Showing posts with label Mac World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mac World. Show all posts

Nokia after Apple wants to give up a partnership with Samsung

Now it is well known that Apple is increasingly seeking to exclude Samsung among its suppliers. According to media reports, Nokia is also preparing to follow the manufacturer iPhone refuse purchase components from the Korean manufacturer. The reasons for this decision is discontent in industrial espionage on the part of Samsung.

Samsung is also a main trader of components and a direct competitor of Nokia, Apple and other phone makers that makes them wary of the Korean company.

Last year, Samsung claimed that her unit for the production of components is independent of the rest of the company, which eliminates leakage technology. However, insiders say that Samsung stole some technology Nokia, which was the main reason for non-service vendor.

Sources familiar with the situation around orders parts for Nokia at Samsung, said that already happened that the orders for the next-generation components were canceled by the customer, and then these components are then detected in the devices Samsung.

Recall that in Apple, which is against the Samsung patent wars on four continents, practically no secret opinion that Samsung was able to copy the design of its products through access to its design, which she has a partner. South Korean giant has denied the charges and in turn, also accuses Apple of violating copyright.

At the same time as Apple would not want to get rid of the "enemy" of components, make it completely so far. Today more than half of NAND memory chips in smartphones and tablets the company received from the Korean company Hynix, Elpida and Taiwanese Japanese Toshiba, but the rest is still accounted for by the hated Samsung.

How to clear the iPhone and iPad from unwanted files using PhoneClean for Mac and PC

You love the cleanliness and order? I think so. So, in the iOS-devices from time to time is to arrange "cleaning." Imagine that you work in an office somewhere and soon notice that your table gradually gets cluttered with unnecessary documents and papers. What do you do? That's right, you move the cleanliness and order to make more space and work in comfort. The same thing happens on the iPhone and iPad. Mobile devices, as well as desktop computers, should also be kept clean and in order.

Many applications, even after you have deleted them, leave behind temporary files. And then came the moment of "spring-cleaning" when it would not hurt to clean the mobile platform Apple, to make room for more useful information - music, video and software. To help in this program may be able PhoneClean.

PhoneClean utility is not new, we talked about it last year. However, more recently it has been updated - the developers completely rewrote its user interface and the first version of the application submitted for the Mac. PhoneClean designed to clear the memory of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch from unnecessary data: temporary files, cache, software packages, cookies, scripts, and other "garbage." The utility is easy and intuitive to operate and removes unused and temporary files from your device to iOS, allowing the device to run faster and freeing up its internal flash memory.

After starting PhoneClean prompts you to connect i-device to your computer. In the second step you need to run a system scan click Start Scan. Utility uses advanced search technology, which in a few minutes will determine unnecessary or unwanted files generated by applications or iTunes. In the third step will be to confirm the cleaning iOS.

PhoneClean for Windows and Mac is absolutely free and is available for download at the links below.

Download PhoneClean for Mac OS X [ link ]
Download PhoneClean for Windows [ link ]

2013 will be the year iOS 7, despite the debut of iPhone 5S and iPad 5

Scheduled for 2013 many new products: iPhone 5S and iPhone 6, iPad mini with a Retina-display and an updated iPad 5. There will be A7 processor and technology LTE, which allows the simultaneous transmission voice and data. Maybe we will see a flexible display, biometric sensors, AirPlay-enabled 4K, built identifier voice, gestures and facial expressions. Apple, in one way or another, will continue on its path to the future, but for ordinary users of technological innovation is enough - they are quite pleased with the capabilities of their devices. Therefore, the most important thing in 2013 will not form inside or outside - and around him. We are talking about iOS.

iOS 6 to prepare the site for the future: to get out from Google, wedged into social networks and tighter targeting the China. The site is built but there is no future, even function with iOS 5 - iCloud and Siri - stuck in the problems of yesterday, despite fresh concept.

After starting the BlackBerry 10 later this month, will be the oldest iOS mobile system in the industry. Windows Phone has not yet found its place in the market, but Microsoft can always pour money and as long as their mobile office - the only part of the company going forward. Android is still behind iOS in terms of interface and usability, but its feature set pulls the whole platform forward. Also, do not forget about the Amazon, Facebook, Intel, NVIDIA, and other companies. They are all present in the market more and more variety of equipment - often much more diverse than the products Apple. But from a hardware point of view is not Samsung (or LG, HTC, Nokia and BlackBerry) will face Apple, namely Google and BlackBerry - who focuses on social mobility system.

The emphasis, of course, is not expressed in these old things as custom applications or minor variations of the interface. No, it is a software, which will force us to look for the right information, and independently provide all necessary. The interaction of the operating system and applications. Multilayer intuitive interface. Cloud technologies that allow to link together the entire ecosystem - so you can access the information when needed and where needed. Devices, operating jointly with each other. iOS version 7 should bring a brilliant synthesis of software and services to the physical device and cloud technologies.

In the coming weeks and months we will fall a ton of rumors about the new iPhone, iPad and other devices, the Californian company. But none of them will be as important to Apple, for us and for the future of mobile platforms like iOS 7, launched this summer.

