Showing posts with label Concepts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concepts. Show all posts

iWatch: a fantastic concept of "smart" watches with a holographic interface Apple

According to rumors, Apple is preparing to release "smart" watches under its own brand. The display device seems to be made of a flexible glass. With this portable gadget running iOS can be, for example, make a voice call to work with text messaging. And the work is nearing completion, say the new Apple gadget will be released later this year.

Fantastic concept wearable computer "fruit" of the company presented the YouTube user with the nickname FinalCutKing. While device is in a familiar form factor wristwatch with a large touch screen instead of the dial, possible devices go far beyond the most advanced functionality and even "smart" models of gadgets for timing.

Smart clock iWatch running an upgraded version of iOS, and are designed to work as an independent device. Judging from the demo videos, users are actively using their holographic capabilities. If necessary, iWatch show the current time in the air, a map, an image during call video, calendar and other information. A controlled holographic projection possible without touching your own hours.

IWatch also equipped with a fingerprint reader to identify the owner. As planned by the creators of the concept, Apple will release a similar device in 2019.

Luxury Concept iPad in a transparent box

Yesterday we told you about a transparent smartphone that announced by Polytron Technologies. Taiwanese manufacturer to make a reality of the dream glass phone users although not completely transparent - the processor and microSD card still visible through the housing. Further development of this idea demonstrated designer Ricardo Afonso, who introduced the concept of a luxurious transparent tablet Apple.

It is fair to say that the iPad is also a concept turned out not completely transparent. The bottom and top of the case are plastic inserts. They placed the functional elements of the device - camera, speakers, Home button.

Transparent iPad Case surrounds the metal frame, which was conceived designer, an antenna. Since the front side of the tablet is a display gadget, some elements of the program cover iOS can be placed outside the usual rectangle in the center of the screen, such as clocks, the wireless network and battery charge.

For what purpose do transparent tablet device are not fully understood, but the concept of Ricardo Afonso was very cute.

iWatch: Apple concept watch with a 2.5-inch display, camera and support for LTE

There are rumors that Apple partnership with Intel intends to add to its range of products, so-called "smart watch." It is not a full-fledged independent device and, most of all, about the accessories for devices running iOS. Such concepts were published in SizloCore, and a couple of years ago.

Designer Paul Seaman has prepared a new draft hours iWatch, the main "trick" which became elongated curved display and an almost unlimited functional device. Accessory equipped with a 2.5-inch screen with a 16:9 aspect ratio TV, made by technology IPS, and also supports Bluetooth 4.0 wireless connectivity with low power consumption.

As planned by the designer, iWatch will play a role as an important partner for other products Apple - especially smartphones and tablets on the software platform iOS. Device owners can view various reports and notifications, emails, notes, calendar, weather, driving directions, etc. In addition, the clock will control the individual functions of iOS-gadgets.

iWatch is equipped with the module networks fourth generation LTE, built-in microphone, speaker, a gyroscope, GPS and camera, allowing FaceTime to make video calls to friends and family. The clock shows the weather, current location, as well as heart rate and body temperature of the user's request. You can play music and video on the screen of the gadget iCloud. And, of course, the device can communicate with voice assistant Siri.

Quick setup in iOS 7: easy access to the parameters of the system [concept]

The secret to making a good concept iOS is to take into account the basic rule of Apple - the company had not fundamentally change the system interface. As a rule, it is the introduction of some specific elements of iOS, such as Siri, Spotlight, Notification Center or panel multitasking. However, we all want new improvements in each successive version of the mobile operating system from Apple. In this article, we will focus on superior concept quick settings for iOS 7, developed by designers  ALManimation .
The idea came from the same desktop screen Siri, which can be seen when running the assistant. The only icons have been replaced by those that are in the system by default. According to the designer, when he started making the concept, the quick system for android I know. It can be established by the expressions of his acquaintances. The developer has found an application that has a similar design of the interface and some of the same functions. This was the perfect example for the creation of what you can see in the screenshots in this article.

The problem of multi-tasking bar, according ALManimation , is the power button and unlock the screen rotation. For several years, Apple does not change the set of functions. However, the importance of this key is understandable. It is very useful on the tablet iPad, because, for example, iBooks can operate in different positions, and the user chooses a convenient position of the screen. It is also important in the button and the iPhone, where it performs a similar function. However, in its new concept developer indicated it is not needed in the case of the existence of "the Quick Settings" from where you can easily enable or disable the screen rotation.

