that there is always a positive attitude to such cooperation. The words that he chose - "wait for the news" - suggest that something will happen very soon.
Links on Facebook  have been found  in different versions of the Apple-OS, starting with iOS 4, although the final product is ruled out this option. Apple really briefly hooked up to my Facebook music network Ping, even though it ended after the management of social networks has expressed dissatisfaction with lack of agreement between the two parties.

Integration with Facebook mobile platform Apple - it's just a matter of time, as the world's largest social network is already running on Android and Windows Phone.

How to Permanently Delete your Facebook Account

A question that many Internet users are asking is:
"How to permanently delete your facebook account?"
This is a problem that many people ask and that is not answered, by us, we dug into the intricacies of social networks and were able to find the page that ultimately leads to the elimination of your account.
My advice before you delete your account, you save images, videos and whatnot, you have shared in the popular social network and then, delete the data that was previously made by editing your profile.

Once done, just go to the following link: " "and confirm.

A little trick:
For canceling the account of facebook, it takes about 14 days, in the first place, then your profile is disabled, do not access facebook with your credentials, otherwise the operation will be canceled and you have to start all over again.
I hope this guide will help serious people with facebook accounts found themselves in difficulty.

Facebook takes on former Apple engineers to create the first Facebook Smartphone

After making the purchase of software known Instagram to secure control of the world's social landscape, increasingly insistent rumors about the possibility that Facebook, the giant social network, enter a short in the market for mobile handsets , designing and manufacturing its own device .
The The New York Times has fueled these rumors with a report that says that Facebook would be planning to launch within the next year, a smartphone designed entirely by the company in Palo Alto. To achieve its objective, in addition to its best elements, Facebook has already taken a number of engineers who have previously worked for the realization of the iPhone and iPad from Apple.

"The company has already hired more than half a dozen software and hardware engineers who have worked on projects for Apple iPhone, and one who worked on the project iPad."

The current one seems to be the third attempt by Facebook to create a smartphone. Previous attempts were abandoned after it had found several problems on a technical level. Now Facebook is trying to hire engineers with experience gained in the field of mobile devices in order to complete the project planning and implementation of the product.
Facebook also has a natural interest in selling smartphone. The company, in fact, has already developed several mobile applications for iPhone OS and Android very popular, but has little control over these platforms . Here, finally, as has been expressed about an employee of Facebook:

"Mark is concerned that if they fail to make a smartphone in the near future, Facebook will become simply an application on other mobile platforms."  by

Facebook buys Opera for creating its own browser

The largest social networking site Facebook in talks to buy the company, which produces desktop and mobile browser Opera. Opera Software Cost is estimated at 700 million dollars. It is assumed that its own Web browser, social network will take a strong position in the market.
According to Pocket-lint, citing anonymous sources in the foreseeable future the market will be a browser «Facebook», which will inform users about updates to social networks and provide advanced integration features. Now Facebook guide discusses the purchase of Opera Software, which designs the famous web-browser.

“Facebook and Google. We will see a fight of two technology giants”- anticipates Pocket-lint.

At the end of last week, Google Chrome first  walked on the popularity of its main competitor - Microsoft Internet Explorer, placing first in the world market. The share of Chrome for the week 14 to May 20 amounted to 32,76%, Internet Explorer - 31,94%. Less than six months ago, the Google Chrome browser was able to bypass the first time Mozilla Firefox, which now occupies the third place with 25.47%
After releasing its own browser, Facebook will expand its presence in this market, in order to compete with Google, Apple, Microsoft and Mozilla. Such a move, no doubt, could change the balance of power in the market in the long run.

Opera is already a fairly influential in the mobile market which is growing rapidly, and the desire to capture the Facebook strong position in this field indicates the recent acquisition of Instagram application for smartphones. 

Representatives of Facebook and Opera declined to comment.  "The standard policy of the company - not to respond to market rumors, so we have no comments on this rumor," - reported in Opera.

Another technology blog Thenextweb conducted its own investigation. First, the management of the Norwegian company, the newspaper writes, indeed in talks with potential buyers and is considering to join  "the larger private or public company." Second, the company introduced a moratorium on hiring new employees.

Facebook Camera apk v1.0 Download Free for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

The world's largest social networking site Facebook with an audience of more than 650 million users own photo supplement released for smartphones and players operating system iOS. New product available for free download in the store App Store.
Application users can take photos on the gadget's built-in camera, apply different filters and to share with your friends on Facebook. In addition to imaging Facebook Camera allows you to celebrate the people who got into the frame and place in which it was made.
You can publish as one or multiple photos. The film updates will display all the pictures published by friends of the user.

The utility has two shooting modes: single and multi-shot. The first mode is designed to quickly take a picture of an object, add a label / co-ordinates and send the image to the service. In turn, multi-shot allows you to do the same, with only a few shots, for example, for large events or parties.
The novelty was created by the staff of the social network without the help of the developers of service Instagram, since joining the team that created the photo supplement of the same name, has not yet been completed. About an agreement to buy a billion dollars Instagram Facebook said April 9, 2012.
Facebook Camera for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad Download from App Store.

Facebook: Now you can download friend requests and IP addresses from which you're connected!

Facebook has updated its dedicated function to download personal information with several new categories of information (useful or otherwise) that may give rise to yet another controversy.

