Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

How to safe your Facebook account with new tools? Top Tips for Staying Secure on Facebook

Have you ever wondered about what you can do to be more secure on Facebook? Have any of these questions ever crossed your mind?
  • What can you do to protect your Facebook account when accessing it in public?
  • What should you do if someone hijacks your Facebook account?
  • How you can use Facebook’s advanced security settings to protect yourself?
  • How can you help in keeping you and your friends safe and secure while online?
So in response, Facebook have put together a Guide to Facebook Security that’s fun to read and easy to understand. In only 20 pages, Facebook explains how to protect your account, avoid scammers, and configure advanced Facebook security settings. If you’re not using one-time passwords, secure browsing, or even tracking your account activity, this Facebook Security guide shows you how. It even explains why account thieves and malware pushers want your account.

This Facebook Security guide explains how you can:
  • Protect your Facebook account.
  • Avoid the scammers on Facebook.
  • Use advanced security settings on Facebook.
  • Recover a  Facebook account.
  • Stop imposters.
Facebook Security guide is not only fact-filled – it’s also free! If you don't want to read the full Guide on Facebook Security, below are top tips for staying secure of Facebook.To download your copy of the Facebook Security Guide Click Here

Top Tips for Staying Secure on Facebook:
  • Only Friend people you know.
  • Create a good password and use it only for Facebook.
  • Don’t share your password.
  •   Change your password on a regular basis.
  • Share your personal information only with people and companies that need it.
  • Log into Facebook only ONCE each session. If it looks like Facebook is asking you to log in a second time, skip the links and directly type into your browser address bar.
  • Use a one-time password when using someone else’s computer.
  • Log out of Facebook after using someone else’s computer.
  • Use secure browsing whenever possible.
  • Only download Apps from sites you trust.
  • Keep your anti-virus software updated.
  • Keep your browser and other applications up to date.
  • Don’t paste script (code) in your browser address bar.
  • Use browser add-ons like Web of Trust and Firefox’s NoScript to keep your account from being hijacked.
  • Beware of “goofy” posts from anyone—even Friends. If it looks like something your Friend wouldn’t post, don’t click on it.
  • your Friends’ accounts and send links from their accounts. Beware of enticing links coming from your Friends.
Hope you liked the post and would share with your friends to make them secured also.

How do I reset the admin password in OS X Lion

Let's say you forgot your password on your computer or have just purchased a Macintosh with the hands, and the former owner has locked the system. In OS X Lion, you have several ways to circumvent this problem.
A hidden partition Recovery HD, which appeared on all the machines with OS X Lion, you can get to recovery mode system. Unfortunately, the usual utility Reset your password OS X is not there and can understand why. I do not want to think that anyone who would next to Mac, so can simply log into the system.
But if you decide to reset the password in OS X Lion does not, then you are wrong. There are at least two ways:

How do I reset the admin password in OS X Lion, option 1:

Go into recovery mode Recovery HD (for the hold button when you restart the «C») and run the terminal from the top menu. Next, enter a special command to reset the password:


Then on the computer screen will appear utility Reset Password, hidden in the bowels of OS X Lion.

How do I reset the admin password in OS X Lion, option 2:

There is a second method, based on the team In contrast to the instructions for resetting the password in Snow Leopard , Lion guide means shorter path to the goal:

fsck-fy mount-uw / launchctl load / System / Library / LaunchDaemons /

If after all of the above, you think that OS X Lion is a serious security vulnerability, and anyone taking advantage of the leadership will be able to reset the password to your machine, I hasten to disappoint you: any operating system, whether Windows, Linux or OS X, if you know what to do. Advanced user of your PC will be able to bypass almost any security measures. All those for whom the information on your Mac, you should consider FileVault 2.

Tips for Installing iOS 5 beta

This fall comes the next update of the operating system for mobile products Apple - iOS 5.
On the Internet, including the company's websiteAlready completely full of news about new version of the system represented just over a month ago (June 6, 2011), In particular, describe any new items for her, but for those who like me, can not wait to "feel" OSes, I installed its second beta version and will detail the installation process.

And although Apple recently presented third beta, still get it while it is not possible, but those wishing to put the latest iOS is greater, and because the version here does not play a special role given in this article, tips will be helpful to them.