Edit mode

Very useful and convenient at the same time, showcased in the concept is the ability to move the menu items. Because the very idea, as you have seen in the screenshots above is a list of quick settings by moving some of its elements is a very important aspect for convenient use. In addition, you can hide the unused items, thus shortening the list and select only those menu items that you are going to ask very often.

Dynamic settings

A very useful feature is the addition of quick settings options in the application list. Simply put, if you are currently using, for example, Garage Band, its settings are displayed directly in the quick settings. Thus, you will not need to dig into the application interface to find there the sound settings and other functions.

Rapid access

Calling themselves the Quick Settings developer proposes to "hang" the gesture of shaking. Of course, many people know that such a gesture is used, for example, when printing text, allowing you to open a modal window with options editing. But the same functionality performs the corresponding button on the keyboard, see the icons on the iPad. On the iPhone, the author sees the solution to add a button to the workspace.

However, many applications use a shake as one of the main (or more) ways of managing the program. The author offers to circumvent this situation, disconnecting the call quick settings by pressing the desired button in the application. Access in this case you can get from the panel of multitasking.

Nokia Lumia Pad: a new concept of “killer” iPad on Windows

Despite the conviction of Stephen Elop is that Nokia does not make sense to release its own tablet in the near future, the French designer has developed a concept Zhupen Zhai Nokia Pad, which describes appearance of such a device. According to the designer, the tablet in this guise becomes worthy alternative line of popular iPad.

When you first look at the concept he looked through the features of the smartphone Lumia 920, stretched to the size of a tablet computer probably like to the iPad. However, during a cute and magnificence he cannot refuse. Differences from a top WP-smartphone is the location and size of the physical buttons on the side of the device and position the rear camera, which takes the same position as that of the iPad, rather than the other Windows-tablet Surface.

The concept of hardware environment Nokia Lumia Pad, no doubt, looks very stylish, well harmonizing with soft stuffing device, which performs the role of Windows RT.

Pulls a gadget for the title “killer” iPad. However does one feel?

Concept notification system for iOS 7 [screenshots]

The resignation of the vice-president of Apple Scott Forstall responsible for iOS, portends big changes to the operating system of the iPhone and iPad. The next version of the mobile platform Apple - iOS 7- Is likely to be very different in appearance from the current iOS 6, which received a lot of negative reviews. Industrial Apple design; Guru Jonathan Ive, responsible for developing the look of all the Apple products. As expected, it implements a more abstract and logical design of the program covers all mobile devices Apple.

One of the system partition, which had long been in need of positive change - Notification Center. This function has become a key innovation of iOS 5, as implemented in its banner announcements no longer require user intervention and does not distract from what you were doing before. They are minimalist and displays information on the screen in a compressed format, which allows them to not take up much space.

However, implementing a system of banners iOS 5, Apple has upheld pop reminders. Even in iOS 6, they are very different in design to the banners and look rather archaic. The Verge reader under the name Sentry suggested bringing pop to the overall style of the mobile platform Apple, combining them with the notification system.

Sentry decided to implement in iOS alert with quick response. In the images banners SMS-application, you can see a small icon to write a response. In the case of any program for the exchange of messages by clicking on it will open a window with buttons Reply and Close. Without going into the main application, the user will be able to quickly respond to SMS, messages from Facebook or Twitter.

Offers similar functionality, in particular; BiteSMS, a popular replacement iMessage on iPhone jailbroken. The advantage of this tweak is that it allows you to type a new SMS or reply to a message without leaving the other cases, regardless of the order in which application you are working. The implementation of such a function in the operating system Apple will welcome to change for most users devices on iOS.

What could be the car of Apple [concept]

It is known that Apple founder Steve Jobs was preparing a project car of the future. It was about the creation of a fundamentally new means of transport, which implements most revolutionary development of the company. Given the many years of experience in the production of the corporation advanced electronic gadgets and the number of patented technologies, the success of this endeavor is no doubt.

According to the designer  Shane Baxley , if Apple released the own vehicle, it is for the company to get a classic design. Hire a professional designer believes that California empire without difficulty would be the leader in the field of electric vehicles, ahead of deserving players who have reached this significant success. But to do this it will need really serious offer, such as the iGo.

IGo project includes just three cars. iMe - it is quiet and compact vehicle of the future, designed for one person. For those who need more space, suitable model iWe - family option to move to the city and long journeys. The third option iUs - two-door version iMe.

Function of vehicle controls proposed for the cloud service iCloud, which will control up to 75% of all vehicles in the flow, allowing them to move at very high speed to within a few centimeters of each other.

