Xperia Arc HD, Xperia Cloud or Nozomi: how could it be the new Sony Dual Core?

We talked last week of the new  Xperia Cloud , aka Nozomi, aka Xperia Arc HD .Three possible names for the first true top range Sony Ericsson, which was recently acquired by Sony and probably, during 2012, will disappear as a brand entering directly into the Sony brand. While there are three possible names emerged to date, the concept or the other are all the possible forms that revolve around this device.
Above you see three possible ideas of how the future will be the Xperia. Obviously it is not officially developed graphic design and image-based, photos and history of the brand Xperia. It may truly looks like one of these devices the new Xperia 2012?

We are very curious to see what will be presented at CES 2012 that will open in mid January and see if those photos are shown in three different devices or simply of the same concept smartphone.

iOS 5.1 did not solve the problem of rapid battery discharge iPhone 4S

Last Monday, three weeks after the update  iOS 5.0.1 , whose goal was to fix bugs and improve performance iDevice, Apple released a firmware test iOS 05/01 .
Supporting documentation update does not disclose its features, but it has been suggested that in order to update iOS 5.1 is the correction of  the defect that causes abnormal discharge of the battery iPhone 4S and improvement of the original "five", which left the Apple software pipeline  October 12 .

Today it was announced that iOS 5.1 beta still does not solve the problems associated with rapid Battery iPhone 4S. Numerous complaints from users, as well as statements that the situation has only worsened with the battery, indicates that the solution was not found.

According to expert Michael Gartenberg, longer battery life can be achieved either by reducing multitasking smartphone, or to the detriment of battery life.

It is assumed that the extension of battery life iPhone 4S will be achieved by disabling non-essential services through notification service iCloud. According to the analyst, an expert in the field of mobile devices, namely the use of this service, by reducing the number of synchronizations phone will be able to extend battery life.

Morgan also notes that disabling voice assistant Siri should increase the time of the device.

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