How to Time Machine status check

Worry can make backups of your Mac with OSX 10.5 Leopard Time Machine. If Time Capsule is configured, you always have a backup of your files. When a backup is started, the information about the Time Capsule state is limited to brief descriptions. In the system log files is much more information regarding the status of the backup process can be found. These log files can be found in the "Console" application under the process name "backupd"

Launch Applications / Utilities / Console and select in the left column in the log file "system.log". Now type in the top right of the search window backupd "therefore, all entries relating to Time Machine filtered out of the entire system log files.

The log messages you may choose to find how much data is backed up, current status and whether any problems have occurred.

A live webcast presentation, Apple!

19:30 hour and a half before the event, journalists are beginning to gather at the doors of the structure of four headquarters Apple. Inside, as expected, no one is allowed.

19:25 In the meantime, audio broadcast of the Genius Bar is in the air. Get Involved .

19:05 Uh, the results disappoint. Congratulations and look forward to the Genius Bar: Aleksei Timashkova, Mr. SK, Dmitry Kalaytanova, Roman Kuznetsov, Oleg Sharabanova (so what, comrade, you're moving busy!), Julia Romanova, Marat Kamaletdinova, Kiruha aka KiruhaM, Anatoly Solonskogo , Dmitry Sander, Alexander Chuyan, aka Alexander Randt, Sergiya Makarenko (Kiev hello!), and Eugene Yavtushenko Aydar Sayahova. In fact, all waiting for, but the box "ORFO" in the first place will be allocated between the above men.

Using a small respite from 18:40 "expensive edition" parses answers to our competition . By the way, just to the side Genius Bar, left our penultimate machine. It traveled the most valuable - our special prize for this Mac user and a play station since the first half of the 90s.

At 18:35 the British flagship the Apple Store began preparations for the presentation. Here (and only here), the Cupertino-based real-time video feed will go. Why here? Most likely, the new iPhone will appear simultaneously in the U.S. and some European countries. American journalists were invited to physically visit the headquarters of Apple, the Europeans have proposed here is an option.

17:45 As has been confirmed Apple, video broadcast events for the general public will not. But our friends from "Shank Show" will conduct a direct audio broadcasting from Genius Bar'a. You can connect to it here . While on a pilot basis. If the channel stand, in the future try and video.

17:30 Press office of Apple unexpectedly took issue invitations to their "specially" in the form of simple and amusing puzzles. We like delights yet available, so instead restrict short and clear line of thirty-seven characters. including spaces:

9 p.m.-04.X.2011

As before, instead of the traditional text-broadcast again we will abuse the option called "notes" - fragments of meaningful text plus photos in the format "hello c». Both the first and the second will be entirely devoted to the main theme this week - iPhone presentation 5. Or iPhone 4S. Or Tim Cook. Or something else.

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