Showing posts with label Operating Systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Operating Systems. Show all posts

Windows 9 already ready for next summer? (Rumors)

Windows 8 was definitely the undisputed star of this 2012, early in the year with the rumors about the new features in the second with reviews, tests and criticism / praise coming from any expert or enthusiast PC Windows. This end of the year could be different, and just today have new rumors regarding this time his successor, we are talking about Windows 9 . There are several rumors that refer to the new version of Microsoft Operating System, first point out some items that comes right from Redmond and discussing a possible debut of Windows 9 already for next summer.
There are several rumors that refer to the new version of Microsoft Operating System, first point out some items that comes right from Redmond and discussing a possible debut of Windows 9 already for next summer.

It seems that the new OS is in Alpha stage, information circulated this time "environment Taiwanese" and put about by a tester who claims to be working on the testing of Windows 9 Alpha Build 9622.

From the leaked information, and also confirmed by, it appears that Microsoft seems to have no intention to back down on 'interface meter to return to the classic start menu, there will certainly be some adjustments but no distortion. Microsoft obviously did not comment on these rumors and certainly for the moment it will not because Windows 8 is on the market for only two months and needs to "calm" to climb the charts.

Windows XP clients are not fascinated by Windows 8

In this week we have repeatedly touches on, Windows 8 is trying to make his way through what has been the best-selling operating system Windows XP and the currently most used and liked by the masses, Windows 7. Leaving aside the issues relating to sales and the aspect of functionality with interface and so on; there is certainly to be considered the most difficult to scratch, we speak of habit.
According to said Andy Trish, dealer NCI Technologies, Windows XP clients are not fascinated in switching to Windows 8, mainly because many people use the same system for 11 years and do not think of any way to change. The only way to reverse this trend, according to Trish, would be to focus on the security front, maybe finding some particular flaw.

At this point, however, encounter another obstacle, namely that Microsoft will support Windows XP until 2014. We talked about this and reiterate as obviously this is too long a period of time if we think commercially. At this point, so they may intervene indirectly Antivirus companies but could not help but deny the compatibility of future releases to the old operating system, a move that because the volume of Windows XP seems unlikely.

Windows 8 RT download from January at a price of 85 dollars?

According to the latest rumors circulating on the Web, Microsoft will begin distributing the "mass" of the OEM version of Windows 8 RT alone from January 2013. As many of our readers already know, this new version is designed for the ARM platform and will find wide use on tablet PCs and touch screen devices of last generation that will use the much talked interface Metro.
Currently Microsoft has imposed a number of restrictions for Windows 8 RT, making it available only to a certain number of producers, among them include: ASUS and Lenovo (both in collaboration with Nvidia), Toshiba working with Texas Instruments, HP and Samsung engaged in designs with Qualcomm. All other OEMs will have to wait, at least for now, the month of January, when the Redmond company will release for all Windows 8 RT.

This step will allow for greater availability and proliferation of devices Windows 8 RT resulting in a (hopefully) lower prices, and currently there are rumors that the license for each ARM device has a cost of $ 85 . For the moment we can do is wait until October, when, with the debut of Windows 8, will also appear in the first models of Tablet PC-based Windows 8.

Microsoft unveils Windows 8 OEM licensing prices

Expected by the end of October , the new operating system from Microsoft, Windows 8 is leading in the spotlight if the entire web with its new features, among which are the interface Metro, and its full integration into the new Tablet homemade Surface.
Here today  Microsoft finally released the cost of the OEM license for all versions will be available shortly on the market: the basic version of Windows 8 will be priced between 60 and 80 U.S. dollars, while the Pro version you can buy paying out between 80 and 100 dollars (in this case will be also included Office suite), and finally we find the Windows version of RT, which is also available integrated with Office, at a price that is between 50 and 65 dollars.

