Showing posts with label Nexus S. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nexus S. Show all posts

Nexus S Jelly Bean: even rival the Galaxy Nexus Jelly Bean! (Video)

I must say, Google with Jelly Bean did an amazing job. Not only has improved the operating system, increasing its functionality, quality and general management, but was able to bring significant improvements on device is not particularly powerful, in part, is able to benefit from better management of the system.
The Nexus S is in fact a product with hardware now released two years ago (almost being the alternative to Google Galaxy S released May 2010) that, despite a single core 1GHz and 512MB of RAM, can keep up with the Galaxy with a Nexus Hardware almost double . Jelly Bean on course, and made ​​the optimization of the potential of Android that allows a complete system without sacrifice.

Surely the games and the web are less pleasant, and fast performance compared to his older brother, but we can say that the Nexus S is still a good smartphone. you as you are with the new update about Jelly Bean Nexus S?

Jelly Bean for Nexus S release in July 19? Word of Vodafone (Australia)

This morning we have reported the first  AOSP ROM for Nexus S leading Jelly Bean on Google mobile but it is reasonable to expect an update soon to the second device from Google. We learn from a blog post on the Vodafone Australia , which according to the telephone operator the update was already planned but not only, is referred to a date set for July 19  which will bring the Android version from 4.0.4 to 4.1 Ice Cream Sandwich. 1 Jelly Bean. The news today reported that Jelly Bean was currently being tested for Nexus S but will follow the developments, confirming or refuting the claims by the Australian operator.
If confirmed in practice we can expect updates shortly on our territory. by

Download ROM Jelly Bean on Nexus S with bug free

Nexus S will be the next Google mobile to receive the long awaited upgrade to the latest distribution OS Google Jelly Bean but if you are not willing to wait and want to try prematurely the new features and improvements based on version 4.1.1 of the community as XDA always offers a solution.
It 'was published version AOSP last distribution where, according to the developer, it works fine with no faults or bugs whatsoever. Of course you should be accustomed to the traditional tasks required to install rom alternatives with Recovery, Wipe and the like.

Waiting for feedback from you we leave you with a link to the thread of the discussion on XDA.

Jelly Bean Rom AOSP Download Link.

Nexus S: comes the first ROM Jelly Bean waiting for the official release from Google!

While many are waiting to see the official update of the Nexus and the Nexus S range expected for mid-July and announced on June 27 from Google directly to Google +, comes the first ROM Jelly Bean for the second Nexus launched.
Android 27/June/2012   - Public
Want to get your hands on Android 4.1, Jelly Bean? Starting in mid-July, we'll begin rolling out over-the-air updates to Galaxy Nexus, Motorola Xoom and Nexus S, and we'll release Also Jelly Bean to open source.

This is obviously a first port of the ROM-based Galaxy Nexus and still are many things that do not work. In particular:
 What’s working?
  • Touchscreen-
  • Bluetooth-
  • GPU-
  • Room-
  • Softkeys-
  • NFC-
  • Butter-
  • -SDcard
  • ADB-
  • USB-
What's not working?

  • Audio-
  • Wifi
  • -GSM
  • -Libwvm
  • -More stuffs not working
We'll see if Google will come before the community or in the release of a complete update. During this article we add that yesterday,  Jean-Baptiste Queru , project manager at Google AOSP reiterated that Jelly Bean comes to:  Mid-July: Between early July and it's Late Julyvia XDA

Android 4.0.4 Nexus S officially arrives for OTA!

Good news for all owners of Nexus S. From this night and all day today is the expected arrival of the ' official OTA Android 4.0.4 Nexus S. A long-awaited update is concluded that the release last distribution on Android Nexus range. Now all devices supported GE has been updated and can benefit from the innovations introduced by Android 4.0.4.
The innovations concern mainly the system speed, stability software, a general improvement of the Web Browser and a number of bug fixes that lead to an increasingly aging better than Ice Cream Sandwich.
You just have to wait for the update notification settings manually or try the update.

The French operator SFR's to come for the Android 4.0.5 update for Nexus

In early February we showed you the road map of ICS Android updates for several devices in the list operator SFR. On that occasion he was shown for the first time the update for Android 4.0.5 Nexus range , an update that would go almost 2 versions in the Galaxy Nexus. Unfortunately, although the information offered by SFR are very few, Android 4.0.5 Nexus and Nexus for Galaxy S expected in March has been put "on hold" without any additional details.
SFR is the only company to have announced this update and it is unclear whether it was an ad based on reliable information or simply a case of arrival of a new distribution which, not having arrived, was put on hold. Google is definitely working to improve the basis for ICS and new updates are expected for many smartphone owners Nexus. We hope to see new concrete in the coming weeks.

Ice Cream Sandwich MIUI 4.0 for Nexus S will arrive tomorrow!

Good news for all fans of MIUI ROM. Tomorrow in fact the team will release the first version of the Nexus MIUI 4.0 for S, of course, based on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich .

The Rom will be the first in a long series, and certainly many people who use this type of customization will be very happy.
The communication is official and then as you see it's not a port of outside developers, but a real rom MIUI Android 4.0. So will the owners of Nexus S the first to try the new features offered by the Chinese team.

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