Apple for the first time in the history of China offered to buyers in an interest-free loan

Apple desire to win Chinese market is huge. Further evidence that the unprecedented step to which the company went the first time in the history of Apple buyers of iPhone, iPad and Mac computers in China the opportunity to take advantage of interest-free credit.
Apple reached an agreement with Bank of China Merchants Bank credit terms consumers who buy computers and mobile devices Cupertino corporation with zero interest rate. Purchase limit of $5,000.

According to the official statement of Apple, the company will pay to local buyers for purchases made for 3, 6, 12, 18 or 24 months. Those who choose the loan program to a year, the percentage is not calculated at all, while the half year operating rate of 6.5%, and for two years - 8.5% of the purchase price. The program only applies to residents of China, and want to use it will have to apply for a credit card China Merchants Bank.

This action started in China just days after the country was visited by Apple CEO Tim Cook, who said about the strategic importance of the Chinese market. In an interview with local edition of "Xinhua" Cook said that China will soon overtake the U.S. as the largest market for the company. Over the past year, Apple actually doubled the number of its stores in China, and the country in terms of sales was the second iPhone manufacturer to market after the U.S..

According to the report Apple's 2012 fiscal year, operating income of the company in China totaled $ 23.8 billion or 15% of its total revenues. The country has 11 stores Apple Store, especially in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong are at 3 stores, 1 - in Shenzhen and one - in Chengdu.

The car rammed the glass door of the Apple Store in Chicago [Photos]

Car brand Lincoln Town Car on Sunday night rammed the front door of the shop Apple in Chicago. Fortunately, there were no casualties, a man received minor injuries, Was sent to the hospital. Other visitors, who at that time were in a shop, got off with only a fright.

According to 9to5Mac, driving the car that night was an elderly man who just lost control. Apple Store will be closed for two days.

Note that this is not the first time Apple Store hit by a car. In 2011, the Apple Store in Greensboro, North Carolina was closed all day after unknown by car rammed his storefront . Unlike the incident in Chicago, it was a failed attempt to rob. According to witnesses, after the crash of the dark gray "Honda" came the robber, dressed in a suit of white ninja. In this case, the samurai, afraid of what he'd done, just ran away without taking anything with them.

Gigabyte introduced a compact competitor Mac mini processors Core i7 [CES 2013]

Manufacturers continue to demonstrate their achievements in the field of computer electronics at CES 2013 in the U.S.. Thus, the Taiwanese company Gigabyte Technology introduced ultra desktop, designed to compete with the Mac mini.

Miniature computer that has not yet received a name, is, according to representatives of Gigabyte, a miracle of engineering. Body volume tiny device is only 300 cubic centimeters, that is even smaller than a mini-computer Apple operating system OS X.

Despite its small size, the car has impressive characteristics to cope even with demanding tasks. The computer will be equipped with an Intel Core i3, i5 or i7 processor and equipped with 8 GB of memory. Also, the device will have a SSD-drive capacity of 256 GB.

For the sake of the size of the manufacturer had to donate a set of interfaces. In the arsenal of new computer Gigabyte only two connectors USB, Ethernet port and two HDMI.

Machine delivery will begin in April of this year. About the price of a mini-desktop is not reported.

Keycard turns iPhone into a proximity sensor to automatically lock / unlock Mac

Sometimes you need to quickly lock your Mac. It should absent himself for long, and shut down or "put to sleep" the computer does not want. There are several ways to  easily lock the operating system OS X: use the shortcut, the active screen corner, one of the widgets Dashboard. At the same time to continue to enter each time the account password.

Appuous studio has released a new application for protecting Mac, which eliminates these difficulties. Keycard - awesome app that locks and unlocks the computer, depending on how far away is your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. Access to the car locked, with the phone when the user moves away from the Mac and automatically unlocks when approaching him. Probably the most geek solution to the problem.

Interestingly, the computer locks Keycard special four-digit password, so you can always log in, if your sat iDevice battery.

The program is an icon in the top menu of OS X. Keycard settings allow you to set the connection between your device and your computer, set up a lock code and manually close the access to the machine.

Keycard to work requires an operating system OS X 10.7 and above. The cost of the application the first few days after the release of the Mac App Store will be $6.99 .

Corning announced the Thunderbolt optic cables up to 30 meters

The company Corning has developed an accessory that is intended for users of the Mac, requiring a very long cord to connect their devices. New optical cables Thunderbolt will be presented together with a new generation of protective glass Gorilla Glass 3 at CES 2013.

Details on Thunderbolt cables will shine in a separate announcement, scheduled for Monday, but some data they already have. Cords provide two-channel bi-directional data transfer rates up to 10 Gbit / s. The company used to have optical fiber Corning ClearCurve VSDN, the merits of which include high flexibility and light weight. Optical cables favorably with conventional conductors larger maximum length.

Apple Thunderbolt standard cords are strong restrictions by the specifications, their length is only 2 meters. Corning has found a way to get around this and suggested cable lengths of 10, 20 and 30 meters. They can be connected in a chain up to 6 devices to the port Thunderbolt. Accessories will get to the shops in the first quarter of 2013 and their price information yet. Corning is also working on similar cables to interface USB 3.0.

