Because the Timeline is hated Facebook

People hate the Timeline of Facebook, and many people wonder how you face to go back and not be forced to use this new feature of Facebook.
The new timeline or "diary" of Facebook, offers many new features, though still not been fully transposed by the users, who see the new timeline as a threat to their privacy. While Facebook has introduced this guide time to allow people to store more information on the date on which they were born. Images, videos, links to web sites can now be loaded at any date passed in the timeline! This surely is a great opportunity if you do not fear for your privacy!

In this article we analyze the possible reasons why you do not like the Facebook timeline.

Facebook Forced Timeline
This is not right when there are human beings who like to choose. You can not force users to adhere to the new design. So far Facebook has surprised users constantly bringing design changes before users get used to the previous news. The update for this design should not bring a totally new user interface and a host of changes to it. Especially when the platform is used by millions of people with skills from beginner!

Facebook slower
Timeline Facebook takes a few seconds longer to load than the old facebook page. There are millions of people who still use 256 kbps and 512 kbps speed internet to surf the web. Sometimes, errors occur during loading and the page does not load completely.
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How to sync iCloud with Dropbox [instructions]

Online service Dropbox, founded by Drew Houston and Arash, was launched in 2007. The service, coming from a startup incubator Y Combinator, Lets you store and synchronize files over the Internet, and share them with others. Before the advent of cloud service, many owners of Apple iCloud iPhone, iPod touch and iPad use Dropbox to exchange data between devices, and some continue to use it to this day.
For such users will be relevant instructions for configuring your computer to automatically copy data from a cloud in the Apple account Dropbox. In this case it is a one-way synchronization of iCloud in the Dropbox. Make it easy enough.

How to sync with iCloud Dropbox:

Step 1 : Check that you have enabled iCloud. To do this, go to Settings -> iCloud and make sure the front of the item documents and data ticked.

Step 2 : Create a file in iCloud. This option can vary in different applications, such as a text editor Byword is the menu item File -> Move to iCloud.

Step 3 : Find a local folder iCloud. To do this, open Finder, Team Go -> Go to Folder. Insert the path ~ / Library /. Here, find the folder Mobile Documents, which contains a list of subfolders with data from the cloud Apple.

Step 4 : Synchronize changes with Hazel. Hazel - a program for the Mac, tidy and easily automates many tasks and also set up a test setup for sorting files in OS X. In the third version of the application the opportunity to synchronize data.

For example, a program Byword you can create a separate folder within the Dropbox and Hazel specified in the rule: "If you notice changes in a specified directory, sync folder Documents (inside ~ / Library / Mobile Documents /) with a folder for Byword in Dropbox».

Step 5 : This step is optional. With this program,  Default Folder X , set the DEFAULT Byword folder in the cloud iCloud. So whenever you create a new document, it will be automatically saved in the iCloud and Dropbox.

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