Showing posts with label iOS 1.5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iOS 1.5. Show all posts

Download wallpaper of iOS 5.1 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

iOS 5/1 , in addition to functional features and improvements, provides a nice bonus for fans of all backgrounds: updating for mobile i-device Apple has added 4 newgraphic images. Interestingly, these wallpapers are only present in the assembly for the iPad.

As the 9to5mac, the appearance in the new firmware, located on the beta , new wallpaper can mean that the release of update iOS 5.1 will be held simultaneously with the announcement of three iPad tablet early next year.

But wait for release to use wallpaper - not our method. Download background images you can right now on the links below. The ocean shore, the morning dew, the water surface and a drop in the water - are available in their original form for the iPad, and ported to the iPhone. IPad-resolution wallpaper is not changed, so to speak about the appearance of Retina display Apple's tablet in the third generation too early.

Links to download new wallpapers from iOS 5.1: iPad ( 1234 ), iPhone ( 12 , 34 )

iOS 5.1 did not solve the problem of rapid battery discharge iPhone 4S

Last Monday, three weeks after the update  iOS 5.0.1 , whose goal was to fix bugs and improve performance iDevice, Apple released a firmware test iOS 05/01 .
Supporting documentation update does not disclose its features, but it has been suggested that in order to update iOS 5.1 is the correction of  the defect that causes abnormal discharge of the battery iPhone 4S and improvement of the original "five", which left the Apple software pipeline  October 12 .

Today it was announced that iOS 5.1 beta still does not solve the problems associated with rapid Battery iPhone 4S. Numerous complaints from users, as well as statements that the situation has only worsened with the battery, indicates that the solution was not found.

According to expert Michael Gartenberg, longer battery life can be achieved either by reducing multitasking smartphone, or to the detriment of battery life.

It is assumed that the extension of battery life iPhone 4S will be achieved by disabling non-essential services through notification service iCloud. According to the analyst, an expert in the field of mobile devices, namely the use of this service, by reducing the number of synchronizations phone will be able to extend battery life.

Morgan also notes that disabling voice assistant Siri should increase the time of the device.

iOS 5.0.2 fixes problems with the battery, iOS 5.1 will Siri «smarter»

Similar problems with signal reception iPhone 4, discovered the new device in June last year, the latest on the iPhone 4S dual-core processor suffers from rapid discharge of the battery .However, unlike the previous generation smart phone, a feature iPhone 4S caused defects in the device software .
To fix this error, Apple last week released an update iOS 5.0.1 , which did not lead to the desired result. Now engineers are actively working on the following system updates, designed to solve the problem of storage "apple" flagship.

According to the publication Mace Kopf, now Cupertino Empire develops two separate update to the operating system iOS 5, one of which must remedy the defect, causing a rapid discharge of the battery and the second - to make "smarter" personal secretary Siri.

Citing anonymous sources in the company, the publication states that the release of the firmware iOS 5.0.2 will be held "not later than one week," and completely correct errors associated with the catastrophic decline in battery life iOS-devices.

As for the next big update for iOS, then, according to a source Mace Kopf, it aims to upgrade the intellectual assistant Siri. This is supposed to be firmware iOS 5.1, and it will not until next year, as the developments in the field of artificial intelligence Siri «require significant financial costs."

In iOS 5.1 for smartphone users iPhone 4S will advanced management phone. For example, Siri will understand commands like "take a picture," "capture video", "turn on / off Wi-Fi», «on / off Bluetooth" and many others.

«IOS 5.0.2 will be released soon and fix the errors with the battery. Firmware will most likely before the end of next week. At least Apple is working on this update. In addition, the Cupertino develop first major update to the "five» (iOS 5.1), which adds some additional features Siri. Thus, the voice assistant will perform new commands such as "photograph", "record video", "to enable or disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth» and others. "

We will notify you when updates are available on iOS 5.0.2 and iOS 5.1. Stay with us!

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