High-speed data interface Thunderbolt is the standard in notebook and desktop computers Apple. Gradually, this standard is used in the motherboard and ultrabooks on Windows.

Apple began selling the recovered MacBook Pro with the Display Retina

If you buy a MacBook Pro with the display Retina, past the restore (refurbished), you can save up to $ 500, according to 9to5Mac. The online Apple store appeared latest models Apple computers with "good discount."

According to the publication, Apple began offering a certified Apple Store MacBook Pro with a mark «refurbished» («recovered»). The list of models available for order appear top configuration 15-inch "apple" laptops with a display Retina, equipped with a processor Intel i7.

Suggested Retina MacBook Pro customers have been returned after the disappointment or repair, they got a new battery and a full one-year warranty, and a full set of supporting accessories and fresh packaging. The housing is also replaced. All other components have been cleaned and tested for functionality. Not the easiest operation to replace parts were made by experts, the devices retain the factory warranty.

Range offers reduced Retina MacBook Pro starts at $ 1,869 for a model with Intel i7 processor with a frequency of 2.3 GHz, 8 GB of RAM and SSD drive with 256 GB and ends with "pumped" version for $ 3189 Intel i7 chip with a clock frequency of 2, 7 GHz, 16 GB RAM and 768 GB SSD. For some, it will be a  way to save  and keep the warranty when buying a used "Pro-book."

Apple wants to undermine sales of ultrabooks, cheaper MacBook Air

If such classes as "tablet", "netbook" and "notebook" are abstract names by some types of computing devices, sharing common properties, belongs to the class of ultrabooks private companies - Intel and Apple, although the company from Cupertino, in fact, are only responsible for the development of the concept, promoting its ultra-thin laptop MacBook Air. And, as the owner of a whole class, Intel is trying to establish its own rules and standards of this forced to compete with the computer on the operating system OS X.

As it became known, Apple sent to their supply chain needs to suppliers on price, intending to make this summer's review of its notebooks, including the line of MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. This situation has caused concern producers ultrathin laptops. The main pressure on the market ultrabook comes from the value of their prototype - MacBook Air, since Apple wants to reduce the cost of current models on the eve of the launch of new, eroding demand for similar solutions from other vendors.

According to sources, in June, "EIR" will undergo a number of changes. They do not affect the external design of machines and will be exclusively internal. It is a new line of computer processors used in the MacBook Air. The exhibition CES 2013 Intel will introduce the fourth generation Core processors, code-named Haswell. That they have to be part of the updated Apple laptops 2013 release.

Since the main advantage of Haswell is the increased level of energy, their use will make the design of laptops even thinner and increase the rate of battery life. Another advantage of the new chips are built-in graphics core, which saw the most marked increase in performance over previous generation processors.

In 2013, Apple plans to ship 17 million notebook MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.

Happy New Year from the editor SizloCore!

Dear readers, partners, colleagues and friends!

Happy New 2013 Year!

We wish you in the coming year new victories and achievements, success and optimism Dreams, vivid meetings and memorable events. Let your side will be your favorite people and good friends who will help you in all your endeavors.
Happy New Year SizloCore 2013 
We will keep on informing you regarding the most important and interesting events from the world of Apple and try to make our communication with you even more interesting!

2013th promises a lot of interesting things: update lines iPhone, iPad and MacBook, and the long-awaited appearance iTV, new life without Apple genius Steve Jobs and more. All this you will find in the pages of SizloCore!

We would especially like to point out that the wording of the news site will work in the New Year holidays. If at the beginning of January you get bored on the news, visit our website!

Thank you for the whole year were with us! We welcome all your comments and wishes!

Once again the holiday, dear readers!

Apple: first year without Jobs

More than a year since Tim Cook officially took over the operational management of Apple. During this time, the company went through several stages. First, Cook was able to bring the cost of Apple shares to record levels in its history, but later there was a real public relations disaster caused by a failure Maps.

It also becomes clear that the traditional mobile market, which is crowded competitors have caught nothing: Apple's share of them will go down, no matter what the company undertook. For organic growth Corporation of Cupertino to discover new niches. Where lead the company, Tim Cook, tried to understand the journalists of foreign media reporters.

At the moment, the new CEO of Apple was seriously interested in the optimization of the company. He is actively working with partners builds, trying to beat out for themselves even more comfortable conditions for cooperation. He demands of Chinese collectors electronics reliability and efficiency, hones system sales in stores, builds perfect supply chains.

And he succeeds. The only unfortunate example of the company under the direction of Cook - mapping service Apple Maps, which has met with this fiasco. Now, the vast resources of the company left to refine this product, and the manager in charge of iOS Scott Forstall fired from his job. Evil tongues say that Cook just got rid of a manager who could take his place: for the CEO have been Forstall and abilities and ambitions.
Apple logos design

In the future, Apple is planning to control the production of components for the devices themselves, to make all the key components for its products, including work on the design of their own microprocessors.