The function, which is in the account settings, Facebook ( download a copy of your data , bottom left) was introduced in October 2010 to allow users to download an archive of its history within the social network.
The information included are photos, post messages, buddy lists and chat. Now, when you download the information from Facebook, you can also get your previous names, friend requests, and even the IP addresses from which you are connected.
The archive, however, does not include still photos and status updates of other users of your friends and post comments you made about other people.
These features will be rolling out gradually, at least according to Facebook, which, among other things, promises new categories with detailed information available for download in the future.
Certainly, the popular social network is realized that the information and privacy are important and something which is intended for those properties. But how deep can you go? And if other users complain of improper use of their data?

Facebook buys Instagram for $ 1 billion

The world's largest social networking site Facebook has agreed to buy the popular photo department Instagram, said founder Mark Zuckerberg service. Terms of the deal were not disclosed But according to the magazine Fortune, it is the sum of $ 1 billion is the largest acquisition of Facebook during the existence of a social network. The deal announced just a few weeks prior to the IPO of the company - it can take place in May.
Instagram - a popular service for smartphones, allowing you to create pictures, process them with the help of various filters and publish on the Internet. Until recently, the same name the application was available only to users of the operating system of Apple. But last week Instagram released an application for devices running based on Android. Instagram, on its own data, registered 30 million users .

Facebook in recent years tried to make it so that users can conveniently upload pictures to the pages of social networks and share them with friends and family, Zuckerberg wrote on his page on Facebook. Now the company brings to this team and Instagram.

"Millions of people around the world love the app and brand Instagram, and our goal - to extend the application and the brand to an even greater number of people" - he stressed.
In this Instagram not disappear as a separate service, says founder Kevin Instagram Sistrom.

"Together we will develop with Facebook Instagram: build a social network, add new features and improve the quality of mobile pictures" - he said.

Create photos with mobile devices and their publication in the largest social network - "a different experience," Zuckerberg admits. Therefore the purpose of Facebook - not just integrate Instagram a social network, but also save it as a strong brand. So Facebook has agreed to Instagram developed independently from Facebook.
Recall last summer, Facebook tried to buy Instagram, but was refused. In February, the company officially announced plans for an IPO, in which Facebook could raise about $ 5 billion, and evaluation of the entire social network can be up to $ 100 billion

How Much Time You Spend On Facebook

Are disclosed some relevant statistics on ' use of Facebook in the world with the SEC documentation prepared for the landing on the stock market - in particular were certain shared data regarding the use of social networks and the time spent by each user on Facebook . The numbers are staggering, get ready!
In January, Facebook users spent 10.5 billion minutes a day on social networking site , approximately 12 minutes per user per day ! This figure, however, is undersized given that the analysis was done considering only the connections from the Desktop, and leaving out the mobile devices . This means that with the explosion in the use of advanced smartphones (iPhone, Android), the numbers listed above may also double! Most young people have a mobile data connection and Facebook is also exploited as a means of communication.
And you, how much time you spend on Facebook? From our simple comparison, the staff of far exceeds the estimated 12 minutes. We believe that an hour a day is a right number. Let us know via the comments your average time you spend on Facebook.

Because the Timeline is hated Facebook

People hate the Timeline of Facebook, and many people wonder how you face to go back and not be forced to use this new feature of Facebook.
The new timeline or "diary" of Facebook, offers many new features, though still not been fully transposed by the users, who see the new timeline as a threat to their privacy. While Facebook has introduced this guide time to allow people to store more information on the date on which they were born. Images, videos, links to web sites can now be loaded at any date passed in the timeline! This surely is a great opportunity if you do not fear for your privacy!

In this article we analyze the possible reasons why you do not like the Facebook timeline.

Facebook Forced Timeline
This is not right when there are human beings who like to choose. You can not force users to adhere to the new design. So far Facebook has surprised users constantly bringing design changes before users get used to the previous news. The update for this design should not bring a totally new user interface and a host of changes to it. Especially when the platform is used by millions of people with skills from beginner!

Facebook slower
Timeline Facebook takes a few seconds longer to load than the old facebook page. There are millions of people who still use 256 kbps and 512 kbps speed internet to surf the web. Sometimes, errors occur during loading and the page does not load completely.
If you believe that we have lost a few points, write a comment.

[Facebook and Twitter] here's how they would be in the 80s and 90s (VIDEO)

Imagine what would happen if Facebook was invented in the era of the World Wide Web of the '90s. Think about all the fun you could have given a platform by creating such a time is not accustomed to internet. It would have been a select few of the social or would help to bring new users into the web?

The guys from have created an approximation of what probably would have made ​​Mark Zuckerberg in 1995 (the year when the current CEO of Facebook was just eleven years old).
Note the graphic-style '90s, the browser used ( Netscape ), the sounds "alarming", the grainy photos and the layout more than minimal. In short, found a lot of fun. Here's the video:

Here's another video, still-Squirrel Monkey weblog about Twitter . This time, however, estimated to create about the famous '80s. The result is something quite special, especially in terms of graphics. The interface is similar to that of the BIOS. Check it out:

A minor update to Facebook iPad

Not to rave about either ... unfortunately! developers Mark Zuckerberg we gratify a pretty average update whose only real novelty is the support for the Retina display for the iPad 3. I finally cut this update at this point alone would be in bad faith ... Explanations.
Among the novelties of this minor update, there are bug fixes (ok I stop the evil spirit), we thus find:
  • The opportunity to put on when you are offline chat.
  • Your friends list includes all your friends.
  • Pictures of people who like a facebook page load correctly (it was about time)
  • Your Friend Request icon turns on only when you really have a friendship request (haha!)
  • etc..
Anyway ...! As I told you ...

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