Besides the price was even confirmed the date (unspecified) of the RTM release of Windows 8 that, therefore, will see the light during the first week of next August . From this operating system is expected really. They placed him in the hopes of a ransom of PCs that should be starting next year going to crush the competition that Apple, with its new Mac, in recent times has become increasingly intense and relentless. by

Microsoft Windows 8: new details on how to upgrade

In recent weeks there has been much talk of Windows 8 and above all the promotion from Microsoft designed to "capture" new customers; note that this promotion provides, for those who buy a PC with Windows 7 hours, the upgrade to Windows 8 Pro with only 14.99 U.S. dollars . Speaking of upgrades, the site today reveals new information about how to update possible for those coming from Windows Operating Systems on the market today.
According to the report, users coming from Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate, will be able to upgrade to Windows 8 while maintaining the existing Windows settings, personal files and applications.

Coming from Windows Vista without SP1 and Windows XP SP3 will be able to upgrade to Windows 8, but in this case will be maintained only personal files, the rest will be lost. With the SP1 of Vista SP1 will be able to keep all personal data and system settings. Finally, those wishing to migrate from 32 to 64 bits will be forced to proceed with a clean installation.

Windows 8: The boot is too fast, get a new menu

Those who have upgraded to Windows 7 will have noticed that the boot process has been improved compared to the past, especially if you use the latest hardware and in particular an SSD. In this respect, Microsoft states that a computer with Windows 8 with SSD can boot in under seven seconds, a significant milestone for the company but is now facing the downside. It seems that the boot is so rapid as not to allow the user to intervene to stop the procedure and enter the boot menu with the classic F8 key.
Currently, the user has a "window" of 200 ms, which is insufficient for practical use in case of problems at startup or simply to another installation. Chris Clark, director of Experience team at Microsoft, so he announced that the company is trying to "solve" the user by providing (final version) option adequate and above all simple, with the possibility of an automatic mode when the process is made impossible by the failure of the S.O.

Clark's post is quite detailed and can be found at thislink .

Windows 8 and flash support Internet Explorer 10

We are now very close to the debut of the Preview Release of Microsoft Windows 8 and news on the web increases exponentially. Today rumors talk about the new Internet Explorer web browser 10, which should include a flash support in Metro for Windows version 8. The software giant is currently integrating Flash into the browser and this even though at first he said that such support only provided a plug-in.
Today, however, the change seems important and arises from the fact that some web content HTML5 are not ready yet, we know that a limited amount of Flash content will be supported to ensure that Windows users a better view of the web 8.

Recall that the company had initially announced that IE 10 would only support HTML5, so leaving out the Flash. It is uncertain whether this integration is a move to repair to a delay or a company's choice, the fact is that we will end up probably with a browser very similar to those of today that will provide for various media.

Windows 8 will make less of Aero?

The new operating system Microsoft Windows 8 could do without Aero interface (implemented instead of Windows 7), turning then to a larger user touchscreen with the now famous "tiles" (tiles) interface Metro. Windows 8 will target greater functionality and improved content, but to what end? The main purpose is to improve and present lighter and above all integrated touch-screen as was the case for IE.
Of course some users will be stunned by seeing your system with Windows XP as a graphic style a few years ago: you can disable the option from the panel as usual "option-performance" then it will remove the graphic effects to give it more breathing the PC's graphics department. Remember that the Preview Release will be presented in June, so short-handed touch on the new features offered by Microsoft.

[Windows 8] Final farewell to the start button?

Microsoft had already decided to remove the Start button in Windows 7 already, but for reasons related to marketing and the need to quickly launch the operating system, the Redmond army had abandoned this idea. But today comes the news finally (?) That Microsoft would have definitely taken the step of removing the traditional Windows Start button from the Windows version 8 Consumer Preview. Recall that the Start button and the menus have been introduced with Windows 95.
In recent screenshots of the nearly completed version of Windows 8 "Consumer Preview" (build 8220) is known as the bar no longer has the Start button. The button functionality but have not been completely abandoned and even Wikipedia, some time ago, had mentioned the existence of a "bubble" in place of the famous central button (also facilitated by touch support the new operating system).
The new interface will be activated on mouseover in the lower left of the screen and will include a thumbnail image that will show a preview. The same element appears in the touch mode and we expect that action will be activated by swipe, if you are in desktop mode, instead there will be a preview of how Metro and vice versa.
Microsoft will however be the Super bar, introduced in Windows 7 with support for desktop applications. The company can still restore the Start button if there is a big demand from users, but for sure the path he has chosen to go this is not: the Start button then go to the tombstone. Via TheVerge

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