In the production of the iMac in the U.S., the company has already invested $ 100 million. Plus Cook began his director's work with that person to visit all factories in China, which collect technique Apple. Jobs never did.

Cupertino-based company also plans to "fix" the system sales of its devices, fully concentrating in their hands. It is no secret that there are no problems with buying Apple gadgets not only for U.S. consumers, in Europe and Asia to buy its gear is not so simple. To correct this situation, Tim Cook has hired John Brouett, the former head of European sales of Dixons, which in the autumn dismissed. Brouett Apple was on the team for a brief period, but managed in the meantime to make some unpopular decisions.

Cook also focuses on how to provide its users with the best technical support. Steve Jobs at Apple tech support was useless perhaps the main reason for complaints against the company. New CEO and plans to patch this hole.
Apple logo with iPhone

But all this is not enough. Apple for sustainable growth requires a new superfood, because since the iPad, released in 2010, no breakthrough gadget company has not released. All analysts and journalists agree that this gadget will be a new television company. Apple wants to reform the market for television technology, just as it did with the digital music market. Rumor has it that the company has already started experimenting with the design of device. Panels for them will do the Japanese Sharp.

Finally, Cook will have to finish conceived by Steve Jobs has a new campus for Apple. Its design is very similar to what would look like an interplanetary spacecraft. The building area of ​​176 acres delayed until at least 2015: the company is too busy to follow and for this project.

Tim Cook will be working in office nine years - until 2021 he signed a contract with Apple. What will become of the company throughout current time, it is complicated to expect.

Pirer Jaffray analyst Gene Munster believes that ahead of us, not only the era of Post-PC, but the era of Post-Apple. The fact is, the expert said that the "hardware" is not as important as before, and all the devices become faceless terminals to access information. All the gadgets are more or less the same in terms of functionality, features and design. The difference between them is erased. What is truly valuable is information, and it does not Apple.

Foxconn started trial production of 55-inch Apple TV

Apple goes to unleash its own "smart" tv - it had been one amongst the last strategic steerage of the late Steve Jobs. True, the "Apple" company tradition is silent. just one interview Apple business executive Tim Cook same the corporate fascinated by this market, that is "an imperative want for one thing new."

According to Monday Focus Taiwan, on partner American manufacturer - the company Foxconn - started trial production of tv Apple. Diagonal audition device is fifty 5 inches.

Previously rumored. iTV is that the "initial test", but it's unlikely that Apple will square measure delivered inside the subsequent year. Cupertino plan to gift some product related to TV, as a part of the customer electronics Show in January, but that this could be is not known.

Also, keep with the source, Apple goes to enter the market with TVs from 46 in. to 55 inches, which suggests that the company does not can vie with the large-size models. Perhaps, instead, the developers commit to bring one factor new, focusing on the center phase of the market.

Earlier, associate analyst with Piper Jaffray has discovered a forecast for Apple product in 2013. Consultants believe that the long-awaited brand TV is on the market within the fall. Thus, knowledgeable Peter Maysek writes down: "iTV Prototypes are ready. The key innovation is also a voice and gesture management, and a brand new user interface. "

Windows 8 to bolster sales of Macs

Windows 8 - the foremost radical transformation of the Microsoft package within the history of the corporate - has already become, the frustration among the users. Such a weak begin of the new platform from Redmond handy competition from Apple, per the authors PCWorld. Advantage of the instant, a PC manufacturer could increase the proportion of mac desktop OS X platform on the market.

As you recognize, with “Eight” Microsoft intends to understand a tablet niche, and at identical time spur laptop sales by hybrid devices by making a brand new post-PC market. The system is homeward to figure not solely within the plates with touchscreen displays, however conjointly in personal computers: the device may be controlled by clicking on the interface panel along with your fingers. No \"Start\" menu button \"Start\" and every one the personalization choices area unit currently on the proper facet.

Customers discontented with innovations in Windows 8, it will flip his attention to a a lot of classical answer from Apple. This assumption is confirmed by the results of a survey conducted by the publication. Among the 45,000 readers of PCWorld («World PC») most like laptops Apple.

However, business users, who have long used computers that area unit supported Windows, won\'t be able to quickly move to mac. However, if Microsoft doesn\'t reply to complaints from users, it will happen.

Apple products are continually thought of premium and isn\'t obtainable to standard users. However recently in Cupertino started emotional budget tablets, and \"apple\" phones within the U.S. have long been shopping for for his or her staff. Additionally, MacBook Air ultraportable laptops for the worth is appreciate alternative makers ultrabook. As a result, this phase of company customers may abandon Microsoft in favor of Apple.

We should additionally note the overall trends of the pc market. Currently laptop sales are falling, and users progressively get yourself products Apple. Given the dramatic modification the interface Windows 8 and its concentrate on touch technology, several consumers can like a lot of ancient OS X. So it even former users of Windows 7 can run acquainted.

