Apple has removed several fake applications from the App Store

In late January we told you about that Apple removed the app from the App Store , pretending to be a popular Photo utility Camera +. Today it was reported that recently the company had a comprehensive sweep of its online catalog of fake designs.
The regular appearance of counterfeit software posing as applications hit, long concerned about the developers for iOS. According to them, it has a negative impact on the reputation of not only the studio creating hits, and "apple" the App Store as a whole. Apparently, Apple listened to the developers.

According to TechCrunch, the last few days, the company removed from the U.S. App Store several applications, the name and design are "similar to the degree of mixing with the original designs." In particular, access was closed to the Angry Ninja Birds, Tiny Birds and Numbers With Friends. The developers left the complaint, and Apple took action. And I must say - in time.

Last week, the Temple Jump, which is an obvious clone of the Temple Run, came out in the top list of paid apps U.S. App Store. Users download the game, believing that this is a new part of the popular arcade and the result turned out to be cheated.

Despite what Apple has begun to remove counterfeits from the App Store, it is unlikely to stop the developers who is haunted by the glory of the creators of the top programs. For some reason, Apple censors continue to maintain software, duplicating other applications, it is not known. However well the company responds to complaints and take appropriate action. Better late than never.

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Whether it is lick the calf between the parents and wife, or partner's loving trouble, the feelings between the animals sometimes more than humans purely. Microsoft today released Windows 7 theme "for a description of the animal feelings of animal love", love is beautiful, love animals, too, was the bird nestled in this topic, the swan cross the neck, the horse children kiss ... is so sweet and warm.
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