How do I reset the admin password in OS X Lion

Let's say you forgot your password on your computer or have just purchased a Macintosh with the hands, and the former owner has locked the system. In OS X Lion, you have several ways to circumvent this problem.
A hidden partition Recovery HD, which appeared on all the machines with OS X Lion, you can get to recovery mode system. Unfortunately, the usual utility Reset your password OS X is not there and can understand why. I do not want to think that anyone who would next to Mac, so can simply log into the system.
But if you decide to reset the password in OS X Lion does not, then you are wrong. There are at least two ways:

How do I reset the admin password in OS X Lion, option 1:

Go into recovery mode Recovery HD (for the hold button when you restart the «C») and run the terminal from the top menu. Next, enter a special command to reset the password:


Then on the computer screen will appear utility Reset Password, hidden in the bowels of OS X Lion.

How do I reset the admin password in OS X Lion, option 2:

There is a second method, based on the team In contrast to the instructions for resetting the password in Snow Leopard , Lion guide means shorter path to the goal:

fsck-fy mount-uw / launchctl load / System / Library / LaunchDaemons /

If after all of the above, you think that OS X Lion is a serious security vulnerability, and anyone taking advantage of the leadership will be able to reset the password to your machine, I hasten to disappoint you: any operating system, whether Windows, Linux or OS X, if you know what to do. Advanced user of your PC will be able to bypass almost any security measures. All those for whom the information on your Mac, you should consider FileVault 2.

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