Drugs, theft and harassment: chaos in the Apple Store

It turns out the recent case of the world's largest retailer Walmart, whose officers "abused" with gadgets Apple, is not the prerogative of the company. Employees branded retail Apple iPhone themselves often play football, replacing computer components that are sent to service, cheaper counterparts and even selling drugs. This is stated in an exclusive article site Gizmodo, has published dozens of letters from anonymous employees of Apple.

Reports from witnesses have come from different parts of North America - New York, Tennessee, California, Massachusetts, Canada, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Texas. Thus, according to one employee department Genius Bar, in his shop are cases when engineers are a fraud for his friends and acquaintances, replacing iOS-device with a long warranty on the new ending. Other fake documents to get a new iPhone or iPad, replacing the old "accidentally broken."

Author of the letter with the name Nicole said that the leadership of its Apple Store, taking advantage of office, shall from warehouses iPhone smartphones for tens of thousands of dollars for resale. The administration of the outlet acquired cocaine from employees and sexually harassed subordinates, by offering higher wages.

Regular buyers Apple Store, which, for one reason or another do not like consultants, get the "Hall of Fame", according to Gizmodo. Photos of such visitors are posted for all to see and signed ridiculous names. Some take the opportunity to gain access to personal data of customers Apple Store for personal use, and between the store employees are frequent mutual insults and harassment.

The practice of forgery devices with long over warranty on new long been familiar to the employees of another Apple Store, the newspaper notes.

"My iPhone on the screen there was a small crack. We played football in the phone, and then when on a little left, drawn up by the warranty, and I got a new smartphone "- Gizmodo quotes one of the users.

Apple plans to move to graphics AMD?

Reporters found on Apple's website a new job. Company is looking for an engineer in the field of hardware with the experience of working with graphics solutions from AMD or NVIDIA. The priority is not given to any manufacturer.

Who is the supplier of graphics processors for Apple computers is NVIDIA. Both parties appear to be satisfied with the cooperation, so this news is not a reason to direct proof intentions Apple again adopt a schedule AMD. Meanwhile, the theme provides a fertile ground for all kinds of speculation.

According to the description jobs, the new Apple employee will develop electronic systems for candy bars iMac. In addition to knowledge in the field of graphic solutions, the candidate must understand the chipsets Intel (Apple is categorical) and DDR3 memory interface and GDDR5.

By the way, the story has it that in the past year, Apple has been one step from being used in a new line of ultra-thin MacBook Air laptop crystal AMD LIano - the so-called APU (Accelerated Processing Unit, or "accelerated processing unit") - graphics adapter, memory controller and video decoder on one chip.

Then computing solutions from AMD fully meet the needs of Apple, but the deal fell through because of the chip maker. The company would be unable to ensure the supply of adequate number of processors due to its transition to production partner Global Foundries to new technological standards, and there was not enough as the final sample.

Apple opened a three-story Apple Store in Hong Kong

On Saturday, December 15, Apple has opened a brand new store in Hong Kong. As you would expect, hundreds of customers visited a store on the first day. Apparently, the company expects to continue unprecedented in scale offensive in the Chinese region.

Apple already has more than a reseller in Hong Kong. Three-story Apple Store with glass 10-foot wall was opened at the famous shopping district of Causeway Bay (Causeway Bay) - the most expensive street in the world with an average rental rate 22 307 euro per square meter.

"Apple" foray into the lucrative Hong Kong market was waiting for a long time. Apple opened its first store in mainland China a few years ago. Yet Chinese buyers regularly travel across the border to buy products Apple. Earlier in customs in Shenzhen while trying to smuggle illegal smartphones iPhone from Hong Kong  was arrested  12-year-old smuggler, hung phones iPhone 4S. Residents of the mainland often buy iPhone there because of the low prices and lack of binding to the cellular operator.

As noted by MacRumors, today new stores Apple Store opened in Chzhendu (China), Melbourne (Australia) and Malmo (Sweden).

Jobs death truth: you do not know the 24-year-old has been suffering from cancer

McCann Road Siegel doctors health and the medical center (Dr. McDougall’s Health and Medical Center) newsletter website has published in November 2011, a report, the doctors and nutrition experts John McCann Road Nightingale (John McDougall,) Calculation and analysis of time and spread of cancer history and concluded said Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs).

Jobs as early as in the 20s had cancer and started to spread, the culprit is likely to be the electronics industry's toxic chemicals substances, and healthy eating habits Jobs prolong his life.

The following is the main content of the report:

Steve Jobs acquiescence I write a newsletter on medical and nutritional aspects of his life, as his authorized biographer to do a true account of. "I want my kids to know me," "sick, I recognize that other people will write some articles about me, but they do not know that after I die, they will be completely wrong, so I want to make sure was able to hear my words. "If you know that I put forward different views on his pancreatic cancer and eating habits, Steve Jobs will feel very happy, because my point of view is entirely consistent with his intuition, but also proved correct. I hope that the report can also be relieved of his family and friends after the death of Steve Jobs.

This article is not questioned Jobs' doctors and their treatment. I believe that these professionals must do their utmost. In hindsight, everything is clear. This is reported only to clarify the truth.