Before you start installing the new iOS, to wish his patience, luck and courage, and then do a few things:
  1. First, the desire is not enough - you need to also make sure that your device is supported iOS 5.Apple says that it will work on the following devices: iPhone 3GS , iPhone 4 , iPod Touch 3rdand iPod Touch 4-TH Generation , as well as oniPad and iPad 2 .
  2. Next, we need beta version of iTunes 10.5Supporting new iOS.
  3. Of course, you should be aware of possible problems during installation, and not be afraid to get a minimal chance instead of your high-tech iUstroystva brick.
  4. It is also desirable to insure that the rollback to a stable version of the operating system, currently the latest version of iOS 4.3.3.
  5. A very important point - if you are not a registered developer for iOS, then bear in mind - to install the beta firmware UDID your device must be tied to your account developer Apple, otherwise you will not be able to activate the device after the update iOS. (Although the Internet can find ways to activate and register without UDID, but do not forget that you do so at your own risk in this case).
  6. And finally, you need a BIOS file itself.
Download all you need, I personally recommend a torrent. (~ 75 MB iTunes, and 10 times more "heavy" firmware to download from file hosting ... well not really) I myself have downloaded everything on rutrekere withThisdistribution. There you will find firmware and iTunes 10.5 beta for your operating system on the desktop.
Let's start with the simplest - to install iTunes. In fact, it is no more difficult than before, but may be difficult for those who have installed VirtualBox . In any case, I have on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 they were. I had to abort the installation iTunes, reboot, uninstall VirtualBox (I still do not use them - all the OSes and so I stand on the computer), reboot again and install the same long-suffering iTunes.Ask - Why do so many reboots? - And all because the install / uninstall VirtualBox little effect on the network card driver and the current connection to the Internet. However, after installing iTunes it took yet another reboot - the player just did not want to run. But in the end, all was well after the launch (wow, semaforchik horizontal!, But the localization iTunes English) will have to wait until the player will update the library and you're the most important part - installing the new version on iOS device.
Installing iOS 5 beta 2
At the first stage we will need to register UDID . I'm not going there to paint, as it can be done Owned, however, list the possible options. (You can safely skip this step if your UDID already attached or you decide to put a system through VoiceOver. ( Side Effects to be like this - does not sync with iTunes and iCloud, the iPhone does not operate GSM ))
For the rest, let me remind you that in order to use the beta firmware device to go through the activation servers Apple, for what its unique identifier (UDID) should be attached to iOS Developer Account(By the way, Apple will remove the binding of approximately one year). Otherwise, we would remain to observe SetupScreen. Options include:
  • Buy Official iOS Developer Account(~ $ 100 per year), or find a friend with this account, which will tie him to your device (I did). Apple allows you to attach up to 100 unique UDID for a single account.
  • Stay on the current version of iOS, wait for the fall and the final release iOS 5.
  • Buy the addition of one another's UDID to dev-account. Service Cost - $ 2-10 per device.
A little closer look at the last option. Buy anchor the device to account for the developer may be discussion forums, specialized websites ephemera, or on the main flea market of the world -ebay.There's lots to be found, containing the name UDID, then the buying process is the same as usual.Nothing complicated, right?
View UDID can in iTunes, connect the device and clicking on the Serial Number of Device Summary .Then Edit> Copy , and you have it on the clipboard.
After our UDID verified, you can skip this step.
Flash Devices
Particularly complex and magical action is required here.
  1. Connect device, go to the tab Summary.
  2. Hold down the Option (Mac), or Shift (Win) and click Restore (Restore). That's right, otherwise we continue to upgrade 4.3.3 fails, at least, before the release of iOS 5.
  3. Choose a file from the downloaded firmware and with trembling hands, click Open (Open). Let's go! At this stage you will see the picture just above, actually.
And here's another picture screen device at this stage (he portsess download the firmware on the device):
Download iOS 5: sex photo screen

A few minutes later we get to the very first new feature iOS 5 - Slide to setup. After selecting regional settings, and install Wi-Fi connectivity, the device will be released online and will be activated. If no Wi-Fi, connect with iTunes, go through the activation of it, as we used to with older versions.

Next will be asked what to do with the device: set up as new or restore one of the oldest configurations. I chose a new one. Installing iOS 5 beta 2 is completed.

And in the end. As already mentioned above was written, has recently appeared iOS 5 beta 3. If your device is in itself suggests to upgrade the air - DO not agree - I already agreed to ... Apple just have more work to do in terms of auto-update. It is better not to be lazy, heard your computer iDevays to update your device via iTunes, or to update the same manner as described in the article. Enjoy the beta test firmware and good luck to you!

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