Showing posts with label Google Drive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Drive. Show all posts

Gmail brings the maximum format for attachments: 10 GB!

Google is introducing a new very important for those who attach large files to your mail. With the integration of Google Drive in Gmail, you can send up to 10 GB by clicking on a button.
Actually, you can not talk about a completely new function. Moreover Google Drive, the online storage service, already allows use of a dedicated space that allows the file hosting documents up to 5 GB expandable to 16 TB and is now a permanent part of the Google family.

Each registered user can use it to Google. The lucky ones can already be observed, when writing an email, the dedicated key "Drive" (Insert the file using Drive). With this solution, the files that we loaded in Drive can be viewed via e-mail to more people without reload. It’s a real convenience.

Among other things, another novelty not negligible is the new window for writing messages. It will open separately in order for you to keep an eye on the mail received in real time. And also that will be soon extended to all users.

Dropbox and SkyDrive: true paladins guarding of our files?

A few days ago we peeked in the licenses of three popular services cloud storage and the location of Big G ​​has slightly concerned but also other services are just so? To answer this question, we submitted in the conditions of use of two of the most famous, Dropbox and Skydrive, and other details have emerged not exactly reassuring .
Starting with Dropbox , one of the first lines states that the company will not provide our content to anyone ever , even in legal cases:
No matter how the Services change, we will not share your content with others, Including Law Enforcement
which one part is reassuring, but the other very credible, so we would expect his side to a lot of asterisks, ready to conceal "the catch".
A few lines later, we discover that in fact we are the sole responsibility of the account and the actions derived from it, whether or not expressly authorized by us, and that if we want our data is safe with us we have to worry about building a secure connection the server.
You are Responsible for any activity using your account, Whether or not you Authorized That activity. (...) It is your responsibility to use a secure encrypted connection to communicate with the Services.
Continuing, we came across another sentence rather enigmatic , which seems to refer in a contradictory way to the first point:
We Will Respond to Alleged notices of copyright infringement If They Comply with the law and are properly provided to us.
or, in case of copyright infringement, Dropbox could provide the required data .We end the tracking on this service with a fairly obscure last paragraph:
We may share your information with a third party application with your consent, (...) we are not Responsible for Those parties do what with your information.
In a nutshell, Dropbox can share our data with other applications, but the company is not responsible for what third parties do with this information. What is legitimate in the sense that it will only against our consent, but if we want to be sure it is better not to give it regardless.
Moving to Redmond, the old story does not change much with SkyDrive promises the same things as Dropbox, only to emphasize that
The user is responsible for backing up data files in the service. Following the suspension or cancellation of service, it may permanently delete your information from their servers without any obligation to return the data to the user.
Report also the possibilities for the company to automatically load information on the user's computer and using the same service is offered by Microsoft, allowing himself the right to change the contract at any time, especially:
Microsoft may access information about you, including the content of your communications, or to disclose: (a) comply with legal requirements or comply with legal requirements or with legal process, (b) protect the rights or owned by Microsoft or its customers, including the enforcement of contracts Microsoft or policies governing the use of Microsoft's service by the user, or (c) protect the personal safety of employees, customers or users Microsoft, in good faith belief that such access or disclosure is necessary for that purpose.
But what is meant by good faith ? We ask this because in the end also contains a clause similar to Google Drive.
Consulting with Big G, we note that Google does not attempt to dispose of property of you, but simply a warning, with the most colorful tones , that if you load something on their servers, something that could be used, but only for services that Mountain View is interesting: a kind of suggestions box implied that looks very much like a mirror for larks or at least to  a hook is not too inviting .Through the text, we note an interesting clause that the company arrogates the right to show our content in good faith , just like Microsoft.
Apparently, however, is not all that glitters is gold , and none of the three services seem free from objections and "data leakage": what do you think?

Google Drive: discover the service, the web interface and the application for PC / Mac

And finally Google Drive has arrived, a few minutes early from Android version, also the web version unvarnished has revealed to our eyes. As was widely anticipated release is a "magazine" Google Documents, but let us see what we have at hand.
The updated Google Drive, with the first 5 GB free, is available to all who will access the site from now. The update does not imply any loss of your Documents. Indeed, the reasons to go are so many.

The web version of Google Drive not far from Google Documents, maintaining also the interface that does not undergo significant changes (which, however, admit that we expect in the coming months). You can load our Office documents, and not only through the usual interface to which we were accustomed. The real novelty, surely you've missed is the ability to upload any file you want, images, video, compressed files, graphics files of any kind. Do not you dimension to your music, probably to distinguish the service from Google Music . However, nothing will prohibit loading on your space.

Will likely be convenient to many the possibility of files with other users of the service and above all they can be sent as attachments in GMail, without unnerving expectations and simply as links.

The new reality that today's first few expected, is the complete integration with the applications of the Chrome Web Store. This means that if you uploaded a file in Photoshop and you have installed an application for Chrome will be able to open it, the integration is immediate. As you can imagine the service cuts out the other browser and winks so slightly veiled in Chrome OS , which can be expected that even before his birth.