Jobs youth had cancer and began to shift

"In October 2003, he happened to meet had given him before seen disease urologist, she suggested that Steve Jobs once CAT check for kidney and urinary system when the check has been five years away from his last CAT new scan examination showed that his kidney problem, but a shadow on the pancreas. "When tumor mass has been great to be able to by CAT checking to see that at least 2 cm tumor. I guess when the pancreas shaded at least 1 cm in diameter, which contains one billion cells, and an increase of at least 10 years. Under normal circumstances, when the diameter of a single tumor developed to 10 cm, death will come. Jobs is suffering from pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors comply with the law of this development.

The history of the development of pancreatic cancer Steve Jobs by mathematical calculations to determine. His diagnosis to 56 years of age, died at the age of 48, to accept this middle about 8 years, October 2003 to October 2011 5 days. Can deduce from these dates, Job’s pancreatic tumor doubling every 10 months. Usually the case, many organs solid tumors every 3-9 months doubled Jobs tumor growth is not fast.

The get this increases the cycle time cancer begins Jobs. His cancer started in young age may be 24 years old. Similar calculation shows that, 20 years before the surgery on July 31, 2004, his cancer has been developed from the pancreas to the liver (and other parts of the body).

Jobs found he suffering from incurable cancer, one of the things I most regret is diagnosed nine months he refused to undergo surgery. He believes that if the surgery as soon as possible, he may be able to heal. In fact, since the 20s cancer began to spread in the body, in order to be cured by surgery October 2003 CAT scan found that the cancer is not possible.

How cancer spread

Not familiar with the spread of cancer, people might think that cancer like wildfire, overnight will be spread throughout the body, because people always look healthy, but all of a sudden will be a disease. Beginning diagnosed with cancer, people will think that this is still in the early, can be cured over time. Unfortunately, this wonderful desire is wrong.

The speed of the spread of cancer is very stable. The early diffusion invisible, because cancer is also very slight. This time the cancer cells from a split into two split from two to four, and so on. This time the tumor volume doubling is also not detect the spread of 6 years experience until the cancer tumor volume was 1 mm, contains one million cancer cells. , After 10 years, the proliferation of the tumor to 1 cm in diameter, containing 1 billion cancer cells. By this time, the tumor volume doubling very obvious one billion cell division 2000000000 next division reached 4,000,000,000. Accordingly, in the first two thirds of the cycle of the cancer, the doctor is not detected, which results in the patient's confusion.

Cancer led to Jobs over 30 years of age and over 40 years of age when in trouble

Jobs strange behavior when meeting a 1987 report, said: "His hands slightly yellowish constantly shake." Yellowish skin is a typical symptom of jaundice, pancreatic cancer usually causes bile flow is blocked, causing jaundice. At that time (1987) tumor is the cause of the blocked part and intermittent flow of bile.

Before treatment in October 2003, Steve Jobs cancer led to his abdomen and back pain for at least five years. "I was driving a Porsche car to Pixar went on to then go to Apple , then feeling had kidney stones, I immediately rushed to the hospital, the hospital gave me a meperidine, through the difficulties. "October 2003 CAT examination that is his pancreas shadow checks his kidney and there is no problem.

Kidney stones are usually caused by excessive consumption of animal protein. As a serious vegetarian, Jobs could not have kidney stones. I did not get his medical report, but I firmly believe that these events will certainly lead to the misdiagnosis and wrong treatment based pain due to kidney stones. In fact, Jobs are enduring posed by the proliferation of pancreatic cancer pain.

At least 10 years prior to the July 31, 2004 to undergo surgery, the cancer already exists, the evidence also revealed surgery. "Unfortunately, the cancer has spread. During surgery, doctors discovered three secondary liver tumors. Doctor can see with the naked eye tumors of the liver surface, each cancer tumors reached at least 1 cm in diameter. As I explained above, these transfers began more than 20 years ago, when Steve Jobs 20s. In liver tumor means that the cancer has spread to other organs of the body many years ago.

Jobs that he is an intuitive and very accurate, he was convinced that a gut feel. Some intuition, he may know to accept the 20 years before the check had been sick. 1983, "Steve Jobs is very trust John Sculley (John Sculley, when any of Apple CEO), he felt may died in the prime of life." When he made a prophecy, only 28 years old.

Lead and other computer carcinogen Jobs cancer culprit

Jobs speculation that his cancer began in 1997 that difficult period, he was at the same time manage Apple and Pixar. He speculated that "may be at this time of cancer started to spread, because at that time my immune system is very fragile." However, according to reliable calculations, his cancer may start as early as 10 years, when he was young, that is, without adequate safety precautions when, with hands, the manufacture of computers and other electronic products.

California Los Bito (Los Altos) Homestead High School freshman graduation that summer, Jobs gave Bill Hewlett of Hewlett-Packard (Bill Hewlett) call, "he talk to me for about 20 minutes, and gave me provides a chance to work in the frequency calculator factory. "In this place, he was exposed to toxic chemicals inside; these substances may lead to pancreatic cancer. Another example: early development in Apple, Steve Jobs was welding circuit board. This component typically contains the lead, tin, and other metals. Lead is regarded as one of the carcinogens, may directly damage DNA, leading to cancer. The lead may also be pathogenic elements, one of Jobs' pancreatic cancer.

