Facebook will disappear in 2020, the analysts say!

The value of the shares of Facebook is falling day by day. Since American society is a publicly traded company, its future seems to have been quickly put into question.
From $ 40 (approximately) to an action figure that stands firmly below 30. According to analysts, is the harbinger of what will happen in the near future: a vertical collapse of the platform.

"Within ten years, will disappear in the same way Yahoo" thunders Eric Jackson , the founder of  Ironfire Capital .

Yahoo is still making money, is still active, still has 13,000 employees working for it, but accounts for 10% of the estimated value in 2000. To all intents and purposes, disappeared in the stock.

The analyst says that the reasons that could lead to a collapse of Facebook are due to the speed that moves the system. The continued emergence of the mobile unit of the mobile Web experience are factors which conflict with this social network platform that finds it hard to adapt to this paradigm shift.

The world moves faster, it is becoming increasingly competitive. Facebook could also buy some mobile phone companies, but will always remain a great big web site, something quite different from the mobile app.

In this perspective be seen as recent acquisitions Instagram and development of applications targeted at specific sectors. The problem of the cabinet, however, is not only an issue related to Facebook. Even Google has had, initially, its problems, then focusing on the app and the mobile versions of their sites. A choice dictated by the experience in the field that Facebook can not boast.

How do you think Facebook will be in ten years? It will focus only on mobile or a crash is due to the impossibility of bringing (all) the platform on mobile devices?

Final Fantasy: The stunning graphics engine tech demo on the next generation (video)

The E3 2012 was the occasion for Square Enix to anticipate the future thanks to a tech demo of Final Fantasy for the console next gen.With a trailer for 3 minutes showed what the publisher will be able to do the graphics engine that will use the next chapters of the series PS4 and Xbox 720.
Square has repeatedly said that the video was not made up of pre-rendered, but it was video in real time.

At the end of the movie title is revealed: Agni's Philosophy: Final Fantasy Real Time Tech Demo. We do not know if it's a preview on the future installment of the series or if it features material created just for demonstration, what is certain is that Square Enix is ​​keen to point out that this is a demo material in real time.
As further evidence, in fact, during the presentation of Hashimoto spoke changing scenes of the trailer and changing hair colors and characteristics of the protagonists or the lighting. We leave so impressive demo: forbidden to watch it at lower resolution to 1080p!

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