All models iGo differ not only a capacity but also technical features - compact iMe, supports wireless charging, will need it every 60 miles, while iWe iUs and designed for 480 and 320 kilometers respectively.

According to Baxley, cars series will iGo Fleet - will be able to accelerate to 100 km / h in just five seconds, and this is not the limit of their speed capabilities. The only question is, when the road will be the first car, and Apple will at all?

iPad mini compared to the new iPad [photo]

Several influential foreign editions, citing informed sources have confirmed rumors that Apple will release a new model iPad with a smaller screen. Similar reports have recently become too insistent, and, as they say, there is no smoke without fire.

Employees of the site Gizmodo caught up with designer Nicholas Lamm and asked him to create the concept of a miniature version of the iPad. The main objective was the desire to find out how the device will look like in comparison to the current model of "apple" tablet. The result is a concept iPad mini, created on the basis of insider information and the most plausible "light up" on the web prototype gadget .

According to rumors, the device has a thinner body, but it is about two-thirds in size iPad third generation. Mini Apple tablet is equipped with a 7.85-inch touch screen, while his older brother is equipped with a screen diagonal of 9.7 inches.

As the designer, the device has the same height as the Google Nexus 7, and its width a little more. The artist came from the fact that the height of the iPad mini will be 213.36 mm, Width - 143.67 mm. Recall, the new iPad dimensions 241.3 x 185.6 reaches x 9.39 mm. At the lower end of the device can see the magnetic dock connector , the same as that predicted by the recent rumors about a new iPhone. There are also speakers.

As expected, iPad mini module receives wireless 3G, which has neither the Nexus 7, no Amazon Kindle Fire. The "Apple" tablet with a 7 inch screen will cost more expensive than their Android-competitors - 249-299 dollars, compared with the price of Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire in the $ 199.

A plausible concept of the iPhone 5 [video]

The new Apple smartphone can be represented in a month - 12 September this year. Despite the fact that the Internet is rife with rumors about the characteristics of future devices all the details are still kept secret by the manufacturer. This gives room for creativity brand fans who are trying to guess what would be the sixth phone Apple.

One of the latest version has the layout of the publication TechRadar. Bloggers have gathered the most plausible rumors, added to them, "leaked" photos of the components in the network and created a "plausible concept of the iPhone 5."

According to published information on the Internet, the novelty has a more elongated shape, allowing increased diagonal touch screen (up to about 4 inches). Resolution of the screen will be approximately 1136 x 640 pixels, and pixel density it will remain high and will be up to 330 dpi.
The rear panel of the device is made of metal. This has led to a new iPhone is thinner and lighter, but stronger and more powerful to use the "stuffing" freed from the internal space. Top and bottom in the housing are glass inserts. This technological "window" for the built-in antenna LTE and non-contact interaction between the chip NFC, the metal shell which could create problems.

According to insider information, the headphone jack has moved from the upper edge of the bottom of the unit and close to the compact docking connector. The latter is smaller than the corporate port with 30 pins, which is used in current models of phones iPhone, iPod and tablets iPad. Working unit based on the latest operating system iOS 6.

10 best new concepts iPhone [photos]

The most favorite thing Apple-community on the eve of release of the new "apple" gadgets - the creation of concepts based on their ideas about how you like these products. SizloCore offers 10 of the most interesting concepts of the iPhone 5, published on the site. Some of them are close to reality, while others look so fantastic, that may well show up on some alien spacecraft.

iPhone 5 with a transparent body

An interesting option is to phone the next Apple, which  has created a designer Dakota Edney . A distinctive feature of his project - all-glass transparent body. According to the designer, as a material for the glass case a lot of advantages: it is smooth, firm and does not interfere with the passage of the radio signal. In addition, this device will make the shell completely waterproof.

iPhone 5, worn on the arm

Italian designer Federico Kikkares presented  a very unusual concept "apple" smartphone with a curved glass, which is in the form of a spider with five legs. The device has a curved screen and attaches directly to the hand of man. It is said Federico, to realize such an unusual concept of Apple will be able through their development in the field of glass and the "liquid metal".

iPhone 5 of the "liquid metal"

Against the background of numerous rumors about the next generation of smartphones Apple designer John Fousett  introduced the concept art for the upcoming release of the device. According to the artist, iPhone 5 will be made ​​in the case of the "liquid metal". Advanced alloy combines the advantages of glass, metal and plastic: it is durable, resistant to scratches and corrosion and can take complex forms. Thanks to this new iPhone will be much thinner than its predecessor. The designer believes that the thickness of the gadget will be 7.4 mm or less versus 9.3 mm for iPhone 4S.

