Files App: the perfect file manager for iOS

In the App Store you can find a fair number of file managers, some very simple, you can use them just to look at and sort files. Some programs, by contrast, bulky, With many additional features. Novelty called Files App is the golden mean. With a very user friendly interface, this program offers a number of unique features for organizing files of different types and functions for working with them.
Than comfortable Files App primarily because it is in its simplicity and unobtrusive - no confusing menus or options settings, everything is running fine. All files and documents in the application are placed on a grid in the form of icons, which combine into folders, you can also just as the icons on the home screen iPhone. Just drag one file to another, and a little hold. Documents are combined into a folder, and the program will offer to give it an appropriate name.

In the Files App a viewer for pictures, video (including AVI), PDF, iWork documents and Microsoft Office - only supports 35 file types. You can create and view the ZIP-archives. Files App displays album art and allows you to listen to music, make playlists and use the function Airplay.

What more convenient app is the ability to easily upload files to your device. In addition to working with the standard data transfer function in iTunes Files App provides an embedded web server with the same interface as the application itself, as well as support for popular cloud services. Connecting accounts Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box, you can easily transfer files to local storage.

Most likely, this is the perfect file manager for iOS - simple, convenient and practical. The application was published in App Store at the lowest price in $0.99 .

iWatch: a fantastic concept of "smart" watches with a holographic interface Apple

According to rumors, Apple is preparing to release "smart" watches under its own brand. The display device seems to be made of a flexible glass. With this portable gadget running iOS can be, for example, make a voice call to work with text messaging. And the work is nearing completion, say the new Apple gadget will be released later this year.

Fantastic concept wearable computer "fruit" of the company presented the YouTube user with the nickname FinalCutKing. While device is in a familiar form factor wristwatch with a large touch screen instead of the dial, possible devices go far beyond the most advanced functionality and even "smart" models of gadgets for timing.

Smart clock iWatch running an upgraded version of iOS, and are designed to work as an independent device. Judging from the demo videos, users are actively using their holographic capabilities. If necessary, iWatch show the current time in the air, a map, an image during call video, calendar and other information. A controlled holographic projection possible without touching your own hours.

IWatch also equipped with a fingerprint reader to identify the owner. As planned by the creators of the concept, Apple will release a similar device in 2019.

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