The electronics industry is facing a high risk of exposure to carcinogens environment due to professional reasons, Jobs may be the most well-known example. The PC contains a metal material, including aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gallium, gold, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, palladium, platinum, selenium, silver, and zinc.

Steve Jobs cancer is really an unfortunate event, like being struck by lightning or hit by a car. Carcinogenic substances into his body, but also due to genetic reasons, the "bad luck", or other unknowable and uncontrollable factors, his body is very susceptible to infection. Jobs cancer is not due to his vegetarian, in fact, his healthy eating habits may slow down the speed of spread of the tumor, to postpone the time of his diagnosis, thereby extending the useful life.

Jobs regret unfounded, he thought he accelerated death

Jobs and his wife to spend the last eight years, nine months after the initial cancer diagnosis, no surgery and heart full of regret, guilt and remorse, he thinks to honestly explained to the doctor, he do not have to bear these burden. The fact is this: "Mr. Jobs, in October 2003, before the biopsies for a long time, has been all over the cancer cells in your body." Obviously, his doctors, no one told him no controversy about the fact that pancreatic surgery for his 2004 Jeffrey Norton (Jeffrey Norton), and his liver transplant in 2009, James the Essen (James Eason).

In October 2003, in recognition of pancreatic tumors, one of his doctors "advised him to make proper arrangements should ensure that their own thing, which is euphemistically told his life only a few months time. Evening, they were living tissue biopsy, endoscopes hand in the intestines, needle inserted in his pancreas, for some tumor cells was diagnosed with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. "

Jobs beginning to reject the treatment of cancer through surgery. "I really do not want surgery to their own body, so I want to try something else." Nine months later, in July 2004 the CAT examination showed the tumor has increased and may spread, Jobs in 2004 Saturday, 31 underwent surgery at Stanford Medical Center. When he accepted that the modified Whipple Surgical Treatment, cut off a part of the pancreas. Surgery the next day, his e-mail to Apple employees, he obtained the disease accounting for about a year of pancreatic cancer found 1%, if caught early enough (I is the case) can be cured by surgery. "Hindsight The situation is clearly not the case.

Unfortunately, in the remaining days of life, Jobs firmly believe, if you do not postpone the nine months, he can be cured. "According to Job’s biographer Walter Isaacson (Walter Isaacson) said, the Apple guru ultimately decided a few years ago, regret, when he refused surgery may have saved his life, choosing instead to other treatment. Such as acupuncture, therapeutic his earlier refused surgeries clearly do not understand by his wife and friends, they constantly urged him to surgery. "Isaacson said:" We discussed this issue many times, and he wants to discuss, express their regret. Think he might think they should be early surgery. "Shortly after the death of Steve Jobs, Isaacson in an interview, he referred to this misconception Jobs.

Early 2008, Steve Jobs and his doctors have been significantly recognized his cancer began to spread. In April 2009, he received a liver transplant. "His doctors open liver, abdominal wall a little substance. Tumor, liver covered which means that the cancer has spread to other organs." However, in July 2011, his cancer has spread to the bones and other parts of the body. "Almost all admit defeat. October 5, 2011, Jobs cancer spread to the whole body dies, the cancer started in the youth he began to work in Silicon Valley.

Refused to undergo surgery in October 2003, almost everyone agrees that Jobs selfish, stupid and irresponsible. However, according to the development of his cancer, Steve Jobs is not the case. Prior to treatment, the cancer has spread to many years was irresistible.

Jobs vegetarian habits to extend his life

The first year of school in Portland, Oregon, Reed College (Reed College), Steve Jobs has become a vegetarian; he sometimes will eat the fruit, and consider themselves an advocate is a fruit. Job’s life are strict vegetarians do not eat animal food, only a few accidents. Jobs often because the meals did not prepare his habit discomfort. When the restaurant staff to provide him with sour cream spices, he would feel sick. One day, he found that what they eat contain butter, he once soup a vomit out.

Life most of the time, he was seen as a "picky vegetarian. Called him look like a boxer, aggressive but acts elegant, or like the only jungle cat ready to prey. "However, the majority of family members, friends and colleagues do not understand or do not agree with Jobs vegetarian practices.

He's eating habits and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak (Steve Wozniak) distinct The latter favorite food is typical American pizza and hamburger. The body fat Wozniak 4-year-old older still alive. As a result of these very different results, many people began to question the importance of a healthy vegetarian.

After the detection of cancer, Jobs had recalled the benefits of a low-protein diet on cancer. I think Jobs is right, healthy low-fat vegetarian diet helps slow down the speed of the spread of cancer to extend a patient's life. However, animal fat, animal protein, vegetable oil and made segregation soy protein, vegetarian can accelerate the spread of cancer. Steve Jobs often eat in the restaurant; his vegetarian may contain too much vegetable oil, meat and cheese "artificial" (containing too much the segregation soy protein food).

