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In BlackBerry OS will be an analog of Siri [video]

In May of this year, the Canadian company Research in Motion gave developers two thousand experimental prototypes of smartphones based on the latest BlackBerry operating system 10, more precisely, with its pre-release version. Recently the mobile platform has received an update that has attributed the operating system voice control.
Just press the button «Play / Pause» to the device to gain access to the universal search, a trail Bing Maps, weather, calendar, multimedia player, opening websites in the browser - all using voice commands.

Of course, the possibility of voice aid BlackBerry-are far from the platform that offers Apple Siri or Google Voice Actions, but RIM still has no choice as to catch up with competitors.

Personal Assistant BlackBerry OS in action:
Recall, the first smartphone running BlackBerry 10 will be presented in August of this year and will go on sale in October. The October launch of a new line of equipment for sale RIM gives the company a few weeks before New Year's stock boom in sales, which puts the company hopes.

iPhone launch in the first 11 predicted that RIM Microsoft's thesis into a laughing stock

According to foreign media reports, the Apple iPhone from 2007 began selling on Friday, has a full five years. Although the product is for now a myth in the history of the smart phone, but not everyone in the original are not so. January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) released the first generation iPhone, but more than five months after the product was formally sold. During this period, numerous media and so-called "insiders" are the products fate has made ​​its own expected.
The following is a list of the most famous 11 Predictions: 

1. Bloomberg: iPhone influence would be minimal, only a small part of consumers attractive, Nokia and Motorola do not have to worry about.

Year, Bloomberg News contributor Matthew Lynn had predicted that the impact of the iPhone on the wireless industry would be minimal, only a small part of consumers attractive. Nokia and Motorola mobile industry competitors do not have the arrival of this product are nervous, do not think the iPhone will pose a threat to their business, "Lynn wrote. But the fact is that as time goes by, Apple once again in the global smart phone market share year on year to achieve the double, Nokia's market share continued to fall, and even forced to close several factories worldwide. 

2. "PC Magazine: The iPhone defects, and perhaps the beginning of the sales will be very good, but then it will decline. 

Computer magazine "PC Magazine" Jim Louderback has predicted iPhone sales began in the United States may be pent-up demand because consumers are driven once this Redu disappear, the sales of the product there will be a sharp decline. Louderback said at the time the phone has too many flaws, including slow network connection, the lack of physical buttons, etc.. However, the later, and Louderback predicted the contrary, iPhone has ushered in a spurt of development, Louderback has left the magazine to become the CEO of Internet television network Revision3. 

3 well-known analyst Gene Munster : The iPhone will be the blockbuster of the industry, the product sales will grow steadily and in 2009 exceeded 45 million mark. 

Apple analyst Munster was predicted that the iPhone will be a blockbuster in the industry, the product sales will grow steadily and in 2009 exceeded 45 million mark. Facts have proved that Munster on the iPhone prophecy seems a little too optimistic, because the iPhone until 2010 sales exceeded 45 million. Perhaps in the near future, the iPhone's single-season shipments will reach this figure. .

(MarketWatch): one can carry all the concept of mobile phones is ridiculous. Apple needs to make the phone becomes more diverse, otherwise the iPhone will face failure. 

MarketWatch columnist John Dvorak (John Dvorak) comment on the article in MarketWatch, criticized the performance of Apple in the mobile phone industry, and predict that Apple needs to quickly produce new products to maintain the freshness of the market on their own. Dvorak said at the time: "Apple needs to prepare a variety of mobile phones to keep their own mobile phone to be consistent with the market, otherwise the iPhone will face defeat in three months. 

Wedbush Morgan Securities: iPhone will the mobile gaming industry have a significant impact. 

analyst Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan Securities Inc. (Wedbush Morgan Securities) Michael Pachter, 2007, he boasted that the Nintendo DS and many other mobile gaming devices, iPhone face will not have any competitive reality is that two years later, Nintendo admits that iPhone is a direct result of the decline of their own DS equipment sales is worth mentioning that the product launch of the iPhone application store (App Store) support , so people did not see the potential of the product in the game. 

iSuppli: Apple cut the iPhone retail price in the next iSuppli had shortly after the iPhone launch, published an article predicted that, because Apple already has a high enough profit margins it may reduce the price of the product. In fact, Apple did not wait long to cut the price of the product. three months after the iPhone launch, Apple has canceled the 4GB of memory products, and 8G memory product prices by 200 dollars. 

7. Capital Group (Capital Group): Motorola RAZR is a great phone at an attractive price, the iPhone is not at its rival, Capital Group is a worldwide financial products, services, carry out technical support and business promotion group of companies before the iPhone launch, the Motorola RAZR is the most popular handsets on the market, many people predicted that Apple will take a long time in order to compete with Capital Group analyst Ashok Kumar (Ashok Kumar) iPhone price will basically cost-free cell phone with the RAZR and other important impede competition. 

