It is high time a new piece of secrets and tricks OS X Lion, which will be useful to all users wishing to customize the new operating system for themselves. On the supply Mac Stories we publish the second part article on the hidden features "Lion."
In the first part we discussed the possibility of finding Spotlight, revealed the list function to read, described and updated features AirDrop mail Mail. This time we talk about the hidden settings OS X, which can be changed using the commands in the Terminal application (Programs -> Utilities).
Turn off the new animation window
Window running the program, effectively and quickly swim out from the point on the screen, quickly bored, and then begins to torment the user a strong desire to return to the simplicity and artlessness "Leopard." Longed to return achieved by means of the command line and then restart Finder:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled-bool NO
Displaying a hidden recovery partition in Disk Utility
Not quite clear what you want to contemplate for a box in Disk Utility hidden partition for system recovery, but if you really want it, why not?
defaults write DUDebugMenuEnabled 1
After that, Disk Utility menu will be a new item Debug, which must choose a line of each section of the Show.
Animation reply to a message in Mail
Press Cmd + R to the standard mail client "Lion", admire the achievements and consider the effect, whether you need these animated beauty in everyday work. If not, use the command:
defaults write DisableReplyAnimations-bool YES
The command does not affect the effect in full screen mode Mail.
How to disable the option "open the window again when re-entering the system"
In accordance with the concept, which was called «Resume», in OS X Lion now has a preservation of open windows when you reboot or turn off the Mac. In this case tick "again to open the window when re-entering the system" by default is always on. Correct an unfortunate misunderstanding help two scripts: cleanshutdown to turn off and cleanreboot to reboot.
Repeat pressing
By default, 7.10 are sandwiched in a few seconds, displays a list of key assigned to her character. If you want to return to re-enter characters by holding down the following command:
defaults write-g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled-bool false
Turning off the auto-recovery for individual applications
Disabling a feature Resume to start individual programs require monitoring system, as for drawing up a terminal command uses the application ID. To this end, the list of running processes, find the process to us (for example, QuickTime Player), click the "Make selection" button on the toolbar and the resulting window, and locate the line «Identifer».
Vyuzhennoe out and will be used in our team:
defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows-bool false
Then enter and restart.
Enable status bar in the window Spotlight
Quick Look at Lion to get hold of new interesting features. Quick Look at Spotlight enables you to quickly display documents, web pages and other files stored on your computer. If while watching you press Command, at the bottom of the Quick Look will have an additional information panel.
Recovery Team "Do not save"
To assign a keyboard shortcut Cmd + D effect, "Do not Save", type in a terminal window:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSSavePanelStandardDesktopShortcutOnly-bool YES
How to remove "glasses" reading list from the top of the Safari?
To do this, you can drag the appropriate icon on the browser toolbar or a command prompt the command. Then restart your browser.
defaults write ProxiesInBookmarksBar '("Top Sites")'