Eventually forced to eat animal food

"One of the side effects of surgery for Jobs trouble, because he too picky eating and fasting habits from childhood. Pancreas stomach to digest food, absorb the nutrition required for enzyme organ, therefore cutting part pancreas makes getting enough protein difficult. "It was suggested that he eat meat and food. For Jobs, the lack of food protein is not a problem, but family, friends, nutrition scholars and health doctors questioned his extreme adhere to a bland diet. Jobs weight loss of 40-50 pounds, resulting in weight loss causes include surgical removal of part of the pancreas, the use of morphine to control pain, chemotherapy, liver transplant surgery, as well as taking drugs to suppress organ reaction. Until his death, the doctor advised him to eat some protein-rich foods. Clearly, animal food does not give his health a substantial impact because these recommendations are not correct.

"Powell (Jobs wife) when they were married a vegetarian, but in husbands after surgery, she began to diversify family recipes, fish and other protein." Jobs eventually succumb to these constant requests to start eating some seafood and eggs. In order to achieve the desire to the animal foods help to improve the health of error, he was forced to abandon the concept of health has always insisted his religious beliefs, as well as animal and environmental concerns.

However, the outside world still believes that Steve Jobs's the vegetarian philosophy is selfish, stupid and irresponsible. However, in the case of people with pancreatic cancer, he lived for 30 years. (His medical treatment almost did not play any role in prolonging life, but led him to pay a huge price.)


Jobs vegetarian habits, initially refused surgery, can not be attributed to the act of a madman. On the contrary, these two decisions are reflected Steve Jobs to insist that the right things rational, talent, intuition and inner strength. Perhaps the truth will be relieved of his family and friends. There are those Jobs cancer link with the vegetarian people; they can now accept a healthy diet. To understand and announced his cause cancer, should pay more attention to the serious injury of the electronic industry chemicals.

Even Steve Jobs a most power, the most wealth will have this misfortune. No cost, no harm, honest advice can greatly improve the physical, mental and emotional status of Jobs, especially in the last eight years of his life with his wife; he gave us up to eight years. I have two MacBook Pro computers, an iPhone, an iPad 2, daily use iTunes, and my grandson like Pixar movies. Thank you, Steve Jobs, I used the report did you express gratitude.

20 useful keyboard shortcuts for iTunes 11

In iTunes 11 , Apple updated design, providing the user with the new Mini Player, which enables you to control your music through a small window, the function of the "Next" with which you can view the current playlist and tight integration with cloud services iCloud. Users accustomed to iTunes 10 can use these tips to make the interface more user-friendly and familiar, and for all those who are actively working with keyboard shortcuts offer 20 for the new version of the player.

Each of us looks into iTunes several times a day, for example to include the new album or add tracks to the list of "Next." Have to do it often enough, so the use of keyboard shortcuts can save precious seconds when using the program. Using shortcuts can control playback of iTunes 11, adjust volume, switch to Mini Player, and jump to sections of the media library.

Common actions and navigate iTunes 11

Spacebar - to enable or disable playback
Option + Return - to add the current song to a "Next"
Command +. - cancel the current action
Command + Right arrow -  next song
Command + Left arrow  - previous song
Command + Up Arrow  - add volume
Command + Down Arrow  - decrease the volume
Command + Option + S  - show or hide the sidebar
Command + /  - to show or hide the status menu

Specific actions

Command + Option three  - show or hide the Mini Player
Command + Option + M  - turn on the Mini Player
Command + Option 2  - show equalizer
Command + Option + U  - to open a list of the "Next"

Access to your iTunes library

One command  - show in Music
Two command  - show the video section
Command three  - unhide TV show
Command 4  - unhide Podcasts
Command 5  - to include iTunes U
Command six  - unhide Books
Command 7  - show application
Command + Shift + H  - open the iTunes Store

Became known discounts on Apple iPad, Mac and iPod in the "Black Friday"

Visitors online Apple store in the "Black Friday" on 23 November at which to start the Christmas season sales, can benefit from a one-day deals on all the "apple" products.

Recall that in the U.S. the day after Thanksgiving is called "Black Friday" and, historically, this is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. The tradition of the day to arrange the sale appeared in the United States in the XIX century, but now the discount stores offer this day in some other countries.

Employees of tech-blog 9to5Mac postings online Apple Store for the residents of New Zealand and Australia, which have benefited from the first one-day action. Thus, the company will sell a Mac to $ 110 cheaper than the original price discount for the iPad will be from 41 to 61 dollars depending on the model (16GB, 32GB and 64GB), iPod touch touchscreen player would cost 21-41 dollars less in Depending on the model, and the iPod nano «lose weight" in the price of $ 11. In addition, Apple will offer a discount of $ 11 for additional accessories, including headphones EarPods, covers Smart Covers, Mouse Magic Mouse, Wireless Keyboard and Trackpad Apple.

Thus, Apple decided to follow last year's strategy when selling Mac and iPod in the "Black Friday" with similar discounts. This year, the company can deliver the unit in a gift box, tied with red ribbon and attach it to the card. For the buyer ordering should be noted that the gadget gets a gift.

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