8. "Business Week": The iPhone does not BlackBerry (BlackBerry) pose a threat when he was "Business Week" freelance writer Stephen Wise Seoul Fernandez Tatum (Stephen Wildstrom) was responsible for each phase of "Technology and You" column, the column is the main analysis of latest products and technologies. Lom in this section, the author said, iPhone does not, as some people foretold a BlackBerry killer, because these two devices for different market launch of the "people to buy the BlackBerry value is their e-mail function, especially the corporate e-mail function. Buy the iPhone is for entertainment, messages are only incidental functions. Therefore, the living space of the two products are completely two different worlds " was wrote. Recently, iPhone has began to occupy the enterprise market, the BlackBerry into a severe sales decline in the dilemma now, BlackBerry manufacturing maker RIM has even to the verge of bankruptcy. 

9. RIM, CEO Jim Balsillie: minimal impact of the iPhone on our business predicted that the iPhone launch on the BlackBerry does not have an impact, not only Stephen RIM co-CEO Jim Balsillie also predicted in February 2007, the iPhone RIM business impact would be minimal. Balsillie said at the time: "Apple to enter this area is one of a busy space, consumers have many choices in this space. Apple to enter will BlackBerry will produce dramatic effects, I consider this somewhat exaggerated. " 

10. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer): The iPhone has not been a significant market share opportunities. 

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer also refused to recognize the iPhone has a strong market potential in 2007 to talk about and the iPhone, Ballmer said: "The iPhone has not been a significant market share opportunities, no chance. Apple may make a lot of money, but if careful study of the mobile phone market with 1.3 billion in sales, I believe that Microsoft, in which the proportion will reach 60, 70% or even 80%, but Apple may be only 2 or 3 percent. " 

11. Microsoft's senior director of marketing, Richard • Split Craig (Richard Sprague): Apple iPhone sales in 2008 will not reach 100 000, remember that this is what I said
 in 2007, speculation that the Apple iPhone huge market potential of this statement, Craig said: Richard Springer, Microsoft's senior director of marketing for the iPhone has been too much publicity, sales of the product will be far below the expectations of Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) " . " I do not believe the iPhone in line with these gorgeous propaganda rhetoric. Mark my words, and after two years and then come back to see my prediction is accurate: I expect Apple iPhone sales in 2008, Steve Jobs are forecast to 10 million can not be achieved.

Research In Motion (RIM) Blackberry and bought by Apple

Canadian giant Research In Motion , RIM abbreviated, has announced its financial results for the fourth fiscal quarter results far from shining : a loss of 125 million dollars worth of action in free fall (-75% ), profits halved ...
If these results were predictable in form of group right now, his redemption, however, seemed not yet valid. However, RIM and its Blackberry just been bought by Apple and will complement its offering for professionals! After the acquisition of Anobit , for a record amount for the firm (between 400 and $ 500 million), Apple did not disclose the amount of the transaction, but it surely will spray this figure.
So this is how it ends the adventure of RIM, after nearly two years trying to find its audience, two particularly difficult years for the group, which has not evolved its OS in the right direction.

Make Blackberry reported a record loss, the company may be sold

The manufacturer of BlackBerry smartphones RIM will published financial report, which led to a sharp drop in its stock price immediately on 10%. Because of poor record-breaking results of the place will lose several top managers, including operational and technological Directors RIM.
Thorsten Hines, who in January took over as head of RIM instead of Jim Bales and Mike Lazaridis, admitted the possibility of selling the company, after reports were published about the catastrophic fall in sales. Revenue fell to the producer 25% last quarter, including the Christmas period - a time when Apple was selling millions of iPhone and iPad.

Heins has recognized that the situation with Research in Motion has deteriorated. Companies' need to learn to be a partner, "rather than assume that it can do to develop the phones and the operating system itself, he said.

"Revision of the strategy will consider measures to reduce costs, not excluded the possibility of selling the company, if there was a potential buyer," - he added.

After the news the company's shares have fallen by 10%. Revenues for the quarter ended March 3, fell from 5.6 last year to 4.2 billion dollars. Over the past year, RIM has lost almost 80%, in what analysts have accused management of the company.

RIM changes the direction of trying to keep up with Apple and Google

Manufacturer RIM BlackBerry phones completely changed the Canadian leadership: their positions lost Mike Lazaridis Founder Jim Balsillie and dividing the Acting Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors. RIM will have an executive director - Thorsten Heins, who joined the company in 2007 from Siemens, where he worked for 20 years.
"This is a new era for RIM. Path a bit thorny, we did everything we could - quoted Lazaridis Bloomberg. - Thorsten - the perfect choice, he has all the necessary skills at the right time. "

According to Haynes, with him RIM «should remain in the top three wireless" and strengthen its position in the corporate segment. The company will release a new model of the tablet version of the Playbook and 10 BlackBerry OS, the new leader promised.

The market value of RIM in the past year fell by 77% to 6.8 billion, primarily because of competition from smartphones "new wave" on iOS from Apple and Android from Google. The main competitive advantage of BlackBerry - secure mobile corporate email - eroded in recent years also due to some fault in the company's servers, and in October 2011, customers were deprived of access for a few days. As an additional anti-crisis measures executive and CEO of Research in Motion even reduced his salary to $ 1 a year. Prior to that, the annual salary of each year was 1.2 million.

It was rumored even that RIM sold: a number of media wrote about interest in a Canadian company by the alliance of Nokia and Microsoft. In January, BGR reported, citing an unnamed source, like Jim Balsillie RIM director met with several bidders for the company or its software licenses and the best chance at Samsung. Samsung officially denied not only the fact of negotiations with RIM, but even the interest in this company.

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