Real Racing 3 apk v1.0.1 Download free for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

Earlier this week we reported that the release of Real Racing 3 is scheduled for the end of February, and more particularly on the number 28. But, apparently, for the holiday of Valentine's Day Firemonkeys Studio decided to present surprise to all users iOS-devices and the race before the official release date. At this point, the game is available for download at the New Zealand branch of App Store.

The first part of the mobile racing Real Racing debuted the iPhone in 2009, the second - is now available for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad also Android-based gadgets. To participate within the 3rd series, the visual element which will amaze even the foremost exacting gamers, will users of all well-liked mobile systems - iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

At the time of release of Real Racing 3 has 45 licensed cars from manufacturers Porsche, Lamborghini, Dodge, Bugatti and Audi, the real race tracks, including the Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, Indianapolis Motor Speedway and more than 900 events, divided into 8 different types. With each update Firemonkeys race will add new game content and features.

Real Racing 3 is available for download free of charge. With the release of the third part of the game Firemonkeys Studio decided to focus on the business model of "freemium", which provides in-game buy cars and upgrades for additional machines.

Enjoy the graphics console level and drive a few dozen new car owners are iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the operating system iOS 4.3 and above. Download Real Racing 3, you can link to below.

Download Real Racing 3 for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad [ iTunes ]

Dismantling Surface Pro is extremely difficult to repair the equipment within 90 screws

iFixit recently dismantling Surface Pro, results showed tablet internal Almost all adhesives fixed, users want to repair extremely difficult, much higher than the iPad. IFixit repair-ability score, Surface Pro scored only 1 point in 10 points, For example, a single open flat, surrounded by the four lines around the display, would cut off a little careless. Battery and display adhesive display is extremely difficult to replace. Equipment within 90 screws, iFixit believes that an unusually large number for such equipment.

In contrast, the four generations of Apple iPad rated 10 points to 2 points. IPad repairable from a ratings point of view is not much advantage, much higher than the iPad Surface RT repairable, more expensive Surface Pro score lower, which some people disappointed. In fact, not surprisingly, Microsoft's efforts in the small tablet loaded with more features. Nevertheless, iFixit still think Microsoft in order to save space, some move is no necessary, such as the battery grip, that is that the intentional degradation "totally supererogatory.

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