iPhone 5 with a 4.3-inch display and touch button Home

In this project, the Italians of the ADR Studio implemented a wide Retina-display "from edge to edge" with a diagonal of 4.3 inches. Built-in pico projector to show pictures and videos, as well as touch the Home button attached. As planned by the designers, the phone is based on quad-core A6 and allows you to capture high-quality, thanks to a 10-megapixel main and a 2-megapixel front camera.

iPhone PRO with a 4.5-inch display and a 3D-camera

iPhone PRO is equipped with a 4.5-inch screen from edge to edge with a resolution of 1280 × 800. Other distinctive features of the device are the 3D-camera on the back of the smartphone, which allows to make three-dimensional image in the resolution of 12 megapixels and a universal mount for DSLR-set objectives. Play a three-dimensional content unit may without special glasses.

iPhone 5 with a 4.6-inch touch screen and button Home

Italian designer Antonio De Rosa of ADR Studio has shown in a concept  version of the look of the iPhone 5 with a 4.6-inch display. The handset has a thin and sleek, although similar forms of Apple prefers something a little more straightforward, such decisions are usually chosen by the competitors of the company. In general, the concept has turned out quite attractive and, as a means creator, the new iPhone can do without the SIM-card mobile phone operator, working in the 4G network and is equipped with touch-button Home.

iPhone 5, inspired by the design of Magic Mouse

Italian studio Ciccarese introduced  its version of the iPhone 5 . The device looks fresh and interesting, as the phone features of the computer mouse has inherited Apple Magic Mouse. The front side is a traditional touch screen with a diagonal of 3.5 inches. But the back cover is similar in shape to the body "magic" arm Apple, this is why the iPhone does not look like any iPhone 4/4S, any iPhone 3G/3GS.

iPhone 5 with an A6, the 10-megapixel camera and a 4-inch display

The entire front surface of the new Apple smartphone - iPhone SJ - a one-touch surface that responds to touch. The housing is made ​​of polycarbonate to aluminum die-cast chassis, which provides high mechanical strength. Since the entire display is a touch screen, home button below the screen is also home touch.

iPhone 5 from Michael Bonikovski

His concept of smart phones Apple next-generation designer Michael Bonikovski presented . He was confident that the form factor of the new iPhone will be greatly different from current versions. The main distinctive features of the conceptual model are larger display (the diagonal is about four inches) and the rounded rear surface. In recognition of the designer on this project was inspired iPad tablet 2.

iPhone 6

If Apple does not have any difficulties, then followed by the iPhone 5 will be a new seventh-generation smartphone. The main finding  of the iPhone six studio NAK Studio  is to move the Home button on the front panel on its side next to the volume buttons. It is possible to free space for the display, which grew to the size of the respective needs of the times, as well as easier to work with the phone.

IPhone 2013 Concept issue [picture]

If Apple does not have any difficulties, then followed by the iPhone 5 will be a new seventh-generation smartphone. The release device is expected in 2013 and it is too early to say how it will be.
Insiders have not had time to get any credible information about the technical characteristics of the iPhone 6, but the conceptual artist is willing to share their thoughts. The original concept of "six" was presented by the designers studio NAK Studio.
The main finding of this model is to move the Home button on the front panel on its side next to the volume buttons. It is possible to free space for the display, which grew to the size of the respective needs of the times, as well as easier to work with the phone.
The solution is very ambiguous, if not controversial. Otherwise, the unit has turned a very interesting and even attractive. Through a combination of glass and metal, as well as more streamlined than that of iPhone 4S forms, the phone looks stylish and fresh.

Samsung Galaxy S IV exposure! 5-inch 1080p screen! Conceptual drawings and specifications

Samsung Galaxy S III after the launch, the appearance has been a lot of criticism, and also the Samsung fans disappointed. In this connection, the designer Bob Freking from Concept Phones on the manufacture of more than Samsung Galaxy S IV concept map, I wonder if Samsung will consider to absorb part of the specifications or reference design?

Here is the concept of the Samsung Galaxy S IV specifications:

  • 5-inch 1080p (1920 x 1080 px) Super AMOLED screen
  • The front lens of 3.15 million pixels
  • TouchWiz Nature UX II
  • Android 4.1
  • 8 million pixels F2.4 main lens
  • 2500 mAh battery
  • 9.3 mm thickness
[Source: concept-phones ]

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