How to install on iBooks Author Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard

Author iBooks - this is free software, Apple, which allows professional authors and writers, fans effortlessly make interactive books. All that to do this - a computer running Mac. The program is compatible with files from the office suites of Apple and Microsoft, and supports widgets in JavaScript and HTML5.
By default, iBooks Author only works in OS X Lion, which makes it impossible to create colorful, interactive iPad-books on Apple operating system, the previous generation. Nevertheless, there is a way to force the run iBooks Author in the software environment Sn0w Leopard. Launched in 10.6.8 application can only be used to create books, for publication in the iBooks Store will still use the Lion.
How to install iBooks Author of Snow Leopard (10.6.8)
Step 1 : On the desktop, Mac OS X, press Command + Shift + G and enter / System / Library / CoreServices /.
Step 2 : Locate the file SystemVersion.plist and make a copy on your desktop.
Step 3 : Launch the Terminal and run:
sudo nano / System / Library / CoreServices / SystemVersion.plist
Step 4 : Find the clues ProductUserVisibleVersion and ProductVersion, and change the line from 10.6.8 to 10.7.2.
Step 5 : Press Control + O, to save the file.
Step 6 : Run the Mac App Store and download the iBooks Author.
Step 7 : After the download does not start the program. Find iBooks Author in Programs folder, right click and choose "Show Package Contents."
Step 8 : Go to the folder Contents and find the file Info.plist. Open it with any text editor.
Step 9 : Locate and modify LSMinimumSystemVersion the relevant line from 10.7.2 to 10.6.8 and save the file.
Step 10 : Now go back to SystemVersion.plist, to do this in Terminal:
sudo nano / System / Library / CoreServices / SystemVersion.plist
Step 11 : Find the clues and ProductUserVisibleVersion ProductVersion and return values ​​from 10.7.2 to 10.6.8.
Step 12 : Save SystemVersion.plist.
Step 13 : That's all. Start iBooks Author. To synchronize with iPad books you might want to iTunes 10.5.3 .

Transmission: Download files directly. Torrent from your iPhone.

This application was already on the Mac, here's happening now on the iPhone, iPad and AppleTV. This one is available as a package console and is not really an application as you see most often.

With Transmission which is freely available, you can download files . torrent directly from your iPhone. Developed the basis for Apple TV, this one installs and runs perfectly well on our beloved iDevices.
Transmission fits and is available from MobileSafari . You just enter the address of its interface, which is http://iphone:9091/ . For an iPad or an Apple TV, change the address in the "iphone" by the device on which you are.
Here's how to use it in a nutshell:
  • Open Mobile Safari.
  • Do a search on Google to find the file. Torrent of interest.
  • Copy the file link.
  • Then open a second page and enter the following address:
(You can add it as a bookmark to avoid retyping the address.)

  • Once the interface, click "Open", enter the address copied above and submit.
  • Transmission will check the address and the download will begin automatically.
Obviously the more sources "Peers", the download is over quickly.
  • Once the download is complete, you will find (s) file (s) in the folder:
var / mobile / downloads
(You can change at will where the file will be downloaded from the interface and settings)

Since the setup icon in the bottom, it also provides almost all settings normally available on the software of this kind. As the ability to manage the download speed limits, setting the port, etc ...
It is quite possible to leave running MobileSafari with multitasking, which allows itself to be as you wish while the (s) download (s) to complete. It is also possible to pause downloads and resume later.
Compatible with:
  • iPhone 3G, 3G, 4 and 4S
  • iPad 1 and 2
  • Apple TV
  • 2.41
Download Transmission for free on the BigBoss source (original in Cydia)

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