The application for PC / Mac
Even then the application is available for your home computer, either PC or Mac (no Linux ...). Once you start you will be asked to login with Google data and then the icon will go to fare in your system tray. Yes, right next to that of Dropbox. The operation is completely identical to that of the blue box . This will create a personal folder where documents will be loaded into them instantly synchronized with Google Drive. The main novelty is found in Google Documents synchronization of documents: the files have the extension. And gsheet. Gdoc and will open your website editing with Google (using your default browser, not even Chrome).

The application for Android
Please refer to our full article .
More and more space
As well announced , the space is initially 5 GB, which can be increased to pay rates competitive enough. There is talk of $ 2.49 / month (1.88 € at current exchange rates) to 25 GB per month (another 25 GB for GMail), or $ 4.99 / month for 100 GB (3.77 € at current exchange rates, again with the 25 GB for Gmail for free).

Google Drive is in a Galaxy Nexus developers (video)

A few more days to the announcement of the new service Google Drive. According to various sources, from next week we start using the new Google Cloud in major international markets. In addition to the news leaked in recent days, now comes a video that confirms this new reality.

On a Galaxy Nexus of a developer in the list of programs to share an item, the logo appears Drive. So the service is already being tested and all seems well prepared on the Android platform.

Do not just have to wait.

Google Drive coming next week

Thundered that it rained so much , goes the old adage, and in fact can not be said that Google uploads Drive bombastic without being preceded by warnings: we talked about it for the first time a couple of months ago  and over time emerged via details including the available space (5 GB) and also the supposed launch date , which is now officially confirmed for next week.
In all probability the middle of next week  we will be able to connect  to exploit the new service Bigg, which will be available for Windows, Mac, Android and iPhone OS . It seems that being multi-platform is a feature well carved in his genes, although we have no precise details about its implementation on different systems.
Also confirmed the 5 GB free , of course upgradeable for a fee, but the exact prices you have to wait for the opening of the site.
It also seems that colleagues from  TechCrunch  are even able to get their hands the app itself , but at the time reveals very little being " Google Drive is not yet enabled for your account . "
In any case it seems that the time for speculation is coming to an end and soon we will know how many and which Google has given us reasons to abandon the faithful Dropbox, or whomever. And you are ready to change your cloud storage service, or old habits die hard?  Source: Visit

[Google Drive] new clues to the Cloud service closer

Continue to chase the rumors of an upcoming debut of Google Drive , between the services of the most anticipated home in Mountain View that can already count on a wide range of functionality people need when surfing the net. As we have seen some images stolen the new Cloud service should provide 5GB of free storage to the user, appreciable amount given the current alternatives such as Dropbox, but far from stunning 25GB of SkyDrive.
Google Drive has never been formalized, but growing evidence suggest an impending arrival, moreover, we see a sudden improvement and continuous diversification of Google services without any special warning signs, but there are indications that in this case with the  online tool Lucidchart who mistakenly shown a page for the synchronization and integration with its own drive (image above), page obviously made ​​to disappear in a hurry.
Be noted that the CEO of Lucidchart, Karl Sun, was a leading figure within Google and definitely enjoys a privileged channel with the company. The concept of ' integration , however, is the most important news because it identifies the service drive not only as a "place" to load your data, but a ubiquitous feature on the search engine and direct ramifications. All premises that are encouraging given the millions of users who rely on Google every day and expect the GCloud time.  by

Google Drive, April Fool?

The rumor of an online storage service Google Drive, GDrive also called, resurfaced. There is now talk of early April, with up to 5GB of free storage.

GDrive is the appeared in 2006, rumors of a Google online storage short year after year. Perhaps because this service is highly anticipated and we do not see too what keeps Google. The rumor resurfaced in February 2012 with the publication of an article in the Wall Street Journal . It is now up to the GigaOM blog dedicated to revive the rumor mill by advancing a release date for the first week of April. It thus becomes clear. That is if exist GDrive.
Google Gmail Drive Drive
For six years, Google has never said he would create such a service. Nor that it would be called GDrive, Google Drive or even Drive. In fact, this rumor was born in 2006 at a time when there was no talk of cloud , in favor of a free software called Gmail Drive , which enables the use gigabytes of Gmail space to store files from the File Explorer for Windows. Since then, the search giant has launched Google Docs, then renamed Google Docs. And in 2010, it authorized the storage of any kind of files in the gigabyte of space allocated for free on Google Docs.
Google Drive: 1 to 5 GB of free storage
This gigabyte of data would be available space for a future Google Drive, according to GigaOM, that is if the service is one day. The additional space would be paying ... as being on Google Docs. speaks to him, an output mid-April with 2 GB of free storage. The site even shows screenshots of the new service stating "it would be possible to go up to 5GB of free storage by referring other users" .

Google Drive, already has-been ?
Google Drive but there still an interest before the onslaught of online storage sites? Yes, because it would be linked to other Google services with APIs for developers integrate applications on GDrive in computers, tablets and smartphones . The side of competition, the market is already very busy: DropBox,,, Skydrive ... Free with capacities ranging up to 50GB for ADrive! If the existence of Google Drive is still uncertain, there is no doubt that Google would succeed to his place should he decide to run it. 

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