Showing posts with label iPhone sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone sales. Show all posts

The market for used iPhone helps users, operators and Apple itself

AllThingsD reported an interesting research by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), which analyzed the impact of the secondary market of the iPhone , or that part of the iPhone that are used re-sold or given away when users switch to a newer model .
The survey has tracked the new consumers who bought iPhones since the launch of the iPhone 4S in October, found that 53% of these users has "revitalized" its old smartphone (no iPhone only) to the secondary market .

Of these old smartphones returned, the survey showed that well 49% of these are iPhone (models) , while 21% is represented by 15% from BlackBerry and Android devices. About two-thirds of these devices are given away, the rest re-sold.
And Apple? From all this there seems to gain nothing, in fact lose potential users. And it is not so. The sale of devices used to help the Cupertino company Apple ecosystem introduce new users , users who, in all probability, will buy an Apple product in the short-medium term.

So the secondary market represents a gain for virtually all : for users who are saving for operators that enable new users and for Apple, which is gaining new potential users.

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